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[idn] pool deadline imminent, DUDE is only ACE in pool

I didn't really understand until this morning that any proposal that
doesn't have seven supporters by tomorrow will be out of the running.

Right now, DUDE is the only ACE in the pool.  If there is to be an
alternative to consider, at least seven people must coalesce around some
other proposal.  I suggest AMC-ACE-Z:

draft-costello-idn-amc-ace-z-00.txt  (submitted, should appear soon)

Here is an analysis showing why AMC-ACE-Z is the best alternative to
DUDE, and is arguably preferable to DUDE:


If you wish to express support for AMC-ACE-Z, please send mail (very
soon) to me <amc@cs.berkeley.edu>, not to the list.

Finally, please forgive me for soliciting support on the list.  It would
have been more proper for me to send mail privately to people I thought
might be interested, but I'm not sure who those people are, and time is
almost up.