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Re: [idn] proposed i18n naming rules


> maximum label length of 63 UCS character codes

q: are you confusing octets and characters?

>      only those UCS characters from the "safe-set"
>      [version of] http://www.unicode.org/Public/UNIDATA/Scripts.txt

q: is there mechanism for extension? is it in the ietf, or in the utc?

>      minimum label length of 2 UCS characters

q: is two really better than one?

>      maximum label length of 63 UCS characters

q: are you confusing octets and characters?

>  U+002E (FULL STOP) is ONLY valid for use as a separator when
>    the IHI is written out

i don't know what this means.

that said, it beats the heck out of what the chair(s) have to offer.
