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RE: Consensus check

Hello Michael,

> A common configuration in the (US, at least) academic community is for
> several universities to connect to an aggregator (GigaPoP).  The GigaPoP
> has connectivity to one or more research networks, and, often, to one or
> more commodity providers.  Many have IPv6 allocations from the Abilene PA
> block and are working on obtaining them from commodity providers.
>  Thus the
> GigaPoP will be multi-homed, and will pass prefixes from each provider to
> the universities.  For administrative reasons, selection of source and
> destination addresses will have to be done by the universities,
> not by the
> GigaPoP.
> I think this scenario (from both the university and GigaPoP perspectives)
> should be considered by this WG.

Wouldn?t this be the case of exchange based multi-homing solution? (as
described in RFC 2374)

Regards, marcelo

> Michael
> +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
> | Michael H. Lambert, Network Engineer           Phone: +1 412 268-4960 |
> | Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center               FAX:   +1 412 268-8200 |
> | 4400 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA  15213       lambert@psc.edu        |
> +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+