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RE: RE: RE: draft-jones-radius-geopriv

Hi Avi,

> One reason for location information is as identified in this draft
> http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-adrangi-radiusext-location-information-00.txt

Having been through a similar exercize before, I don't much like the naming conventions
in the above draft - section 2.2 for example.  Also, there are some editing nits, for
example the 'Æ' character in section 8.  I'd prefer re-use of the work done in GEOPRIV.
> Location information can be used during Authorization to determine whether
> the subscriber is allowed access at a given location etc...

Would you be looking at only access, or service specific issues as well?
How does it map to the GEOPRIV deliverables - for example the SIP & HTTP

> Location information is also needed during billing.  For example the tax
> rate may be based on the location where the user has accessed the network as
> opposed to the location of the home network.


> This type of location information needs to be transported to the home
> network and must only be used for that intention.

How does one guarentee that?


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