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Issue: Some possible conflicts between RFC 2865 and RFC 3579 (fwd)

-----Original Message-----
From: Antonio Plaza [mailto:aplaza@cetecom.es]
Sent: Fri 1/27/2006 1:07 AM
Cc: cdr@telemancy.com; acr@merit.edu; wsimpson@greendragon.com; steve@livingston.com; Bernard Aboba; pcalhoun@airespace.com
Subject: Some possible conflicts between RFC 2865 and RFC 3579

Dear all,

We are Antonio Plaza and Alfonso Valero from Spain. We are studying EAP protocol over RADIUS protocol (RFC 3579) and we have found some possible conflicts between RFC 2865 and RFC 3579. The details are in the attached document.

Thanks you in advance.

Attachment: contradiction_RFCsv1.0.doc
Description: Binary data