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RE: Follow up on Authorize Only issue (was RE: [Isms] ISMS session summary)

Nelson, David <mailto:dnelson@enterasys.com> supposedly scribbled:


> In this particular ISMS use case, SNMP service is authorized based on
> the assertion of identity of the user by the NAS, without the RADIUS
> server ever having performed an authentication, and without the
> benefit of the resultant State attribute.  Thus, the risk is
> potentially higher.   

Actually, the same risk has always been present in RADIUS, because of the way that PPP CHAP (&, for that matter, the MD5-Challenge EAP method) is implemented.  The RADIUS server in the CHAP case generally has no idea whether the user is actually present or not: the NAS presents the server with a self-generated challenge and a response that may or may not be a replay; without saving every challenge-response pair, the server cannot know if the response is fresh or not.
> The questions at hand are whether the risk is high enough to be of
> serious concern, and whether or not it can be mitigated? 

The risk I mention above has never seemed to bother anyone, at least not enough to fix it; I don't know why we should be obsessing over it now.


Hope this helps,


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