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RE: RADIUS Calling-Station-Id for WiMAX

Avi Lior writes...

> It seems to me that a binary representation would be a more 
> appropriate treatment for this value.

Perhaps, but RFC 3580 followed many years of tradition in choosing the
dashed-ASCII representation.

> So it is best to leave the presentation to a presentation layer 
> and not the RADIUS layer.

Well, no.  The syntax and semantics of RADIUS attribute are a matter of the
RADIUS protocol.  There is no presentation layer, and contrary to commonly
held belief, RADIUS is not simply a transport protocol.  :-)

> It isn't busted.

Not within the "walled garden" of WiMAX.  On a global interoperability
scale, I claim that it is broken. 

> And changing it now will break backwards compatibility.

Yes.  The question is whether to "cowboy up" and fix it now.

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