CWhoisd: A highly scalable, fast, lightweight Whois (RFC1834) Daemon
  cwhoisd is a highly scalable, fast, lightweight daemon which aims to implement most of the RFC 1834 whois server specification. Featuring database connection pooling, it has built-in support for MySQL. cwhoisd is multithreaded and features a powerful set of Access Control List rules which administrators may use to tightly control access to the server when open to the Internet. These may be ratelimit ACLs, Quota ACLs, and many more.
  CDNSMan is a Web application for easy, highly convenient zone management on many name servers. In addition to overall administrative control, it has support for decentralized (end-user) zone management...
Broadcast: A Reliable Broadcast Application for Asterisk
  Broadcast is an Asterisk ( application which you may use to send a generic message over TCP/IP to any number of computers running software configured to listen for these types of messages. Being written in C, Broadcast will be dynamically loaded onto the Asterisk program on startup, making it a highly reliable and scalable option when compared with other solutions based on the Asterisk Gateway Interface (AGI) system...
  AVSBS ("A Very Simple Backup Script") is a simple backup script which supports incremental and full backups via SSH. AVSBS brings the power of the commands cat, find, tar, cpio, gzip, rm, mv, mail and ssh together to give you a fairly secure and powerful backup system.