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[owner-aaa-doctors@ops.ietf.org: BOUNCE aaa-doctors@ops.ietf.org: Non-member submission from [Ralph Droms <rdroms@cisco.com>]]

Date: Mon, 21 Jun 2004 18:56:28 -0400
To: Margaret Wasserman <margaret@thingmagic.com>
From: Ralph Droms <rdroms@cisco.com>
Subject: Re: FW: Discuss on draft-ietf-dhc-agentopt-radius-06.txt
Cc: aaa-doctors@ops.ietf.org, Thomas Narten <narten@us.ibm.com>,
   "Wijnen, Bert (Bert)" <bwijnen@lucent.com>, jschnizl@cisco.com
In-Reply-To: <p0602045ebcfcc2abbdb1@[]>

Actually, I think the issues raised by the aaa-doctors are all issues that
have been raised earlier in the discussion of the document (except for a
couple of typos).  So, our response simply summarizes earlier WG discussion
and, at this point, there's no reason to send the draft back to the WG for
additional discussion...

- Ralph

At 12:53 PM 6/21/2004 -0400, Margaret Wasserman wrote:

>It is fine if people want to review Ralph's and John's responses, but I 
>would prefer that we do not have an extended discussion of these issues on 
>this closed list.  Somehow, we need to get this discussion onto the DHCP 
>WG mailing list where it belongs.