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FW: BOUNCE aaa-doctors@ops.ietf.org: Admin request of type /^ \s*approve\b/i at line 9

Approved bwloss
From dromasca@avaya.com Mon May 22 19:25:55 2006
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Subject: FW: Designated Expert for Radius (RFC3575)
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From: "Romascanu, Dan \(Dan\)" <dromasca@avaya.com>
To: "David Kessens" <david.kessens@nokia.com>, <dnelson@enterasys.com>,
        "Bernard Aboba" <aboba@internaut.com>
Cc: "Aaa-Doctors \(E-mail\)" <aaa-doctors@ops.ietf.org>,
        "Bert Wijnen" <bwijnen@lucent.com>
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 I believe that we said that the RADEXT WG can help in identifying a
volunteer to fill in this job, on the lines of what is being defined by
RFC 3575.=20

   For registration requests where a Designated Expert should be
   consulted, the responsible IESG area director should appoint the
   Designated Expert.  The intention is that any allocation will be
   accompanied by a published RFC.  However, the Designated Expert can
   approve allocations once it seems clear that an RFC will be
   published, allowing for the allocation of values prior to the
   document being approved for publication as an RFC.  The Designated
   Expert will post a request to the AAA WG mailing list (or a successor
   designated by the Area Director) for comment and review, including an
   Internet-Draft. =20

This expert can act as a focal point of interfacing between IANA and the
AAA Doctors list.=20



-----Original Message-----
From: Michelle Cotton [mailto:michelle.cotton@icann.org]=20
Sent: Monday, May 22, 2006 8:44 PM
To: iesg@ietf.org
Cc: 'Yoshiko Chong'
Subject: RE: Designated Expert for Radius (RFC3575)


Did I miss a message on an expert appointment?  Just checking to see if
an expert has been approved for RADIUS.

Thanks in advance,

Michelle Cotton

-----Original Message-----
From: Michelle Cotton [mailto:michelle.cotton@icann.org]
Sent: Friday, April 28, 2006 11:32 AM
To: 'Brian E Carpenter'
Cc: 'iesg@ietf.org'; 'Yoshiko Chong'
Subject: RE: Designated Expert for Radius (RFC3575)


I don't believe it did.....can you assist in getting an answer?

Thank you,


-----Original Message-----
From: Brian E Carpenter [mailto:brc@zurich.ibm.com]
Sent: Tuesday, April 25, 2006 5:21 AM
To: Michelle Cotton
Cc: iesg@ietf.org; 'Yoshiko Chong'
Subject: Re: Designated Expert for Radius (RFC3575)

Did this get answered?


Michelle Cotton wrote:
> The IANA currently has 2 requests to add attribute values to existing
> types.
> The registration rules are currently as follows:
>    Certain attributes (for example, NAS-Port-Type) in RADIUS define a
>    list of values to correspond with various meanings.  There can be 4
>    billion (2^32) values for each attribute.  Additional values can be
>    allocated by the Designated Expert.  The exception to this policy
>    the Service-Type attribute (6), whose values define new modes of
>    operation for RADIUS.  Values 1-16 of the Service-Type attribute
>    been allocated.  Allocation of new Service-Type values are by IETF
>    Consensus.  The intention is that any allocation will be
>    by a published RFC.
> Has an expert been designated for Radius?
> We would also like to verify with the expert, once designated, that=20
> the information on the Matrix for Radius is correct and that no=20
> corrections
> to be made.
> Thanks in advance.
> Michelle Cotton