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Re: Unreachable aroot

I've been talking to Cengiz about how to store information on aroot in
the radb; my own grasp of RPSL isn't good enough to get past some of
the obvious problems.  He's looking at the drafts now and trying to
work out if there as at least a way to store who the list of people to
call would be.  If that works, it might be possible to hack the route
servers to answer a query like "Which ASes offers transit to AS4128 to
my AS?"  and then query for the contact info for them.  We have a
license to the RSD code, and if it looks promising, we might be able
to hack together something for people to query.

Watching it seems to me to require a "reverse skitter"
(http://www.caida.org/tools/measurement/skitter/), measuring the path
to the same destination (the anycast address) from many points in the
network topology.
				Ted Hardie

> > (question: how do we want to watch this thing?
> this is analogous to my basic doubt about this approach.  it is
> administratively intractable.  "who do you call?"
> randy