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Re: What servers participate in the experiment???????

Based on a private communication, I believe there to be one in
Chicago, but which is not yet announcing the route to its peers.
I have forwarded your note to the person who spoke to me
about this, and I have asked them to reply to you and the list
about when and if they plan to announce the server.


> One thing that is pointed out clearly by Steve's posting:
> At the moment, those of us who do not run them ourselves see *TWO* 
> nameservers participating: Cern and Brazil.
> In particular, all continental US sites in the traceroute outputs end up 
> either in Cern or in Brazil.
> I've asked a couple of times before for the list of participating servers, 
> to no response.
> With this output, I have to ask:
> Is anyone but Cern and Brazil announcing the test AS *at all*?
>            Harald
> --
> Harald Tveit Alvestrand, alvestrand@cisco.com
> +47 41 44 29 94
> Personal email: Harald@Alvestrand.no