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Re: CERN change?

>>>>> "ha" == Harald Alvestrand <Harald@Alvestrand.no> writes:
> 2000-12-09T20:47: CHANGE to embratel-fapesp.NewYork.cw.net/aroot.psg.com
> 2000-12-09T23:47: CHANGE to mix1-fddi-0.NewYork.cw.net/embratel-fapesp.NewYork.cw.net
> 2000-12-10T01:47: CHANGE to mix1-fddi-0.NewYork.cw.net/aroot.psg.com
> 2000-12-10T02:47: CHANGE to swiCE3-e1-1.switch.ch/aroot.psg.com

> Don't know if mix1-fddi is a different path to the same machine as
> embratel-fapesp, or if a third partner has joined the mix.

mix1-fddi-0... is one hop before embratel-fapesp... (from most places
towards the Brazil aroot).  Maybe this is what your script produces
when traceroute doesn't get any responses from embratel-fapesp...
Anyway they certainly indicate the same server (in Brazil).