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New zones for the experiment

At the dnsdir dinner we talked about getting more traffic into the AROOT 

I would like to offer up 2 sacrifical victims:

- alvestrand.no (master server is eikenes.alvestrand.no,
- counter.li.org (master server WILL BE, BUT IS NOT aleph.counter.li.org,; it is a secondary now)

Questions that rise to my mind, and neatly illustrate something about the 
management of multiprovider anycast DNS:

- who is responsible for accepting or denying this request?
- how do I tell that all the servers have been reconfigured to serve the 
zone, so that I can insert official NS records?
(is that the right sequence, btw? a DNS neophyte asks...)
- how do I even tell who all the servers are????

Wondering is....
