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Re: New zones for the experiment


> At the dnsdir dinner we talked about getting more traffic into the AROOT 
> servers.
> I would like to offer up 2 sacrifical victims:
> - alvestrand.no (master server is eikenes.alvestrand.no,
> - counter.li.org (master server WILL BE, BUT IS NOT aleph.counter.li.org, 
>; it is a secondary now)

Thank you. Are the master servers ready to accept XFR requests from
other servers?

> Questions that rise to my mind, and neatly illustrate something about the 
> management of multiprovider anycast DNS:
> - who is responsible for accepting or denying this request?

Requests to add zones to share an anycast address is, of course,
not considered for the draft on the root zone.

For production use, different anycast addresses should be provided
for different zones, I think.

> - how do I tell that all the servers have been reconfigured to serve the 
> zone, so that I can insert official NS records?

> (is that the right sequence, btw? a DNS neophyte asks...)
> - how do I even tell who all the servers are????

You can't.

DNS clients can detect anomally, instead.

If you are not convinced, forget the draft and think about how can
we detect some ISP running a fake root server with the same IP
address as an official one?

						Masataka Ohta