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Re: Participation

On 12 Dec 2002 12:19:26 +0100, Port80 NOC <noc@p80.net> said:
> Is there any action in AS4128?

Not much, it seems to be running smoothly.

> We are AS16150 located in Sweden, we are participating in AS112 and

This is interesting - we have been participating in AS4128 for years
and would like to join AS112, but our requests seem to go nowhere.
How do we participate in AS112?

> are always curious about new interesting things. How do we
> participate in AS4128?

You should ask the maintainers of the masters for the test zones

  psg.com (Randy Bush <randy@iij.com>)
  real-internet.org (Masataka Ohta <mohta@necom830.hpcl.titech.ac.jp>)

for AXFR permission of those zones and set up a slave for both.
The slave server then must be made to respond on the anycast address
(aroot.psg.com []).

We use Zebra to announce from AS4128 on the name
server host itself.
