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Re: alvestrand.no dropping out

--On fredag, desember 13, 2002 09:01:43 -0800 Randy Bush <randy@psg.com> wrote:

- the aroot experiment is ending
- psg.com is no longer served by aroot, but the experiment can go on
i meant the latter, but it seems the two are intertwined.  senior

but since I still don't know how to monitor whether the aroot is working
properly or not
this should tell us something, eh?
well... it's part of what's made me decide we know how to run anycast networks where there's a single administrative authority; I could never even get an answer to what servers were part of the experiment.

I have at last decided to drop aroot.psg.com as secondary for
i did not remember that you had 'joined'.

what should we do?
if you run an aroot server, and fetch the alvestrand.no zone to it, don't bother any more.
if you continue to do so, it does no harm; there's no access control on AXFR from my DNS servers (what isn't hidden can't be revealed).