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Re: Standards for IP stats collection? (corrected)


I don't think that there are such standards for routers. I know that some
routers store such data on flash cards for later retrieval and some on
hard disks.

I would be curious to see how people are storing this data and for how


On Thu, 1 Mar 2001, Vishal Sharma wrote:

> Hello All,
> For the TDM world, GR-253 lays out strict standards for
> the length of time that a carrier-class box should collect
> and store statistics on-board, for retrieval later. The
> number is something like 15-min intervals for 3 days.
> The purpose supposedly is that if the connection to the EMS
> dies, the box at least should allow the provider to recover
> statistics data from it.
> My question is: what are similar standards (or existing
> best practices) in the IP carrier community today? How much
> statistics-related information do carriers like to have from
> IP boxes?
> What would carriers like to have?
> (The only reference I could find on this was Blain Christian's
> draft 
> http://search.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-christian-tewg-measurement-00.t
> xt)
> Are there others? 
> Do people (read carriers) have any thoughts or suggestions or
> pointers?
> Thanks,
> -Vishal