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GMPLS/RSVP-TE question

Reading the GMPLS drafts I have a question about setting up a
generalized LSP with RSVP-TE. Consider the following network where
the control plane is distinct from a data plane which is IP unaware.

     D --- E
   /   \ /   \
  A =1= B =2= C

 --- represent control plane links
 =n= represent data plane links which cannot originate/terminate IP;
     n is the local ID for this link

We want to set up an LSP A-1-B-2-C and signal it via RSVP-TE. The ERO
should be (A-1, B-2, C). However, a Path message can only be sent
out link A-D and has to be routed towards B; it cannot be sent
down link 1 since 1 is not IP-capable. Is this ok? What kind of
Path state is created on D? Or, do we need to tunnel the Path
message to B directly? Will D change the PHOP object to point
to itself (we do not want D to change the contents of the ERO)? In
this case when B receives this message it will find that the
Path came to it from an interface that is not part of the ERO. Is
this an error?
