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Re: GMPLS Last Calls

> > As per Eve's comment at IETF-50, SPs are encouraged to post their
> > requirements to the list.  It would also help if more SPs were invited to
> > co-author the GMPLS drafts, to help ensure that SP requirements are more
> > adequately reflected and addressed.
>If someone has anything *substantial* to contribute to the GMPLS
>drafts, such person should be invited to become a co-author. This
>is *irrespective* of whether such person works for a SP or not. On
>the other hand, just because a person works for a SP, doesn't mean
>such a person should be invited to become a co-author.

         Yakov is precisely correct. The addition
of (co)authors to drafts has all to do with their
(generally significant) input to the drafts (and
perhaps editing of the actual documents) regardless
of corporate affiliation. It is not about being
invited to put their names on the drafts just
for advertising purposes.
