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Re: Proposed Addition to CCAMP Charter

Bert -

> Your WG chairs with the ADs and TAs are evaluating all the I-D summaries
> that have been submitted with CCAMP as the target WG.
> Once we have gone through those, we will also address the work item
> of an LMP MIB (that is if LMP is still also a WG charter item by then).

It is my understanding that the IESG is actively encouraging MIB work
to be done along with (i.e. in the same WG) as the protocols they
manage.  In that regard no explicit mention of a MIB for a protocol is
necessary in the charter (just like an applicability statement).  Has
that changed?


George Swallow       Cisco Systems                   (978) 244-8143
                     250 Apollo Drive
                     Chelmsford, Ma 01824