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RE: GMPLS questions

   Just replying to your first question about forcing explicit lambdas,
along with explicit route for an LSP. Couldnt the Explicit Label Control
subobject (mentioned in the GMPLS signaling functional description,
draft-ietf-mpls-generalized-signaling-04.txt  sec 6), within the explicit
route object be used for this purpose. It seems to me that thats the reason
the explicit label control subobject was introduced.


> The questions:
> 1. Given such an LSR, can we FORCE it to switch between a two specific
> lambdas ? Two mechanisms described in the document imply that 
> it's possible,
> but both are not clear-cut:
> a. "Explicit Route" - in section 9.13. As far as I 
> understood, if we define
> the Explicit Route with a list of "strict Simple Abstract 
> Nodes", and in
> case that the "abstract node" concept can also express a 
> specific lambda, we
> can achieve the above.
> Am I correct ? How is the Label Restriction mechanism (below) 
> related to
> this mechanism ?
> The main doubt was raised due the following line (in 9.13):
> "Note also that an explicit route is altered by intermediate 
> LSRs during its
> progression towards the destination."
> Does it mean we can't define an Explicit Route that would be 
> obeyed all
> along the -being-established path ?
> b. "Label Restriction by the Upstream Node" - in section 9.8 
> it is implied
> that such a restriction is possible to a set of lambdas. Can 
> "set" be also
> interpreted as a single lambda to be forced ? 
> Additionally - in the last paragraph of section 9.8, it's written:
> "A Label Set may be present across multiple hops. In this 
> case each node
> generates its own outgoing Label Set, possibly based on the 
> incoming Label
> Set and the node's hardware capabilities."
> Hence, is it possible to force specific lambdas in all the 
> LSRs along the
> path, according to decisions that are not subject to 
> manipulations by the
> LSR along the way ?
> specification a "Time To
> Live" and a message to disconnect an LSP. However, we didn't 
> find such a
> mechanism in CR-LDP.
> Which mechanism should be employed in order to disconnect an 
> LSP in GMPLS ?

> -------------------------------------------
> Giora Unger
> Orika Optical Networks Ltd.
> www.orikanetworks.com
> Phone: +972-3-6091665 ext. 29
> Fax:     +972-3-6091667
> E-mail: giora@orikanetworks.com 
> -------------------------------------------