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RE: LMP questions

  Please see inline comments.


-----Original Message-----
From: Adnan Ahmed [mailto:adnan@varros.com]
Sent: Friday, July 20, 2001 10:59 AM
To: ccamp@ops.ietf.org
Cc: Saibal Das
Subject: LMP questions


I have some questions regarding LMP:

1. What mechanism is used to automatically setup control channels b/w two
nodes? Will the user or managing application update the lmpNbrTable with
neighbouring nodes before a node initiates control channel setup, or is a
node required to incoporate some sort of "ping" to discover noeghbours and
then initiate CC setup?
[Jonathan] Currently, the draft doesn't specify a mechanism to automatically
setup control channels.  There has been some work done in the OIF to do

2. Assuming that the control channels utilize an out-of-band network (such
as Ethernet) will the control channel topology i.e. the physical
infrastructure used to realize the CCs, match the fiber topology?
[Jonathan] The control channel topology does not need to match the fiber

3. Can LMP TE links span multiple OXCs (as FA-LSPs do) or are LMP TE links
only between adjacent elements?
[Jonathan] As LMP is currently defined, it is only between adjacent

4. The current LMP draft does not specify how TE links formed by LMP are
updated into OSPF. Is this LMPs responsiblity or will OSPF pull this
information from LMP?
[Jonathan] This is implementation dependent.

Adnan Ahmed
[V] 972.503.8881 x222            [F] 972.503.8885