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Re: LMP questions


I have a follow up question related to your response:

"Assuming that the control channels utilize an out-of-band network (such
as Ethernet) will the control channel topology i.e. the physical
infrastructure used to realize the CCs, match the fiber topology?
[Jonathan] The control channel topology does not need to match the fiber

Consider this scenario involving three OXCs where:

- OXCs A, B and C are connected to each other through fiber
- Control channel CC-1 is setup b/w A & B and a control channel CC-2 is
setup b/w A & C.

Does your response above imply that it is possible to setup TE/data bearing
links between OXCs B and C by utilizing CC-1 and CC-2 without a direct
control channel between them?

Thank you for your help.
-- Adnan

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jonathan Lang" <jplang@calient.net>
To: "'Adnan Ahmed'" <adnan@varros.com>; <ccamp@ops.ietf.org>
Cc: "Saibal Das" <saibal@varros.com>
Sent: Friday, July 20, 2001 1:38 PM
Subject: RE: LMP questions

> Adnan,
>   Please see inline comments.
> Thanks,
> Jonathan
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Adnan Ahmed [mailto:adnan@varros.com]
> Sent: Friday, July 20, 2001 10:59 AM
> To: ccamp@ops.ietf.org
> Cc: Saibal Das
> Subject: LMP questions
> Hello:
> I have some questions regarding LMP:
> 1. What mechanism is used to automatically setup control channels b/w two
> nodes? Will the user or managing application update the lmpNbrTable with
> neighbouring nodes before a node initiates control channel setup, or is a
> node required to incoporate some sort of "ping" to discover noeghbours and
> then initiate CC setup?
> [Jonathan] Currently, the draft doesn't specify a mechanism to
> setup control channels.  There has been some work done in the OIF to do
> this.
> 2. Assuming that the control channels utilize an out-of-band network (such
> as Ethernet) will the control channel topology i.e. the physical
> infrastructure used to realize the CCs, match the fiber topology?
> [Jonathan] The control channel topology does not need to match the fiber
> technology.
> 3. Can LMP TE links span multiple OXCs (as FA-LSPs do) or are LMP TE links
> only between adjacent elements?
> [Jonathan] As LMP is currently defined, it is only between adjacent
> elements.
> 4. The current LMP draft does not specify how TE links formed by LMP are
> updated into OSPF. Is this LMPs responsiblity or will OSPF pull this
> information from LMP?
> [Jonathan] This is implementation dependent.
> Regards,
> ====
> Adnan Ahmed
> [V] 972.503.8881 x222            [F] 972.503.8885