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RE: Drafts update

Title: RE: Drafts update

I would second Eric except putting "YES" to #2. My point is that the "common" control plane must tackle "specific" issues to be "common" - we so far have gmpls framework in place and several "thinner" docs on the top for gmpls to support sonet/sdh,wdm,... G709 might be legitimate/special enough to warrant study. just my 2c.

-Dan Guo

-----Original Message-----
From: Eric Gray [mailto:eric.gray@sandburst.com]
SSubject: Re: Drafts update
    My revised answer:
    1. Yes, CCAMP
    2. Wait to hear why this is a 'common control and management plane'
            issue as opposed to an optical networking specific issue.
    3. Yes
    4. Wait until after London meeting to gauge its acceptance there
    5. Wait until after London meeting to gauge its acceptance there
    6. Yes