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LMP Question: data link FSMs

I have a couple of problems with the Data Link FSMs in
draft-ietf-ccamp-lmp-01.txt. Event 14:evdcDown appears to be an
administrative action, as opposed to the failure event
13:evLocalizeFail. That being the case, event 14:evdcDown should only
transit from Up/Free to Down.

If this understanding is correct, suggested FSMs are included below. In
the passive case, transition 13 would need something like
ChannelFailNack to trigger it.

   Figure 5 illustrates operation of the LMP active data link FSM in a 
   form of FSM state transition diagram. 
              +------------->|      |  
              |   +--------->| Down |<---------+
              |   |     +----|      |<-----+   |
              |   |     |    +------+      |   |
              |   |     |5b   3|  ^        |   |
              |   |     |      |  |2,7     |   |
              |   |     |      v  |        |   |
              |   |     |    +------+      |   |
              |   |     |    |      |<-+   |   |
              |   |     |    | Test |  |11 |   |
              |   |     |    |      |--+   |   |
              |   |     |    +------+      |   |
              |   |     |     5a| 3^       |   |
              |   |     |       |  |       |   |
              |   |     |       v  |       |   |
              |   |2,12 |   +---------+    |   |
              |   |     +-->|         |14  |   |
              |   |         | Up/Free |----+   |
              |   +---------|         |        |
              |             +---------+        |
              |                9| ^            |
              |                 | |            |
              |10               v |10          |
            +-----+  2      +---------+        |
            |     |<--------|         |     13 |
            | Deg |         |Up/Alloc |--------+
            |     |-------->|         | 
            +-----+  1      +---------+ 
                    Figure 5: Active LMP Data Link FSM 

   Figure 6 illustrates operation of the LMP passive data link FSM in a 
   form of FSM state transition diagram. 
              +------------->|      | 
              |  +---------->| Down |<---------+
              |  |     +-----|      |<----+    |
              |  |     |     +------+     |    |
              |  |     |5b    4|  ^       |    |
              |  |     |       |  |2,8    |    |
              |  |     |       v  |       |    |
              |  |     |    +----------+  |    |
              |  |     |    | PasvTest |  |    |
              |  |     |    +----------+  |    |
              |  |     |       6|  4^     |    |
              |  |     |        |   |     |14  |
              |  |     |        v   |     |    |
              |  |2,12 |    +---------+   |    |
              |  |     +--->| Up/Free |   |    |
              |  |          |         |---+    |
              |  +----------|         |        |
              |             +---------+        |
              |                 9| ^           |
              |                  | |           |
              |10                v |10         |
            +-----+         +---------+        |
            |     |  2      |         |     13 |
            | Deg |<--------|Up/Alloc |--------+
            |     |-------->|         | 
            +-----+  1      +---------+ 
                    Figure 6: Passive LMP Data Link FSM 

George R. Young
edgeflow Inc.
329 March Rd., Kanata, ON, Canada, K2K 2E1
phone: +1 613-270-9279 Ext 287
fax: +1 613-270-9268