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Re: Moving right along ...

> >
> > To me, what carriers want are (1) How to preserve data path when control
> > channel/entity fails?
> Apply fast reroute.

Doesn't work

> > (2) How to resync/recover data path information after
> > failure recovers?
> >
> > I still don't have good answers to (1), which is a hard requirement. I
> > understand the solution may be a local decision. Yet, if local behavior may
> > impact interworking, it's better be specified. For (2), I have a fundamental
> > requirement question: does recover/resync from neighbor NE (what's being
> > proposed by Ping Pan) acceptable to transport service providers?
> Why not?

Why why not?

> > because this is
> > not conventional done in transport network.
> >
> How so? Feed us more.

See my previous emails.