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RE: Moving right along ...

Hi Manoj,

>> 5. I strongly recommend to add {EDCBA} ==> {SUKLM} conversion table
>> as an addendum to the draft.

>This would apply to the SDH/Sonet document ... however i see it more
>adapted to the "SDH/Sonet framework" one. Personally i think that in 
>such I-D it can be useful (please contact Eric for that purpose) and
>so i think we are in agreement here.

I agree with Dimitri. Note also that EDCBA is a notation convention used in
G.707 to help the reader, this is not transported by any overhead. So this
conversion table doesn't belong to the protocol work but more the
explanatory work.

>> 4. As per OIF, the carrier requirement is that SDH LSPs should be
>> either VC-4 or VC-3 and no lower than that viz. VC-11/VC-12. GMPLS
>> supports lower order SDH LSPs i.e. VC-11/VC12 etc. Does this mean GMPLS
>> has different set of carrier requirements in this regard ?

>The I-D is covering HO/STS SPE and LOVC/VT for completeness (as described
in G.707 ANSI T1.105), OIF UNI 1.0 uses a subset. Why not.

Right, GMPLS is a tool box. From that perspective, the OIF chosen to use
some tools and not others. It was very very easy to cover the LOVC/VT case.
It doesn't mean that it must be implemented. Don't forget that a core switch
is nothing without metro and edge switches and that carriers need end-to-end
signaling (between customer access points) if they really want to take
benefit of the control plane (for restoration, etc). What is the use of a
control plane for SDH/SONET that stops at the edge of the core, without
going to the metro ? It is quite limited.

> 2. Usage of Label Set :
>         There are cases mentioned in the draft which explains the usage
> of label set. It should also mention that the range of labels in
> SDH/SONET does not make sense.

I don't think so. Sometimes you have tools that you don't need now but that
could be useful for future usage. The label set is a very rich tool that
could be used for SONET/SDH as well. There is no need today to restrict its
usage to all optical applications only.

Indeed, there are two different design approaches that can be compared:
either you design an open protocol, or a closed protocol. We chosen to
design an open protocol and this is consistent with the toolbox approach. We
didn't want to completely limit everything from time zero. This gives room
for growth and future developments.

Another approach is the closed one, this was many times defended by some
ITU-T folks. E.g. to say for each field "this field is not applicable to and
to .... and to ... and to...", or "this range is limited to....". In that
case you block everything. It is better to say "this field can be used
for.... and the current values are....", then somebody else could use that
"tool" for an additional purpose in the future. Don't close the door too
quickly at this stage, certainly when you don't need to close the door. If
you completely close the door, then GMPLS will be very difficult to extend
and will stop to be a toolbox.

GMPLS is not an architecture that can be applied as such, it needs a profile
for each particular application. If someone read it, thinking: "I will know
exactly what my GMPLS control plane for SDH/SONET needs to implement",
he/she is completely missing the point and will be very confused.

Kind regards,


-----Original Message-----
From: Dimitri Papadimitriou [mailto:dimitri.papadimitriou@alcatel.be]
Sent: Sunday, October 21, 2001 1:57 PM
To: manoj juneja
Cc: zwlin@lucent.com; kireeti@juniper.net; ccamp@ops.ietf.org
Subject: Re: Moving right along ...

Hi Manoj,

My previous e-mail was a generic one, not only focused on your 
question concerning the conversion table. I personally think 
the following on this issue:

> 5. I strongly recommend to add {EDCBA} ==> {SUKLM} conversion table
> as an addendum to the draft.

This would apply to the SDH/Sonet document ... however i see it more
adapted to the "SDH/Sonet framework" one. Personally i think that in 
such I-D it can be useful (please contact Eric for that purpose) and
so i think we are in agreement here.

Here the response to your other questions:

> 1. Can someone please tell me the usage of bandwidth encoding
> parameter in GMPLS drafts ? In SDH/SONET, the bandwidth allocated
> will be drived from the signal type field. How the bandwidth encoding
> type will be interpreted in case of other LSP encoding types (lambda,
> waveband, fiber etc) ? The draft should list down the cases in which 
> the bandwidth encoding type is to be filled.

To which I-D do you refer here, in GMPLS-SIG this is well explained.
For the SDH/Sonet one, we had this discussion sometime ago and the 
outcome was to "un-use" this value (even if i don't think it is the
best solution but since discussion brought us to more complexity...) 
Remember that the resulting bandwidth is dependent on the application
of the different field on the elementary Signal Type resulting in a 
final signal.

Anyway, if it has to be detailed it would be in the SDH/Sonet and
other technology dependent ones.
> 2. Usage of Label Set :
>         There are cases mentioned in the draft which explains the usage
> of label set. It should also mention that the range of labels in
> SDH/SONET does not make sense. Ranges in label set are applicable in
> case of waveband/lambda switching etc. The range in label set is valid
> in SDH/SONET only if there is one element in the range i.e. start range
> and end range should be same.

Is it a question or an assertion ? I refer you also here to my previous 
> 3. There are couple of scenarios where there can be contention for
> establishing bi-directional LSPs. All the scenarios are not listed in
> the document. If it is not possible to list all the scenarios then the
> draft should say that this is one of the example scenario. The
> contention can also be possible in case where same label set and
> upstream label are used in both the directions.

This has been extensively discussed on this mailing list i am referring
you to the outcome of this discussion
> 4. As per OIF, the carrier requirement is that SDH LSPs should be
> either VC-4 or VC-3 and no lower than that viz. VC-11/VC-12. GMPLS
> supports lower order SDH LSPs i.e. VC-11/VC12 etc. Does this mean GMPLS
> has different set of carrier requirements in this regard ?

The I-D is covering HO/STS SPE and LOVC/VT for completeness (as
in G.707 ANSI T1.105), OIF UNI 1.0 uses a subset. Why not.
> 6. The relation between switching capability and LSP encoding type
> should be clearly explained in the drafts. As the switching capability
> field was added very late (just 2 months back) in the drafts,
> specific reason should be mentioned for its addition.

... ? re-phrasing one of the remarks i saw this week can be applied here
we are not discussing "requirement" document here

Hope this will help you,


manoj juneja wrote:
> Hi Dimitri,
>             I don't think there is any issue in including the
> conversion table in the draft. Even this table can be kept in some
> informational draft. The inclusion of conversion table is a valid thing
> probably nobody on ccamp mailing list would like oppose. I
> still didn't get answers to other points in my mail.
> Regards,
> manoj.
> >From: Dimitri Papadimitriou <dimitri.papadimitriou@alcatel.be>
> >To: Zhi-Wei Lin <zwlin@lucent.com>
> >CC: manoj juneja <manojkumarjuneja@hotmail.com>, kireeti@juniper.net,
> >ccamp@ops.ietf.org
> >Subject: Re: Moving right along ...
> >Date: Sat, 20 Oct 2001 16:05:01 +0200
> >
> >Hi Zhi,
> >
> >I would like to remember you something here: the SDH/Sonet I-D is not
> >1) a textbook on how to use GMPLS-SIG but must be understood an
> >    additional document complementing the signalling one
> >2) a tutorial on Sonet/SDH (a framework has been proposed for that
> >    purpose)
> >
> >We have spent hard time together with the SDH/Sonet I-D co-authors in
> >order to find the best balance between reproducing well known SDH/Sonet
> >concepts and paragraphs really providing an added value in this document
> >
> >Of course we can not make 100% people happy (even between the list of
> >30 co-authors) some of us found there was too much explanations while
> >others were requesting more content.
> >
> >Therefore for the non-covered content we are referencing the appropriate
> >document either it comes from ITU or IETF. Please understand that we
> >can not wait until everybody in this world has no question anymore or a
> >full understanding on any technical detail in order to go forward with
> >these documents.
> >
> >Thanks for your "virtual" understanding,
> >Dimitri.
> >
> >Zhi-Wei Lin wrote:
> > >
> > > Hi Manoj,
> > >
> > > I agree with many of your points. I actually submitted an I-D several
> > > months ago (I think it's expired) that proposes some text to add to
> > > GMPLS SONET/SDH on the rules for setting different values, such as for
> > > STS-1-Xv, what is the range of value of X, for VC-4-Xv, what is the
> > > range of acceptable value of X, etc.
> > >
> > > My rationale at that time was that not everyone is a SONET/SDH expert
> > > and instead of asking them to look somewhere else and dig through
> > > documents to find the answer, if we can provide them in the GMPLS set
> > > drafts it would be extremely useful for the entire IETF community and
> > > would help clarify the usage of these parameters. But unfortunately if
> > > you were at the meeting at the time, it wasn't accepted because some
> > > folks thought that these were obvious or that this info is not needed
> > > because they can find it in other places referenced...
> > >
> > > If you have the old drafts, the file was:
> > > draft-lin-ccamp-ipo-common-label-request-01
> > >
> > > But anyway...people will just have to read all the referenced
> > > to understand how to use the different parameters...
> > >
> > > Zhi
> > >
> > > manoj juneja wrote:
> > >
> > > > Hi Kireeti,
> > > >            I am not an active member of IETF but a regular reader of
> > > > GMPLS drafts. I am not sure how much weight my mail will carry but
> >a
> > > > regular reader of these drafts, I recommend the following points
> >should
> > > > be made clear in the documents before proceeding to the last call.
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > 1. Can someone please tell me the usage of bandwidth encoding
> > > > parameter in GMPLS drafts ? In SDH/SONET, the bandwidth allocated
> > > > will be drived from the signal type field. How the bandwidth
> > > > type will be interpreted in case of other LSP encoding types
> > > > waveband, fiber etc) ? The draft should list down the cases in which
> >the
> > > > bandwidth encoding type is to be filled.
> > > >
> > > > 2. Usage of Label Set :
> > > >        There are cases mentioned in the draft which explains the
> > > > of label set. It should also mention that the range of labels in
> > > > SDH/SONET does not make sense. Ranges in label set are applicable in
> > > > case of waveband/lambda switching etc. The range in label set is
> > > > in SDH/SONET only if there is one element in the range i.e. start
> >range
> > > > and end range should be same.
> > > >
> > > > 3. There are couple of scenarios where there can be contention for
> > > > establishing bi-directional LSPs. All the scenarios are not listed
> > > > the document. If it is not possible to list all the scenarios then
> > > > draft should say that this is one of the example scenario. The
> > > > contention can also be possible in case where same label set and
> > > > upstream label are used in both the directions.
> > > >
> > > > 4. As per OIF, the carrier requirement is that SDH LSPs should be
> > > > either VC-4 or VC-3 and no lower than that viz. VC-11/VC-12. GMPLS
> > > > supports lower order SDH LSPs i.e. VC-11/VC12 etc. Does this mean
> > > > has different set of carrier requirements in this regard ?
> > > >
> > > > 5. I strongly recommend to add {EDCBA} ==> {SUKLM} conversion table
> > > > an addendum to the draft.
> > > >
> > > > 6. The relation between switching capability and LSP encoding type
> > > > should be clearly explained in the drafts. As the switching
> > > > field was added very late (just 2 months back) in the drafts,
> > > > specific reason should be mentioned for its addition.
> > > >
> > > > Regards,
> > > > manoj.
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >> From: Kireeti Kompella <kireeti@juniper.net>
> > > >> To: ccamp@ops.ietf.org
> > > >> Subject: Moving right along ...
> > > >> Date: Wed, 17 Oct 2001 02:25:10 -0700 (PDT)
> > > >>
> > > >> Despite the energetic subject line, we the WG chairs have been
> > > >> lax in our duties.  So, here goes:
> > > >>
> > > >> Lou has submitted the latest versions of the generalized
> > > >> signaling documents quite some time ago (thanks, Lou):
> > > >>
> > > >> draft-ietf-mpls-generalized-cr-ldp-04.txt
> > > >> draft-ietf-mpls-generalized-rsvp-te-05.txt
> > > >> draft-ietf-mpls-generalized-signaling-06.txt
> > > >>
> > > >> Also, Eric has posted the SONET/SDH documents (merci, Eric):
> > > >>
> > > >> draft-ietf-ccamp-gmpls-sonet-sdh-02.txt
> > > >> draft-ietf-ccamp-gmpls-sonet-sdh-extensions-00.txt
> > > >>
> > > >> All of these should have addressed the issues raised in the earlier
> > > >> versions.  Please read the new versions, and send your comments to
> > > >> the list by Tuesday Oct 23.  At that point, when the final round
> > > >> of comments have been addressed, these docs will go to IESG Last
> > > >> Call.  If any one objects to sending these docs to IESG Last Call,
> > > >> raise your issues now.
> > > >>
> > > >> I see that the GMPLS architecture document is a CCAMP WG doc, but
> > > >> the minutes say that we should look for consensus on the list.  So,
> > > >> if you think this doc *shouldn't* be a WG doc, let us know.  (If we
> > > >> arrived at a consensus, remind me :-))  If nothing is heard, the
> > > >> will progress to WG Last Call.
> > > >>
> > > >> The docs draft-mannie-ccamp-gmpls-concatenation-conversion-00.txt
> > > >> draft-fontana-ccamp-gmpls-g709-00.txt were under consideration to
> > > >> CCAMP WG docs; consensus at the meeting was Yes.  Please let the
> > > >> list know what your thinking is on these.  (BTW, both these docs
> > > >> were to have some edits done.  If the authors could do that before
> > > >> the next IETF, we can try to make more progress then.)
> > > >>
> > > >> The MIB overview doc was recently posted.  Please read and comment
> > > >> to the list.
> > > >>
> > > >> The doc draft-bms-optical-sdhsonet-mpls-control-frmwrk-01.txt
> > > >> was generally thought to be useful; it will be published as a
> > > >> CCAMP informational doc.  This begins a two week Last Call on
> > > >> the doc, ending Tuesday Oct 30.
> > > >>
> > > >> There was no consensus on whether the GMPLS framework should be
> > > >> a CCAMP WG doc.  Please indicate your pleasure.
> > > >>
> > > >> draft-ietf-ccamp-lmp-01.txt has been posted.  The thought was
> > > >> raised that this draft is close to ready for WG Last Call.  Please
> > > >> review it, and let us know if you disagree.
> > > >>
> > > >> The OLI requirements doc was broadly accepted.  Please let the
> > > >> list know if you think this doc should be a WG doc.
> > > >>
> > > >> It's still open whether we (the IETF) should be working on
> > > >> LMP-WDM.  I urge the authors to keep on working on the doc, and
> > > >> keeping it in sync with LMP; however, we will postpone making it
> > > >> a CCAMP WG doc until the issue is resolved.  Hopefully that will
> > > >> happen in Salt Lake City.
> > > >>
> > > >> There was reasonable interest in the tunnel trace requirements
> > > >> doc.  Let's formalize this: do you think this should be made a
> > > >> CCAMP WG document?
> > > >>
> > > >> Summary:
> > > >>
> > > >> 1) Final comments and IESG Last Call readiness for:
> > > >> draft-ietf-mpls-generalized-cr-ldp-04.txt
> > > >> draft-ietf-mpls-generalized-rsvp-te-05.txt
> > > >> draft-ietf-mpls-generalized-signaling-06.txt
> > > >> draft-ietf-ccamp-gmpls-sonet-sdh-02.txt
> > > >> draft-ietf-ccamp-gmpls-sonet-sdh-extensions-00.txt
> > > >>
> > > >> 2) Should the following documents be CCAMP WG docs?
> > > >> draft-bonica-tunneltrace-02.txt
> > > >> draft-fontana-ccamp-gmpls-g709-00.txt
> > > >> draft-ietf-ccamp-gmpls-architecture-00.txt
> > > >> draft-mannie-ccamp-gmpls-concatenation-conversion-00.txt
> > > >> draft-many-ccamp-gmpls-framework-00.txt
> > > >> draft-many-oli-reqts-00.txt
> > > >>
> > > >> 3) Comment on MIB overview.
> > > >>
> > > >> 4) Two week Last Call comments on
> > > >> draft-bms-optical-sdhsonet-mpls-control-frmwrk-01.txt
> > > >>
> > > >> 5) Last Call readiness of
> > > >> draft-ietf-ccamp-gmpls-architecture-00.txt
> > > >> draft-ietf-ccamp-lmp-01.txt
> > > >>
> > > >> Thanks,
> > > >> Kireeti.
> > > >>
> > > >
> > > >
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> > > >
> ><< dimitri.papadimitriou.vcf >>
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