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ITU-T Study Group 15 - Access to files from Communication Statements

Hi All,

IETF'ers now have access to the ITU-T Study Group 15's communication
statements to the IETF; the following email has the details.

Please note that these documents are copyrighted by the ITU; please
respect their copyrights, and use appropriate care in duplicating and
distributing these materials.

ITU Copyright Information:

    "Access to databases of the International Telecommunication Union
    (ITU) for consultation of documents and/or information retrieval
    is permitted by the ITU subject to the user's acceptance of ITU's
    provisions and conditions of copyright contained within each document
    which obliges the user not to duplicate the document or parts thereof
    for distribution or sale external to the user's organization.  Such
    information may be utilised in the receiving organization, as
    required, to further the work of the ITU or any standards body
    developing related standards, to provide guidance for product or
    service development and implementation and to serve as support
    documentation associated with a product or service."

Many thanks to Steven Trowbridge and others who made access possible.

Also please note http://www.ietf.org/IESG/liaison.html which has the
IETF liaison statements with other standards bodies, among them the


-------------- Forwarded Mail ----------------

Scott, Kireeti, and Lyndon,
I am pleased to inform you that we finally have some concensus
within ITU-T that gives us a way to share the files related to
the Study Group 15 communications statements with IETF participants.
This mechanism will likely evolve in the future (more about this
below), but at least for now we have a way to share these files
with IETF participants.

The relevant communications include two to ccamp:
- SDH Signal and Group Structures
- New Recommendations for Automatically Switched Optical Netorks
and one to sigtran:
- Draft Recommendation G.799.1 on interconnecting GSTN and IP Networks

The information may be accessed via a web browser using the following
URL (from an ITU-T ftp server):


In the future, the Telecommunications Standardization Bureau will likely
provide a way for IETF participants who wish to collaborate with ITU-T
to request their own logins and passwords to access this site, but for
now, all can access the information using the common ID and password that
you see embedded in the URL.

The structure of the information is as follows:

Main Page
   |-->ccamp-->copyright---->Communication on SDH Signal Structures
   |                      |
   |                      -->Communication on ASON Recs
   |                                |
   |                                |-->G.8080_Y.1304.pdf
   |                                |-->G.7713_Y.1704.pdf
   |                                |-->G.7714_Y.1705.pdf
   |                                --->G.7712_Y.1703.pdf
   --->sigtran-->copyright-->Communication on G.799.1 (GSTN and IP)

Please request that your members enter at the main page - this will
help insure that those who access the documents will be aware of the
ITU-T copyright restrictions.

(rest clipped)