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Comments on LMP

         Please find attached my comments; Beside the few I list immediately below, I
      have embedded most of my comments in the document, to make it easier to read.

         My comments are prefixed BM>


1. Remove all references to TLVs. We have changed over to Objects.

2. Draft requires that link summary be sent periodically until an ack/nack or timeout.

     Whenever a link summary is sent, the expected outcomes are either a timeout or an
     ack/nack, isn't it?
     It is not clear then as to whether we recommend that the "periodic transmission of
     link summary" to be stopped upon a timeout. If that is not what we are recommending,
     i.e. we are recommending sending of link summary regardless of whether we get a response
     or not, the above statement is unnecessary and I believe is actually confusing.

3. [Parameter] Negotiability is described in terms of objects. Some objects have subobjects
    and/or several attributes. Negotiability at these "lower granularities" need to be spelt out.

   For example, consider the DATA LINK object; it is negotiable. And so, are its subobjects.
   The data link sub-object carry interface switching capability, bandwidth and encoding type.
   Can we interpret then that ALL of these are negotiable parameters?. If they are, spelling
   them out would help.

4. Under TE Link FSM, evDCDown is interpreted as "Last data channel of TE Link has been removed
   Under data bearing link evDCDown is described as "data link is no longer available".
   Administratively shutting down a data bearing link could fit the "no longer available"
   description. Yet, the data bearing link could well be a member of a TE Link (i.e. might not
   have been removed). Suggest using the same description.

Please see rest of the comments to be embedded; look for lines starting with BM>

Internet Draft       draft-ietf-ccamp-lmp-02.txt        November 2001

Network Working Group               Jonathan P. Lang (Calient Networks)
Internet Draft                         Krishna Mitra (Calient Networks)
Expiration Date: May 2002                 John Drake (Calient Networks)
                                    Kireeti Kompella (Juniper Networks)
                                       Yakov Rekhter (Juniper Networks)
                                            Lou Berger (Movaz Networks)
                                                Debanjan Saha (Tellium)
                                    Debashis Basak (Accelight Networks)
                                          Hal Sandick (Nortel Networks)
                                             Alex Zinin (Nexsi Systems)
                                             Bala Rajagopalan (Tellium)
                                                          November 2001
                     Link Management Protocol (LMP)
 Status of this Memo
   This document is an Internet-Draft and is in full conformance with
   all provisions of Section 10 of RFC2026 [RFC2026].
   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF), its areas, and its working groups. Note that
   other groups may also distribute working documents as Internet-
   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six
   months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents
   at any time. It is inappropriate to use Internet- Drafts as
   reference material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."
   The list of current Internet-Drafts can be accessed at
   The list of Internet-Draft Shadow Directories can be accessed at
   Future networks will consist of photonic switches, optical
   crossconnects, and routers that may be configured with control
   channels and data links.  Furthermore, multiple data links may be
   combined to form a single traffic engineering (TE) link for routing
   purposes. This draft specifies a link management protocol (LMP) that
   runs between neighboring nodes and is used to manage TE links. 
   Specifically, LMP will be used to maintain control channel
   connectivity, verify the physical connectivity of the data-bearing
   channels, correlate the link property information, and manage link
   failures.  A unique feature of the fault management technique is
   that it is able to localize failures in both opaque and transparent
   networks, independent of the encoding scheme used for the data.
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Table of Contents
   1  Introduction ................................................   3
   2  LMP Overview ................................................   4
   3 Control Channel Management ...................................   6
      3.1 Parameter Negotiation ...................................   7
      3.2 Hello Protocol ..........................................   8
          3.2.1  Hello Parameter Negotiation ......................   8
          3.2.2  Fast Keep-alive ..................................   9
          3.2.3  Control Channel Down .............................  10
          3.2.4  Degraded (DEG) State .............................  10
   4  Link Property Correlation ...................................  10
   5  Verifying Link Connectivity .................................  12
      5.1 Example of Link Connectivity Verification ...............  14
   6  Fault Management ............................................  15
      6.1 Fault Detection .........................................  15
      6.2 Fault Localization Procedure ............................  15
      6.3 Examples of Fault Localization ..........................  16
      6.4 Channel Activation Indication ...........................  17
      6.5 Channel Deactivation Indication .........................  18
   7  Message_Id Usage ............................................  18
   8  Graceful Restart ............................................  19
   9  Addressing ..................................................  20
   10 LMP Authentication ..........................................  20
   11 IANA Considerations .........................................  21
   12 LMP Finite State Machine ....................................  22
      12.1 Control Channel FSM ....................................  22
          12.1.1  Control Channel States ..........................  22
          12.1.2  Control Channel Events ..........................  22
          12.1.3  Control Channel FSM Description .................  25
      12.2 TE Link FSM ............................................  26
          12.2.1  TE link States ..................................  26
          12.2.2  TE link Events ..................................  26
          12.2.3  TE link FSM Description .........................  27
      12.3 Data Link FSM ..........................................  27
          12.3.1  Data Link States ................................  28
          12.3.2  Data Link Events ................................  28
          12.3.3  Active Data Link FSM Description ................  30
          12.3.4  Passive Data Link FSM Description ...............  31
   13 LMP Message Formats .........................................  32
      13.1 Common Header ..........................................  32
      13.2 LMP Object Format ......................................  34
      13.3Authentication ..........................................  34
      13.4 Parameter Negotiation ..................................  37
      13.5 Hello ..................................................  38
      13.6 Link Verification ......................................  39
      13.7 Link Summary ...........................................  42
      13.8 Fault Management .......................................  43
   14 LMP Object Definitions ......................................  45
   15 Security Conderations .......................................  63
   16 References ..................................................  64
   17 Acknowledgments .............................................  65
   18 Authors' Addresses  .........................................  65
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   Changes from previous version:
   o  Added IANI Considerations section.

BM> Should be IANA

   o  Added clarifying text to the MessageId section.
   o  Added clarifying text to the ChannelStatus section for fault
   o  Added Data Link Subobject to DATA_LINK object.
1. Introduction
   Future networks will consist of photonic switches (PXCs), optical
   crossconnects (OXCs), routers, switches, DWDM systems, and add-drop
   multiplexors (ADMs) that use a common control plane [e.g.,
   Generalized MPLS (GMPLS)] to dynamically allocate resources and to
   provide network survivability using protection and restoration
   techniques.  A pair of nodes (e.g., two PXCs) may be connected by
   thousands of fibers, and each fiber may be used to transmit multiple
   wavelengths if DWDM is used.  Furthermore, multiple fibers and/or
   multiple wavelengths may be combined into a single traffic-
   engineering (TE) link for routing purposes.  To enable communication
   between nodes for routing, signaling, and link management, control
   channels must be established between the node pair; however, the
   interface over which the control messages are sent/received may not
   be the same interface over which the data flows.  This draft
   specifies a link management protocol (LMP) that runs between
   neighboring nodes and is used to manage TE links.
   In this draft, the naming convention of [LAMBDA] is followed, and
   OXC is used to refer to all categories of optical crossconnects,
   irrespective of the internal switching fabric. Furthermore, a
   distinction is made between crossconnects that require opto-
   electronic conversion, called digital crossconnects (DXCs), and
   those that are all-optical, called photonic switches or photonic
   crossconnects (PXCs) - referred to as pure crossconnects in
   [LAMBDA], because the transparent nature of PXCs introduces new
   restrictions for monitoring and managing the data links.  LMP can be
   used for any type of node, enhancing the functionality of
   traditional DXCs and routers, while enabling PXCs and DWDMs to
   intelligently interoperate in heterogeneous optical networks.
   In GMPLS, the control channels between two adjacent nodes are no
   longer required to use the same physical medium as the data-bearing
   links between those nodes. For example, a control channel could use
   a separate wavelength or fiber, an Ethernet link, or an IP tunnel
   through a separate management network.  A consequence of allowing
   the control channel(s) between two nodes to be physically diverse
   from the associated data links is that the health of a control
   channel does not necessarily correlate to the health of the data
   links, and vice-versa.  Therefore, a clean separation between the
   fate of the control channel and data-bearing links must be made. 
   New mechanisms must be developed to manage the data-bearing links,
   both in terms of link provisioning and fault management.
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   For the purposes of this document, a data-bearing link may be either
   a "port" or a "component link" depending on its multiplexing
   capability; component links are multiplex capable, whereas ports are
   not multiplex capable.  This distinction is important since the
   management of such links (including, for example, resource
   allocation, label assignment, and their physical verification) is
   different based on their multiplexing capability.  For example, a
   SONET crossconnect with OC-192 interfaces may be able to demultiplex
   the OC-192 stream into four OC-48 streams.  If multiple interfaces
   are grouped together into a single TE link using link bundling
   [BUNDLE], then the link resources must be identified using three
   levels: TE link Id, component interface Id, and timeslot label. 
   Resource allocation happens at the lowest level (timeslots), but
   physical connectivity happens at the component link level.  As
   another example, consider the case where a PXC transparently
   switches OC-192 lightpaths.  If multiple interfaces are once again
   grouped together into a single TE link, then link bundling [BUNDLE]
   is not required and only two levels of identification are required: 
   TE link Id and port Id.  In this case, both resource allocation and
   physical connectivity happen at the lowest level (i.e. port level).

BM> It looks like a TE Link is a "group of interfaces", regardless
BM> of whether they are bundled.
BM> Why "group" multiple interfaces (into a TE Link), if bundling
BM> and the associated benefits are the not the objective?

   To ensure interworking between data links with different
   multiplexing capabilities, LMP capable devices SHOULD allow sub-
   channels of a component link to be locally configured as (logical)
   data links.  For example, if a Router with 4 OC-48 interfaces is
   connected through a 4:1 MUX to an OXC with OC-192c interfaces, the
   OXC SHOULD be able to configure each OC-48 sub-channel as a data
   LMP is designed to support aggregation of one or more data-bearing
   links into a TE link (either ports into TE links, or component links
   into TE links).

BM> An example of "unbundled aggregation of data links into a
BM> TE Link" would greatly help to clear up

2. LMP Overview
   The two core procedures of LMP are control channel management and
   link property correlation.  Control channel management is used to
   establish and maintain control channels between adjacent nodes. 
   This is done using a Config message exchange and a fast keep-alive
   mechanism between the nodes.  The latter is required if lower-level
   mechanisms are not available to detect control channel failures. 
   Link property correlation is used to synchronize the TE link
   properties and verify configuration.
   LMP requires that a pair of nodes have at least one active bi-
   directional control channel between them.  The two directions of the

BM> Aren't control channels always bidirectional?. The successful
BM> config message exchange always marks the "bidirectional
BM> control channel establishment", isn't it?
BM> Suggest removing the word bidirectional from references to IPCC.

   control channel are coupled together using the LMP Config message
   exchange.  All LMP messages are IP encoded [except in some cases,
   the Test Message which may be limited by the transport mechanism for
   in-band messaging].  The link level encoding of the control channel
   is outside the scope of this document.
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   An “LMP adjacency” is formed between two nodes when at least one bi-
   directional control channel is established between them.  Multiple
   control channels may be active simultaneously for each adjacency;
   control channel parameters, however, MUST be individually negotiated
   for each control channel.  If the LMP fast keep-alive is used over a
   control channel, LMP Hello messages MUST be exchanged by the
   adjacent nodes over the control channel.  Other LMP messages MAY be
   transmitted over any of the active control channels between a pair
   of adjacent nodes.  One or more active control channels may be
   grouped into a logical control channel for signaling, routing, and
   link property correlation purposes.
BM> This (the concept of logical control channel) applies to an implementation's
BM> treatment of multiple control channels and should be removed to avoid confusion.
BM> Logical control channels are not discussed elsewhere in the document.

   The link property correlation function of LMP is designed to
   aggregate multiple data links (ports or component links) into a TE
   link and to synchronize the properties of the TE link.  As part of
   the link property correlation function, a LinkSummary message
   exchange is defined.  The LinkSummary message includes the local and
   remote TE Link Ids, a list of all data glinks that comprise the TE
BM>                                        links

   link, and various link properties.  A LinkSummaryAck or
   LinkSummaryNack message MUST be sent in response to the receipt of a
   LinkSummary message indicating agreement or disagreement on the link
   LMP messages are transmitted reliably using Message Ids and
   retransmissions.  Message Ids are carried in MESSAGE_ID objects.  No
   more than one MESSAGE_ID object may be included in an LMP message. 
   For control channel specific messages, the Message Id is within the
   scope of the control channel over which is the message is sent. For
   TE link specific messages, the Message Id is within the scope of the
   LMP adjacency.  This value of the Message Id is incremented and only
   decreases when the value wraps.
   In this draft, two additional LMP procedures are defined: link
   connectivity verification and fault management.  These procedures
   are particularly useful when the control channels are physically
   diverse from the data-bearing links.   Link connectivity
   verification is used to verify the physical connectivity of the
   data-bearing links between the nodes and exchange the Interface Ids;
   Interface Ids are used in GMPLS signaling, either as Port labels or
   Component Interface Ids, depending on the configuration.  The link
   verification procedure uses in-band Test messages that are sent over
   the data-bearing links and TestStatus messages that are transmitted
   back over the control channel.  Note that the Test message is the
   only LMP message that must be transmitted over the data-bearing
   link.  The fault management scheme uses ChannelStatus message
   exchanges between adjacent nodes to localize failures in both opaque
   and transparent networks, independent of the encoding scheme used
   for the data.  As a result, both local span and end-to-end path
   protection/restoration procedures can be initiated.

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   For the LMP link connectivity verification procedure, the free
   (unallocated) data-bearing links MUST be opaque (i.e., able to be
   terminated); however, once a data link is allocated, it may become
   transparent.  The LMP link connectivity verification procedure is
   coordinated using a BeginVerify message exchange over a control
   channel.  To support various degrees of transparency (e.g.,
   examining overhead bytes, terminating the payload, etc.), and hence,
   different mechanisms to transport the Test messages, a Verify
   Transport Mechanism is included in the BeginVerify and
   BeginVerifyAck messages.  Note that there is no requirement that all
   data-bearing links must be terminated simultaneously, but at a
   minimum, it must be possible to terminate them one at a time.  There
   is also no requirement that the control channel and TE link use the
   same physical medium; however, the control channel MUST terminate on
   the same two nodes that the TE link spans.  Since the BeginVerify

BM> This is true for ALL LMP procedures, not just for connectivity
BM> verification. i.e. CC, by definition, is between a pair of neighbors.

   message exchange coordinates the Test procedure, it also naturally
   coordinates the transition of the data links between opaque and
   transparent mode.
   The LMP fault management procedure is based on a ChannelStatus
   exchange using the following messages:  ChannelStatus,
   ChannelStatusAck, ChannelStatusRequest, and ChannelStatusResponse. 
   The ChannelStatus message is sent unsolicitated and is used to
   notify an LMP neighbor about the status of one or more data channels
   of a TE link.  The ChannelStatusAck message is used to acknowledge 
   receipt of the ChannelStatus message.  The ChannelStatusRequest
   message is used to query an LMP neighbor for the status of one or
   more data channels of a TE Link.  Upon receipt of the
   ChannelStatusRequest message, a node MUST send a
   ChannelStatusResponse message indicating the states of the queried
   data links.
   The organization of the remainder of this document is as follows. 
   In Section 3, the role of the control channel and the messages used
   to establish and maintain link connectivity is discussed.  In
   Section 4, the link property correlation function using the
   LinkSummary message exchange is described.  The link verification
   procedure is discussed in Section 5.  In Section 6, it is shown how
   LMP will be used to isolate link and channel failures within the
   optical network.  Several finite state machines (FSMs) are given in
   Section 8, and the message formats are defined in Section 9.
3. Control Channel Management
   To initiate an LMP adjacency between two nodes, one or more bi-
   directional control channels MUST be activated.  The control
   channels can be used to exchange control-plane information such as
   link provisioning and fault management information (implemented
   using a messaging protocol such as LMP, proposed in this draft),
   path management and label distribution information (implemented
   using a signaling protocol such as RSVP-TE [RSVP-TE] or CR-LDP [CR-
   LDP]), and network topology and state distribution information
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   (implemented using traffic engineering extensions of protocols such
   as OSPF [OSPF-TE] and IS-IS [ISIS-TE]).
   For the purposes of LMP, the exact implementation of the control
   channel is not specified; it could be, for example, a separate
   wavelength or fiber, an Ethernet link, an IP tunnel through a
   separate management network, or the overhead bytes of a data-bearing
   link.  Rather, a node-wide unique 32-bit non-zero integer control
   channel identifier (CCId) is assigned at each end of the control
   channel.  This identifier comes from the same space as the
   unnumbered interface Id.  Furthermore, LMP is run directly over IP. 
   Thus, the link level encoding of the control channel is not part of
   the LMP specification.
   The control channel can be either explicitly configured or
   automatically selected, however, for the purpose of this document
   the control channel is assumed to be explicitly configured. Note
   that for in-band signaling, a control channel could be explicitly
   configured on a particular data-bearing link.
   Control channels exist independently of TE links and multiple
   control channels may be active simultaneously between a pair of
   nodes.  Individual control channels can be realized in different
   ways; one might be implemented in-fiber while another one may be
   implemented out-of-fiber.  As such, control channel parameters MUST
   be negotiated over each individual control channel, and LMP Hello
   packets MUST be exchanged over each control channel to maintain LMP
   connectivity if other mechanisms are not available.  Since control
   channels are electrically terminated at each node, it may be
   possible to detect control channel failures using lower layers
   (e.g., SONET/SDH).
   There are four LMP messages that are used to manage individual
   control channels.  They are the Config, ConfigAck, ConfigNack, and
   Hello messages. These messages MUST be transmitted on the channel to
   which they refer.  All other LMP messages may be transmitted over
   any of the active control channels between a pair of LMP adjacent
   In order to maintain an LMP adjacency, it is necessary to have at
   least one active control channel between a pair of adjacent nodes
   (recall that multiple control channels can be active simultaneously
   between a pair of nodes).  In the event of a control channel
   failure, alternate active control channels can be used and it may be
   possible to activate additional control channels as mentioned below.
3.1. Parameter Negotiation
   Control channel activation begins with a parameter negotiation
   exchange using Config, ConfigAck, and ConfigNack messages.  The
   contents of these messages are built using LMP objects, which can be
   either negotiable or non-negotiable (identified by the N bit in the
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   object header).  Negotiable objects can be used to let LMP peers
   agree on certain values.  Non-negotiable objects are used for the
   announcement of specific values that do not need, or do not allow,
   To begin control channel activation, a node MUST transmit a Config
   message to the remote node.  The Config message contains the Control
   Channel ID (CCID), the sender’s Node ID, a MessageId for reliable
   messaging, and a CONFIG Object.  It is possible that both the local
   and remote nodes initiate the configuration procedure at the same
   time.  To avoid ambiguities, the node with the higher Node Id wins
   the contention; the node with the lower Node Id MUST stop
   transmitting the Config message and respond to the Config message it
   The ConfigAck message is used to acknowledge receipt of the Config
   message and express agreement on ALL of the configured parameters
   (both negotiable and non-negotiable).  The ConfigNack message is
   used to acknowledge receipt of the Config message, indicate which
   (if any) non-negotiable CONFIG objects are unacceptable, and propose
   alternate values for the negotiable parameters.
   If a node receives a ConfigNack message with acceptable alternate
   values for negotiable parameters, the node SHOULD transmit a Config
   message using these values for those parameters. 
   If a node receives a ConfigNack message with unacceptable alternate
   values, the node MAY continue to retransmit Config messages.  Note
   that the problem may be solved by an operator changing parameters.
   In the case where multiple control channels use the same physical
   interface, the parameter negotiation exchange is performed for each
   control channel.  The various LMP parameter negotiation messages are
   associated with their corresponding control channels by their node-
   wide unique identifiers (CCIds).
3.2. Hello Protocol
   Once a control channel is activated between two adjacent nodes, the
   LMP Hello protocol can be used to maintain control channel
   connectivity between the nodes and to detect control channel
   failures.  The LMP Hello protocol is intended to be a lightweight
   keep-alive mechanism that will react to control channel failures
   rapidly so that IGP Hellos are not lost and the associated link-
   state adjacencies are not removed unnecessarily.
3.2.1. Hello Parameter Negotiation
   Before sending Hello messages, the HelloInterval and
   HelloDeadInterval parameters MUST be agreed upon by the local and
   remote nodes.  These parameters are exchanged in the Config message. 
   The HelloInterval indicates how frequently LMP Hello messages will
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   be sent, and is measured in milliseconds (ms).  For example, if the
   value were 150, then the transmitting node would send the Hello
   message at least every 150ms.  The HelloDeadInterval indicates how
   long a device should wait to receive a Hello message before
   declaring a control channel dead, and is measured in milliseconds
   (ms).  The HelloDeadInterval MUST be greater than the HelloInterval,
   and SHOULD be at least 3 times the value of HelloInterval.
   If the fast keep-alive mechanism of LMP is not used, the
   HelloInterval and HelloDeadInterval MUST be set to zero.
   When a node has either sent or received a ConfigAck message, it may
   begin sending Hello messages.  Once it has both sent and received a
   Hello message, the control channel moves to the UP state.  (It is
   also possible to move to the UP state without sending Hellos if
   other methods are used to indicate bi-directional control-channel
   connectivity.)  If, however, a node receives a ConfigNack message
   instead of a ConfigAck message, the node MUST not send Hello
   messages and the control channel SHOULD NOT move to the UP state. 
   See Section 8.1 for the complete control channel FSM.
3.2.2. Fast Keep-alive
   Each Hello message contains two sequence numbers: the first sequence
   number (TxSeqNum) is the sequence number for the Hello message being
   sent and the second sequence number (RcvSeqNum) is the sequence
   number of the last Hello message received over this control channel
   from the adjacent node. Each node increments its sequence number
   when it sees its current sequence number reflected in Hellos
   received from its peer. The sequence numbers start at 1 and wrap
   around back to 2; 0 is used in the RcvSeqNum to indicate that a
   Hello has not yet been seen.
   Under normal operation, the difference between the RcvSeqNum in a
   Hello message that is received and the local TxSeqNum that is
   generated will be at most 1.  This difference can be more than one
   only when a control channel restarts or when the values wrap.
   Note that the 32-bit sequence numbers MAY wrap.  The following
   expression may be used to test if a newly received TxSeqNum value is
   less than a previously received value:
   If ((int) old_id – (int) new_id > 0) {
      New value is less than old value;
   Having sequence numbers in the Hello messages allows each node to
   verify that its peer is receiving its Hello messages. By including
   the RcvSeqNum in Hello packets, the local node will know which Hello
   packets the remote node has received.

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   The following example illustrates how the sequence numbers operate. 
   Note that only the operation at one node is shown:
   1)  After completing the configuration stage, Node A sends Hello
       messages to Node B with {TxSeqNum=1;RcvSeqNum=0}.
   2)  When Node A receives a Hello from Node B with
       {TxSeqNum=1;RcvSeqNum=1}, it sends Hellos to Node B with
   3)  When Node A receives a Hello from Node B with
       {TxSeqNum=2;RcvSeqNum=2}, it sends Hellos to Node B with
3.2.3. Control Channel Down
   To allow bringing a control channel DOWN gracefully for
   administration purposes, a ControlChannelDown flag is available in
   the Common Header of LMP packets.  When data links are still in use
   between a pair of nodes, a control channel SHOULD only be taken down
   administratively when there are other active control channels that
   can be used to manage the data links.
   When bringing a control channel DOWN administratively, a node MUST
   set the ControlChannelDown flag in all LMP messages sent over the
   control channel.  The node may stop sending Hello messages after
   HelloDeadInterval seconds have passed, or if it receives an LMP
   message over the same control channel with the ControlChannelDown
   flag set.
   When a node receives an LMP packet with the ControlChannelDown flag
   set, it SHOULD send a Hello message with the ControlChannelDown flag
   set and move the control channel to the Down state.

BM> On the receiving node, suggest transitioning to CONFSND state rather
BM> than DOWN state.. otherwise, it could not automatically get into
BM> config procedure- i.e. would need a trigger/event
BM> On the sending side, the trigger is the operator command to bring up
BM> the control channel

3.2.4. Degraded State
   A consequence of allowing the control channels to be physically
   diverse from the associated data links is that there may not be any
   active control channels available while the data links are still in
   use. For many applications, it is unacceptable to tear down a link
   that is carrying user traffic simply because the control channel is
   no longer available; however, the traffic that is using the data
   links may no longer be guaranteed the same level of service.  Hence
   the TE link is in a Degraded state.
   When a TE link is in the Degraded state, routing and signaling
   SHOULD be notified so that new connections are not accepted and the
   TE link is advertised with no unreserved resources.
4. Link Property Correlation
   As part of LMP, a link property correlation exchange is defined
   using the LinkSummary, LinkSummaryAck, and LinkSummaryNack messages. 
   The contents of these messages are built using LMP objects, which
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   can be either negotiable or non-negotiable (identified by the N flag
   in the TLV header).  Negotiable objects can be used to let both
   sides agree on certain link parameters.  Non-negotiable objects are
   used for announcement of specific values that do not need, or do not
   allow, negotiation.
   Link property correlation MUST be done before the link is brought up
   and MAY be done at any time a link is UP and not in the Verification
   The LinkSummary message is used to verify for consistency the TE and
   data bearing link information on both sides.  Link Summary messages
   are also used to aggregate multiple data links (either ports or
   component links) into a TE link; exchange, correlate (to determine
   inconsistencies), or change TE link parameters; and exchange,
   correlate (to determine inconsistencies), or change Interface Ids
   (either Port Ids or Component Interface Ids).
   Each TE link has an identifier (Link_Id) that is assigned at each
   end of the link.  These identifiers MUST be the same type (i.e,
   IPv4, IPv6, unnumbered) at both ends.  Similarly, each interface is
   assigned an identifier (Interface_Id) at each end.  These
   identifiers MUST be the same type at both ends.

BM> Why the restriction that both ends of a TE Link have to use the same
BM> identification?

   If the LinkSummary message is received from a remote node and the
   Interface Id mappings match those that are stored locally, then the
   two nodes have agreement on the Verification procedure (see Section
   5).  If the verification procedure is not used, the LinkSummary
   message can be used to verify agreement on manual configuration.
   The LinkSummaryAck message is used to signal agreement on the
   Interface Id mappings and link property definitions.  Otherwise, a
   LinkSummaryNack message MUST be transmitted, indicating which
   Interface mappings are not correct and/or which link properties are
   not accepted. If a LinkSummaryNack message indicates that the
   Interface Id mappings are not correct and the link verification
   procedure is enabled, the link verification process SHOULD be
   repeated for all mismatched free data links; if an allocated data
   link has a mapping mismatch, it SHOULD be flagged and verified when
   it becomes free.  If a LinkSummaryNack message includes negotiable
   parameters, then acceptable values for those parameters MUST be
   included.  If a LinkSummaryNack message is received and includes
   negotiable parameters, then the initiator of the LinkSummary message
   MUST send a new LinkSummary message.  The new LinkSummary message
   SHOULD include new values for the negotiable parameters.  These
   values SHOULD take into account the acceptable values received in
   the LinkSummaryNack message.
   It is possible that the LinkSummary message could grow quite large
   due to the number of Data Link TLVs.  Since the LinkSummary message
   is IP encoded, normal IP fragmentation should be used if the
   resulting PDU exceeds the MTU.
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5. Verifying Link Connectivity
   In this section, an optional procedure is described that may be used
   to verify the physical connectivity of the data-bearing links.  The
   procedure SHOULD be done when establishing a TE link, and
   subsequently, on a periodic basis for all unallocated (free) data
   links of the TE link.
   If the link connectivity procedure is not supported for the TE link,
   then a BeginVerifyNack message MUST be transmitted with Error Code
   =1, “Link Verification Procedure not supported for this TE Link”.
   A unique characteristic of all-optical PXCs is that the data-bearing
   links are transparent when allocated to user traffic.  This
   characteristic of PXCs poses a challenge for validating the
   connectivity of the data links since shining unmodulated light
   through a link may not result in received light at the next PXC. 
   This is because there may be terminating (or opaque) elements, such
   as DWDM equipment, between the PXCs.  Therefore, to ensure proper
   verification of data link connectivity, it is required that until
   the links are allocated for user traffic, they must be opaque.  To
   support various degrees of opaqueness (e.g., examining overhead
   bytes, terminating the payload, etc.), and hence different
   mechanisms to transport the Test messages, a Verify Transport
   Mechanism field is included in the BeginVerify and BeginVerifyAck
   messages.  There is no requirement that all data links be terminated
   simultaneously, but at a minimum, the data links MUST be able to be
   terminated one at a time.  Furthermore, for the link verification
   procedure it is assumed that the nodal architecture is designed so
   that messages can be sent and received over any data link.  Note
   that this requirement is trivial for DXCs (and OEO devices in
   general) since each data link is terminated and processed
   electronically before being forwarded to the next OEO device, but
   that in PXCs (and transparent devices in general) this is an
   additional requirement.
   To interconnect two nodes, a TE link is defined between them, and at
   a minimum, there MUST be at least one active control channel between
   the nodes.  For link verification, a TE link MUST include at least
   one data link.
   Once a control channel has been established between the two nodes,
   data link connectivity can be verified by exchanging Test messages
   over each of the data links specified in the TE link.  It should be
   noted that all LMP messages except the Test message are exchanged
   over the control channels and that Hello messages continue to be
   exchanged over each control channel during the data link
   verification process.  The Test message is sent over the data link
   that is being verified.  Data links are tested in the transmit
   direction as they are unidirectional, and therefore, it may be

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   possible for both nodes to (independently) exchange the Test
   messages simultaneously.
   To initiate the link verification procedure, the local node MUST
   send a BeginVerify message over a control channel.  To limit the
   scope of Link Verification to a particular TE Link, the LINK_ID MUST
   be non-zero.  If this field is zero, the data links can span
   multiple TE links and/or they may comprise a TE link that is yet to
   be configured.
   The BeginVerify message also contains the number of data links that
   are to be verified; the interval (called VerifyInterval) at which
   the Test messages will be sent; the encoding scheme and transport
   mechanisms that are supported; the data rate for Test messages; and,
   when the data links correspond to fibers, the wavelength identifier
   over which the Test messages will be transmitted.
   If the remote node receives a BeginVerify message and it is ready to
   process Test messages, it MUST send a BeginVerifyAck message back to
   the local node specifying the desired transport mechanism for the
   TEST messages.  The remote node includes a 32-bit node unique
   VerifyId in the BeginVerifyAck message.  The VerifyId is then used
   in all corresponding verification messages to differentiate them
   from different LMP peers and/or parallel Test procedures.  When the
   local node receives a BeginVerifyAck message from the remote node,
   it may begin testing the data links by transmitting periodic Test
   messages over each data link.  The Test message includes the
   VerifyId and the local Interface Id for the associated data link. 
   The remote node MUST send either a TestStatusSuccess or a
   TestStatusFailure message in response for each data link.  A
   TestStatusAck message MUST be sent to confirm receipt of the
   TestStatusSuccess and TestStatusFailure messages.
   It is also permissible for the sender to terminate the Test
   procedure without receiving a TestStatusSuccess or TestStatusFailure
   message by sending an EndVerify message.
   Message correlation is done using message identifiers and the Verify
   Id; this enables verification of data links, belonging to different
   link bundles or LMP sessions, in parallel.
   When the Test message is received, the received Interface Id (used
   in GMPLS as either a Port/Wavelength label or Component Interface
   Identifier depending on the configuration) is recorded and mapped to
   the local Interface Id for that data link, and a TestStatusSuccess
   message MUST be sent.  The TestStatusSuccess message includes the
   local Interface Id and the remote Interface Id (received in the Test
   message), along with the VerifyId received in the Test message.  The
   receipt of a TestStatusSuccess message indicates that the Test
   message was detected at the remote node and the physical
   connectivity of the data link has been verified.  When the
   TestStatusSuccess message is received, the local node SHOULD mark
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   the data link as UP and send a TestStatusAck message to the remote
   node.  If, however, the Test message is not detected at the remote
   node within an observation period (specified by the
   VerifyDeadInterval), the remote node will send a TestStatusFailure
   message over the control channel indicating that the verification of
   the physical connectivity of the data link has failed.  When the
   local node receives a TestStatusFailure message, it SHOULD mark the
   data link as FAILED and send a TestStatusAck message to the remote
   node.  When all the data links on the list have been tested, the
   local node SHOULD send an EndVerify message to indicate that testing
   is complete on this link.
   If the local/remote data link mappings are known, then the link
   verification procedure SHOULD be optimized by testing the data links
   in a defined order known to both nodes.  The suggested criteria for
   this ordering is in increasing value of the Remote_Interface_ID.
   Both the local and remote nodes SHOULD maintain the complete list of
   Interface Id mappings for correlation purposes.
5.1. Example of Link Connectivity Verification
   Figure 1 shows an example of the link verification scenario that is
   executed when a link between PXC A and PXC B is added. In this
   example, the TE link consists of three free ports (each transmitted
   along a separate fiber) and is associated with a bi-directional
   control channel (indicated by a "c"). The verification process is as
   follows: PXC A sends a BeginVerify message over the control channel
   “c” to PXC B indicating it will begin verifying the ports.  PXC B
   receives the BeginVerify message, assigns a VerifyId to the Test
   procedure, and returns the BeginVerifyAck message over the control
   channel to PXC A.  When PXC A receives the BeginVerifyAck message,
   it begins transmitting periodic Test messages over the first port
   (Interface Id=1). When PXC B receives the Test messages, it maps the
   received Interface Id to its own local Interface Id = 10 and
   transmits a TestStatusSuccess message over the control channel back
   to PXC A.  The TestStatusSuccess message includes both the local and
   received Interface Ids for the port as well as the VerifyId.  PXC A
   will send a TestStatusAck message over the control channel back to
   PXC B indicating it received the TestStatusSuccess message.  The
   process is repeated until all of the ports are verified. At this
   point, PXC A will send an EndVerify message over the control channel
   to PXC B to indicate that testing is complete; PXC B will respond by
   sending an EndVerifyAck message over the control channel back to PXC
   +---------------------+                      +---------------------+
   +                     +                      +                     +
   +      PXC A          +<-------- c --------->+         PXC B       +
   +                     +                      +                     +
   +                     +                      +                     +
   +                   1 +--------------------->+ 10                  +
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   +                     +                      +                     +
   +                     +                      +                     +
   +                   2 +                /---->+ 11                  +
   +                     +          /----/      +                     +
   +                     +     /---/            +                     +
   +                   3 +----/                 + 12                  +
   +                     +                      +                     +
   +                     +                      +                     +
   +                   4 +--------------------->+ 14                  +
   +                     +                      +                     +
   +---------------------+                      +---------------------+
      Figure 1:  Example of link connectivity between PXC A and PXC B.
6. Fault Management
   In this section, an optional LMP procedure is described that is used
   to manage failures by rapid notification of the status of one or
   more data channels of a TE Link.  The scope of this procedure is
   within a TE link, and as such, the use of this procedure is
   negotiated as part of the LinkSummary exchange.  The procedure can
   be used to rapidly isolate link failures and is designed to work for
   both unidirectional and bi-directional LSPs.
   An important implication of using PXCs is that traditional methods
   that are used to monitor the health of allocated data links in OEO
   nodes (e.g., DXCs) may no longer be appropriate, since PXCs are
   transparent to the bit-rate, format, and wavelength.  Instead, fault
   detection is delegated to the physical layer (i.e., loss of light or
   optical monitoring of the data) instead of layer 2 or layer 3.
   Recall that a TE link connecting two nodes may consist of a number
   of data links. If one or more data links fail between two nodes, a
   mechanism must be used for rapid failure notification so that
   appropriate protection/restoration mechanisms can be initiated.  If
   the failure is subsequently cleared, then a mechanism must be used
   to notify that the failure is clear and the channel status is OK. 
6.1. Fault Detection
   Fault detection should be handled at the layer closest to the
   failure; for optical networks, this is the physical (optical) layer.
   One measure of fault detection at the physical layer is detecting
   loss of light (LOL). Other techniques for monitoring optical signals
   are still being developed and will not be further considered in this
   document. However, it should be clear that the mechanism used for
   fault notification in LMP is independent of the mechanism used to
   detect the failure, but simply relies on the fact that a failure is
6.2. Fault Localization Procedure
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   If data links fail between two PXCs, the power monitoring system in
   all of the downstream nodes may detect LOL and indicate a failure. 
   To avoid multiple alarms stemming from the same failure, LMP
   provides a failure notification through the ChannelStatus message. 
   This message may be used to indicate that a single data channel has
   failed, multiple data channels have failed, or an entire TE link has
   failed.  Failure correlation is done locally at each node upon
   receipt of the failure notification.
   As part of the fault localization, a downstream node (downstream in
   terms of data flow) that detects data link failures will send a
   ChannelStatus message to its upstream neighbor indicating that a
   failure has occurred (bundling together the notification of all of
   the failed data links).  An upstream node that receives the
   ChannelStatus message MUST send a ChannelStatusAck message to the
   downstream node indicating it has received the ChannelStatus
   message.  The upstream node should correlate the failure to see if
   the failure is also detected locally (including ingress side) for
   the corresponding LSP(s).  If, for example, the failure is clear on
   the input of the upstream node or internally, then the upstream node
   will have localized the failure.  Once the failure is correlated,
   the upstream node SHOULD send a ChannelStatus message to the
   downstream node indicating that the channel is failed or is ok.  If
   a ChannelStatus message is not received by the downstream node, it
   SHOULD send a ChannelStatusRequest message for the channel in
   question.  Once the failure has been localized, the signaling
   protocols can be used to initiate span or path
   protection/restoration procedures.
   If all of the data links of a TE link have failed, then the upstream
   node MAY be notified of the TE link failure without specifying each
   data link of the failed TE link.  This is done by sending failure
   notification in a ChannelStatus message identifying the TE Link
   without including the Interface Ids in the CHANNEL_STATUS object.
6.3. Examples of Fault Localization
   In Fig. 2, a sample network is shown where four PXCs are connected
   in a linear array configuration.  The control channels are bi-
   directional and are labeled with a "c".  All LSPs are also bi-
   In the first example [see Fig. 2(a)], there is a failure on one
   direction of the bi-directional LSP.  PXC 4 will detect the failure
   and will send a ChannelStatus message to PXC3 indicating the failure
   (e.g., LOL) to the corresponding upstream node.  When PXC3 receives
   the ChannelStatus message from PXC4, it returns a ChannelStatusAck
   message back to PXC4 and correlates the failure locally.  When PXC3
   correlates the failure and verifies that it is CLEAR, it has
   localized the failure to the data link between PXC3 and PXC4.

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   In the second example [see Fig. 2(b)], a single failure (e.g., fiber
   cut) affects both directions of the bi-directional LSP.  PXC2 (PXC3)
   will detect the failure of the upstream (downstream) direction and
   send a ChannelStatus message to the upstream (in terms of data flow)
   node indicating the failure (e.g., LOL).  Simultaneously (ignoring
   propagation delays), PXC1 (PXC4) will detect the failure on the
   upstream (downstream) direction, and will send a ChannelStatus
   message to the corresponding upstream (in terms of data flow) node
   indicating the failure.  PXC2 and PXC3 will have localized the two
   directions of the failure.
       +-------+        +-------+        +-------+        +-------+
       + PXC 1 +        + PXC 2 +        + PXC 3 +        + PXC 4 +
       +       +-- c ---+       +-- c ---+       +-- c ---+       +
   ----+---\   +        +       +        +       +        +       +
   <---+---\\--+--------+-------+---\    +       +        +    /--+--->
       +    \--+--------+-------+---\\---+-------+---##---+---//--+----
       +       +        +       +    \---+-------+--------+---/   +
       +       +        +       +        +       +  (a)   +       +
   ----+-------+--------+---\   +        +       +        +       +
   <---+-------+--------+---\\--+---##---+--\    +        +       +
       +       +        +    \--+---##---+--\\   +        +       +
       +       +        +       +  (b)   +   \\--+--------+-------+--->
       +       +        +       +        +    \--+--------+-------+----
       +       +        +       +        +       +        +       +
       +-------+        +-------+        +-------+        +-------+
          Figure 2:     Two types of data link failures are shown
          (indicated by ## in the figure):  (A) a data link
          corresponding to the downstream direction of a bi-directional
          LSP fails, (B) two data links corresponding to both
          directions of a bi-directional LSP fail.  The control channel
          connecting two PXCs is indicated with a "c".
6.4. Channel Activation Indication 
   The ChannelStatus message may also be used to notify an LMP neighbor
   that the data link should be actively monitored.  This is called
   Channel Activation Indication.  This is particularly useful in
   networks with transparent nodes where the status of data links may
   need to be triggered using control channel messages.  For example,
   if a data link is pre-provisioned and the physical link fails after
   verification and before inserting user traffic, a mechanism is
   needed to indicate the data link should be active or they may not be
   able to detect the failure.
   The ChannelStatus message is used to indicate that a channel or
   group of channels are now active.  The ChannelStatusAck message MUST
   be transmitted upon receipt of a ChannelStatus message.  When a
   ChannelStatus message is received, the corresponding data link(s)
   MUST be put into the Active state.  If upon putting them into the
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   Active state, a failure is detected, the ChannelStatus message MUST
   be transmitted as described in Section 6.2.
6.5. Channel Deactivation Indication 
   The ChannelStatus message may also be used to notify an LMP neighbor
   that the data link no longer needs to be monitored.  This is the
   counterpart to the Channel Active Indication.
   When a ChannelStatus message is received with Channel Deactive
   Indication, the corresponding data link(s) MUST be taken out of the
   Active state.
7. Message_Id Usage
   The MESSAGE_ID and MESSAGE_ID_ACK objects are included in LMP
   messages to support reliable message delivery.  This section
   describes the usage of these objects.  The MESSAGE_ID and
   MESSAGE_ID_ACK objects contain a Message_Id field.  Only one
   MESSAGE_ID/MESSAGE_ID_ACK object may be included in any LMP message.
   For control channel specific messages, the Message_Id field is
   within the scope of the CCID.  For TE link specific messages, the
   Message_Id field is within the scope of the LMP adjacency.
   The Message_Id field of the MESSAGE_ID object contains a generator
   selected value.  This value MUST be greater than any other value
   previously used.  A value is considered to be previously used when
   it has been sent in an LMP message with the same CCID (for control
   channel specific messages) or LMP adjacency (for TE Link specific
   messages).  The Message_Id field of the MESSAGE_ID_ACK object
   contains the Message_Id field of the message being acknowledged. 
   Unacknowledged messages sent with the MESSAGE_ID object SHOULD be
   retransmitted until the message is acknowledged or until a retry
   limit is reached.
   Note that the 32-bit Message_Id value MAY wrap.  The following
   expression may be used to test if a newly received Message_Id value
   is less than a previously received value:
   If ((int) old_id – (int) new_id > 0) {
      New value is less than old value;
   Nodes processing incoming messages SHOULD check to see if a newly
   received message is out of order and can be ignored.  Out-of-order
   messages can be identified by examining the value in the Message_Id
   If the message is a Config message, and the Message_Id value is less
   than the largest Message_Id value previously received from the
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   sender for the CCID, then the message SHOULD be treated as being out
   of order.
   If the message is a LinkSummary message and the Message_Id value is
   less than the largest Message_Id value previously received from the
   sender for the TE Link, then the message SHOULD be treated as being
   out of order.

BM> Isn't this logic true for link verification as well?

   If the message is a ChannelStatus message and the Message_Id value
   is less than the largest Message_Id value previously received from
   the sender for the specified TE link, then the receiver SHOULD check
   the Message_Id value previously received for the state of each data
   channel included in the ChannelStatus message.  If the Message_Id
   value is greater than the most recently received Message_Id value
   associated with at least one of the data channels included in the
   message, the message MUST NOT be treated as out of order; otherwise
   the message SHOULD be treated as being out of order. However, the
   state of any data channel MUST NOT be updated if the Message_Id
   value is less than the most recently received Message_Id value
   associated with the data channel.
   All other messages MUST NOT be treated as out-of-order.
8. Graceful Restart
   This section describes the mechanism to resynchronize the LMP state
   after a control plane restart.  A control plane restart may occur
   when bringing up the first control channel after an LMP adjacency
   has failed, or as a result of an LMP component restart.  The latter
   is detected by setting the “Control Plane Restart” bit in the Common

BM> Isn't the bit called LMP Restart?

   Header of the LMP messages.  When the control plane fails due to the
   loss of the control channel (rather than an LMP component restart),
   the LMP Link information should be retained.  It is possible that a
   node may be capable of retaining the LMP Link information across an
   LMP component restart.  However, in both cases the status of the
   data channels MUST be synchronized.
   We assume the Local Interface Ids remain stable across a control
   plane restart.
   After the control plane of a node restarts, the control channel(s)
   must be re-established using the procedures of Section 3.1.
   If the control plane failure was the result of an LMP component
   restart, then the “Control Plane Restart” flag MUST be set in LMP
   messages until a Hello message is received with the RcvSeqNum equal
   to the local TxSeqNum.  This indicates that the control channel is
   UP and the LMP neighbor has detected the restart.
   Once a control channel is UP, the LMP neighbor MUST send a
   LinkSummary message for each TE Link across the adjacency.  All the
   objects of the LinkSummary message MUST have the N-bit set to 0
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   indicating that the parameters are non-negotiable.  This provides
   the local/remote Link Id and Interace Id mappings, the associated
   Link/Data channel parameters, and indication of which data links are
   currently allocated to user traffic.  When a node receives the
   LinkSummary message, it checks its local configuration.  If the node
   is capable of retaining the LMP Link information across a restart,
   it must process the LinkSummary message as described in Section 4
   with the exception that the allocated/deallocated flag of the
   DATA_LINK Object received in the LinkSummary message MUST take
   precedence over any local value.  If, however, the node was not
   capable of retaining the LMP Link information across a restart, the
   node MUST accept the Link/Data channel parameters of the received
   LinkSummary message and respond with a LinkSummaryAck message.
   Upon completion of the LinkSummary exchange, the node that has
   restarted the control plane SHOULD send a ChannelStatusRequest
   message for that TE link.  The node SHOULD also verify the
   connectivity of all unallocated data channels.
9. Addressing
   All LMP messages are sent directly over IP (except, in some cases,
   the Test messages are limited by the transport mechanism for in-band
   messaging).  The destination address of the IP packet MUST be the
   address learned in the Configuration procedure (i.e., the Source IP
   address found in the IP header of the received Config message).
   The manner in which a Config message is addressed may depend on the
   signaling transport mechanism.  When the transport mechanism is a
   point-to-point link, Config messages SHOULD be sent to the Multicast
   address (  Otherwise, Config messages MUST be sent to an
   IP address on the neighboring node.  This is configured at both ends
   of the control channel.
   LMP Authentication
   LMP authentication is optional (included in the Common Header) and,
   if used, MUST be supported by both sides of the control channel.  The
   method used to authenticate LMP packets is based on the
   authentication technique used in [OSPF].  This uses cryptographic
   authentication using MD5.
   As a part of the LMP authentication mechanism, a flag is included in
   the LMP common header indicating the presence of authentication
   information.  Authentication information itself is appended to the
   LMP packet.  It is not considered to be a part of the LMP packet, but
   is transferred in the same IP packet.
   When the Authentication flag is set in the LMP packet header, an
   authentication data block is attached to the packet.  This block has
   a standard authentication header and a data portion.  The contents of

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   the data portion depend on the authentication type.  Currently, only
   MD5 is supported for LMP.
   IANA Considerations
   LMP defines the following name spaces which require management:
   - Message Type Name Space.
   - Class and class type name spaces for LMP objects. 
   The following sections provide guidelines for managing these name
     Message Type Name Space
   LMP divides the name space for message types into two ranges.  The
   following are the guidelines for managing these ranges:
   - Message Types 0 - 49 and 60 - 255: These message types are part of
     the LMP base protocol.  Following the policies outlined in [IANA],
     message types in this range are allocated through an IETF
     Consensus action.
   - Message Types 50 - 59: Message types in this range are reserved
     for UNI LMP extensions and the allocation in this range is the
     responsibility of the OIF for supporting UNI signaling. IANA
     management of this range of the Message Type name space is
     Object Class Name Space
   LMP divides the name space for object classes into two ranges.  The
   following are the guidelines for managing these ranges:
   - Classes 0 - 49 and 60 - 127:  Object types in this range are part
     of the LMP base protocol.  Following the policies outlined in
     [IANA], class types in this range are allocated through an IETF
     Consensus action. Within each class, 256 class types are possible.
     The allocation of class types for base LMP objects are described
     in this draft and these are subject to IETF consensus action.
   - Classes 50 - 59 are reserved for UNI LMP extensions and the
     allocation in this range is the responsibility of the OIF for
     supporting UNI signaling. IANA management of this range of the
     class name space, and the underlying class types, is unnecessary.

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   LMP Finite State Machines
     Control Channel FSM
   The control channel FSM defines the states and logics of operation
   of an LMP control channel.  The description of FSM state transitions
   and associated actions is given in Section 3.
12.1.1. Control Channel States
   A control channel can be in one of the states described below. 
   Every state corresponds to a certain condition of the control
   channel and is usually associated with a specific type of LMP
   message that is periodically transmitted to the far end.
   Down:        This is the initial control channel state.  In this
                state, no attempt is being made to bring the control
                channel up and no LMP messages are sent.  The control
                channel parameters should be set to the initial values.
   ConfigSnd:   The control channel is in the parameter negotiation
                state.  In this state the node periodically sends a
                Config message, and is expecting the other side to
                reply with either a ConfigAck or ConfigNack message. 
                The FSM does not transition into the Active state until
                the remote side positively acknowledges the parameters.
   ConfRcv:     The control channel is in the parameter negotiation
                state.  In this state, the node is waiting for
                acceptable configuration parameters from the remote
                side.  Once such parameters are received and
                acknowledged, the FSM can transition to the Active
   Active:      In this state the node periodically sends a Hello
                message and is waiting to receive a valid Hello
                message.  Once a valid Hello message is received, it
                can transition to the UP state.
   Up:          The CC is in an operational state.  The node receives
                valid Hello messages and sends Hello messages.
   GoingDown:   A CC may go into this state because of administrative
                action.  While a CC is in this state, the node sets the
                ControlChannelDown bit in all the messages it sends.
12.1.2. Control Channel Events
   Operation of the LMP control channel is described in terms of FSM
   states and events.  Control channel Events are generated by the
   underlying protocols and software modules, as well as by the packet
   processing routines and FSMs of associated TE links.  Every event
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   has its number and a symbolic name.  Description of possible control
   channel events is given below.
   1 : evBringUp:    This is an externally triggered event indicating
                     that the control channel negotiation should begin. 
                     This event, for example, may be triggered by an
                     operator command, by the successful completion of
                     a control channel bootstrap procedure, or by
                     configuration.  Depending on the configuration,
                     this will trigger either
                         1a) the sending of a Config message,
                         1b) a period of waiting to receive a Config
                              message from the remote node.
   2 : evCCDn:       This event is generated when there is indication
                     that the control channel is no longer available.
   3 : evConfDone:   This event indicates a ConfigAck message has been
                     received, acknowledging the Config parameters.
   4 : evConfErr:    This event indicates a ConfigNack message has been
                     received, rejecting the Config parameters.
   5 : evNewConfOK:  New Config message was received from neighbor and
                     positively Acknowledged.
   6 : evNewConfErr: New Config message was received from neighbor and
                     rejected with a ConfigNack message.
   7 : evContenWin:  New Config message was received from neighbor at
                     the same time a Config message was sent to the
                     neighbor.  The Local node wins the contention.  As
                     a result, the received Config message is ignored.
   8 : evContenLost: New Config message was received from neighbor at
                     the same time a Config message was sent to the
                     neighbor.  The Local node loses the contention.
                         8a) The Config message is positively
                         8b) The Config message is negatively
   9 : evAdminDown:  The administrator has requested that the control
                     channel is brought down administratively.  Hello
                     messages (with ControlChannelDown flag set) SHOULD
                     be sent for HelloDeadInterval seconds or until an
                     LMP message is received over the control channel
                     with the ControlChannelDown flag set.
   10: evNbrGoesDn:  A packet with ControlChannelDown flag is received
                     from the neighbor.
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   11: evHelloRcvd:  A Hello packet with expected SeqNum has been
   12: evHoldTimer:  The HelloDeadInterval timer has expired indicating
                     that no Hello packet has been received.  This
                     moves the control channel back into the
                     Negotiation state, and depending on the local
                     configuration, this will trigger either
                         12a) the sending of periodic Config messages,
                         12b) a period of waiting to receive Config
                              messages from the remote node.
   13: evSeqNumErr:  A Hello with unexpected SeqNum received and
   14: evReconfig:   Control channel parameters have been reconfigured
                     and require renegotiation.
   15: evConfRet:    A retransmission timer has expired and a Config
                     message is resent.
   16: evHelloRet:   The HelloInterval timer has expired and a Hello
                     packet is sent.
   17: evDownTimer:  A timer has expired and no messages have been
                     received with the ControlChannelDown flag set.

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12.1.3. Control Channel FSM Description
   Figure 3 illustrates operation of the control channel FSM
   in a form of FSM state transition diagram.
            +----------------->|        |<--------------+
            |       +--------->|  Down  |<----------+   |
            |       |+---------|        |<-------+  |   |
            |       ||         +--------+        |  |   |
            |       ||           |    ^    2,9,10| 2|  2|
            |       ||1b       1a|    |          |  |   |
            |       ||           v    | 2,9,10   |  |   |
            |       ||         +--------+        |  |   |
            |       ||      +->|        |<------+|  |   |
            |       ||  4,7,|  |ConfSnd |       ||  |   |
            |       || 14,15+--|        |<----+ ||  |   |
            |       ||         +--------+     | ||  |   |
            |       ||       3,8a| |          | ||  |   |
            |       || +---------+ |8b  14,12a| ||  |   |
            |       || |           v          | ||  |   |
            |       |+-|------>+--------+     | ||  |   |
            |       |  |    +->|        |-----|-|+  |   |
            |       |  |6,14|  |ConfRcv |     | |   |   |
            |       |  |    +--|        |<--+ | |   |   |
            |       |  |       +--------+   | | |   |   |
            |       |  |          5| ^      | | |   |   |
            |       |  +---------+ | |      | | |   |   |
            |       |            | | |      | | |   |   |
            |       |            v v |6,12b | | |   |   |
            |       |10        +--------+   | | |   |   |
            |       +----------|        |   | | |   |   |
            |       |       +--| Active |---|-+ |   |   |
       10,17|       |   5,16|  |        |-------|---+   |
        +-------+ 9 |   13  +->|        |   |   |       |
        | Going |<--|----------+--------+   |   |       |
        | Down  |   |           11| ^       |   |       |
        +-------+   |             | |5      |   |       |
            ^       |             v |  6,12b|   |       |
            |9      |10        +--------+   |   |12a,14 |
            |       +----------|        |---+   |       |
            |                  |   Up   |-------+       |
            +------------------|        |---------------+
                                 |   ^
                                 |   |
                       Figure 3: Control Channel FSM

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   Event evCCDn always forces the FSM to the Down State.  Events
   evHoldTimer evReconfig always force the FSM to the Negotiation state
   (either ConfigSnd or ConfigRcv).
     TE Link FSM
   The TE Link FSM defines the states and logics of operation of an LMP
   TE Link.
12.2.1. TE Link States
   An LMP TE link can be in one of the states described below. Every
   state corresponds to a certain condition of the TE link and is
   usually associated with a specific type of LMP message that is
   periodically transmitted to the far end via the associated control
   channel or in-band via the data links.
   Down:       There are no data links allocated to the TE link.
   Init:       Data links have been allocated to the TE link, but the
               configuration has not yet been synchronized with the LMP

BM> I guess we are saying that once initially synchronized, subsequent changes
BM> to TE Links that cause link summary to run could happen whilst the TE Link
BM> is still in UP state.
BM> In the middle of the day, is the IDs and/or other properties
BM> of links are changed such that a TE Links go out of synchronization,
BM> should we go back to "Init" state?, such that the above definition of
BM> Init state is observed all the time?

   Up:         This is the normal operational state of the TE link.  At
               least one primary CC is required to be operational
               between the nodes sharing the TE link.
   Degraded:   In this state, all primary CCs are down, but the TE link
               still includes some allocated data links.

BM> Does the term "allocated" here refer to "allocated to data traffic"?
BM> I don't think so.. but could we be explicit?

BM> Related question. Whilst in Init state, if the last CC goes down,
BM> Shouldn't the TE Link go into degraded?

12.2.2. TE Link Events
   Operation of the LMP TE link is described in terms of FSM states and
   events. TE Link events are generated by the packet processing
   routines and by the FSMs of the associated primary control
   channel(s) and the data links. Every event has its number and a
   symbolic name. Description of possible control channel events is
   given below.
   1 : evDCUp:         One or more data channels have been enabled and
                       assigned to the TE Link.
   2 : evSumAck:       LinkSummary message received and positively
   3 : evSumNack:      LinkSummary message received and negatively
   4 : evRcvAck:       LinkSummaryAck message received acknowledging
                       the TE Link Configuration.
   5 : evRcvNack:      LinkSummaryNack message received.
   6 : evSumRet:       Retransmission timer has expired and LinkSummary
                       message is resent.
   7 : evCCUp:         First active control channel goes up.
   8 : evCCDown:       Last active control channel goes down.
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   9 : evDCDown:       Last data channel of TE Link has been removed.
12.2.3. TE Link FSM Description
   Figure 4 illustrates operation of the LMP TE Link FSM in a form of
   FSM state transition diagram.
                                     |  |
                                     |  v
                                  |        |
                    +------------>|  Down  |<---------+
                    |             |        |          |
                    |             +--------+          |
                    |                |  ^             |
                    |               1|  |9            |
                    |                v  |             |
                    |             +--------+          |
                    |             |        |<-+       |
                    |             |  Init  |  |3,5,6  |9
                    |             |        |--+ 7,8   |
                   9|             +--------+          |
                    |                  |              |
                    |               2,4|              |
                    |                  v              |
                 +--------+   7   +--------+          |
                 |        |------>|        |----------+
                 |  Deg   |       |   Up   |
                 |        |<------|        |
                 +--------+   8   +--------+
                                     |  ^
                                     |  |
                         Figure 4: LMP TE Link FSM
   In the above FSM, the sub-states that may be implemented when the
   link verification procedure is used have been omitted.

BM> Consider a TE Link that transitions to Down state via Degraded.. it
BM> has no data links and no CCs either. If now a DC is added to the TE
BM> Link, shouldn't it go [back] to degraded state, rather than Init.
BM> When a TE Link in the Down state gets a new data link, it fits
BM> the definition of the degraded state.

     Data Link FSM
   The data link FSM defines the states and logics of operation of a
   port or component link within an LMP TE link.  Operation of a data
   link is described in terms of FSM states and events.  Data-bearing
   links can either be in the active (transmitting) mode, where Test
   messages are transmitted from them, or the passive (receiving) mode,
   where Test messages are received through them.  For clarity,
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   separate FSMs are defined for the active/passive data-bearing links;
   however, a single set of data link states and events are defined.  
12.3.1. Data Link States
   Any data link can be in one of the states described below. Every
   state corresponds to a certain condition of the TE link.
   Down:          The data link has not been put in the resource pool
                  (i.e., the link is not ‘in service’
   Test:          The data link is being tested.  An LMP Test message
                  is periodically sent through the link.
   PasvTest:      The data link is being checked for incoming test
   Up/Free:       The link has been successfully tested and is now put
                  in the pool of resources (in-service).  The link has
                  not yet been allocated to data traffic.
   Up/Allocated:  The link is UP and has been allocated for data
   Degraded:      The link was in the Up/Allocated state when the last
                  CC associated with data link's TE Link has gone down. 
                  The link is put in the Degraded state, since it is
                  still being used for data LSP.
12.3.2. Data Link Events
   Data bearing link events are generated by the packet processing
   routines and by the FSMs of the associated control channel and the
   TE link.  Every event has its number and a symbolic name.
   Description of possible data link events is given below:
   1 :evCCUp:       CC has gone up.
   2 :evCCDown:     LMP neighbor connectivity is lost.  This indicates
                    the last LMP control channel has failed between
                    neighboring nodes.
   3 :evStartTst:   This is an external event that triggers the sending
                    of Test messages over the data bearing link.
   4 :evStartPsv:   This is an external event that triggers the
                    listening for Test messages over the data bearing
   5 :evTestOK:     Link verification was successful and the link can
                    be used for path establishment.
                        (a) This event indicates the Link Verification
                            procedure (see Section 5) was successful
                            for this data link and a TestStatusSuccess
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                            message was received over the control
                        (b) This event indicates the link is ready for
                            path establishment, but the Link
                            Verification procedure was not used.  For
                            in-band signaling of the control channel,
                            the control channel establishment may be
                            sufficient to verify the link.
   6 :evTestRcv:    Test message was received over the data port and a
                    TestStatusSuccess message is transmitted over the
                    control channel.
   7 :evTestFail:   Link verification returned negative results.  This
                    could be because (a) a TestStatusFailure message
                    was received, or (b) an EndVerifyAck message was
                    received without receiving a TestStatusSuccess or
                    TestStatusFailure message for the data link.
   8 :evPsvTestFail:Link verification returned negative results.  This
                    indicates that a Test message was not detected and
                    either (a) the VerifyDeadInterval has expired or
                    (b) an EndVerify messages has been received and the
                    VerifyDeadInterval has not yet expired.
   9 :evLnkAlloc:   The data link has been allocated.
   10:evLnkDealloc: The data link has been deallocated.
   11:evTestRet:    A retransmission timer has expired and the Test
                    message is resent.
   12:evSummaryFail:The LinkSummary did not match for this data port.
   13:evLocalizeFail:A Failure has been localized to this data link.
   14:evdcDown:     The data channel is no longer available.

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12.3.3. Active Data Link FSM Description
   Figure 5 illustrates operation of the LMP active data link FSM in a
   form of FSM state transition diagram.
              +------------->|      |<-------+
              |   +--------->| Down |        |
              |   |     +----|      |<-----+ |
              |   |     |    +------+      | |
              |   |     |5b   3|  ^        | |
              |   |     |      |  |2,7     | |
              |   |     |      v  |        | |
              |   |     |    +------+      | |
              |   |     |    |      |<-+   | |
              |   |     |    | Test |  |11 | |
              |   |     |    |      |--+   | |
              |   |     |    +------+      | |
              |   |     |     5a| 3^       | |
              |   |     |       |  |       | |
              |   |     |       v  |       | |
              |   |2,12 |   +---------+    | |
              |   |     +-->|         |14  | |
              |   |         | Up/Free |----+ |
              |   +---------|         |      |
              |             +---------+      |
              |                9| ^          |
              |                 | |          |
              |10               v |10        |
            +-----+  2      +---------+      |
            |     |<--------|         |13    |
            | Deg |         |Up/Alloc |------+
            |     |-------->|         |
            +-----+  1      +---------+
                    Figure 5: Active LMP Data Link FSM

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12.3.4. Passive Data Link FSM Description
   Figure 6 illustrates operation of the LMP passive data link FSM in a
   form of FSM state transition diagram.
              +------------->|      |<------+
              |  +---------->| Down |       |
              |  |     +-----|      |<----+ |
              |  |     |     +------+     | |
              |  |     |5b    4|  ^       | |
              |  |     |       |  |2,8    | |
              |  |     |       v  |       | |
              |  |     |    +----------+  | |
              |  |     |    | PasvTest |  | |
              |  |     |    +----------+  | |
              |  |     |       6|  4^     | |
              |  |     |        |   |     | |  
              |  |     |        v   |     | |
              |  |2,12 |    +---------+   | |
              |  |     +--->| Up/Free |14 | |
              |  |          |         |---+ |
              |  +----------|         |     |
              |             +---------+     |
              |                 9| ^        |
              |                  | |        |
              |10                v |10      |
            +-----+         +---------+     |
            |     |  2      |         |13   |
            | Deg |<--------|Up/Alloc |-----+
            |     |-------->|         |
            +-----+  1      +---------+
                    Figure 6: Passive LMP Data Link FSM

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   LMP Message Formats
   All LMP messages are IP encoded (except, in some cases, the Test
   messages are limited by the transport mechanism for in-band
   messaging) with protocol number xxx - TBA (to be assigned) by IANA.
     Common Header
   In addition to the standard IP header, all LMP messages (except, in
   some cases, the Test messages which are limited by the transport
   mechanism for in-band messaging) have the following common header:
    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   | Vers  |      (Reserved)       |    Flags      |    Msg Type   |
   |          LMP Length           |           Checksum            |
   Vers: 4 bits
        Protocol version number.  This is version 1.
   Flags: 8 bits.  The following values are defined.  All other values
          are reserved.
        0x01: ControlChannelDown
        0x02: LMP Restart
               This bit is set to indicate the LMP component has
               restarted.  This flag may be reset to 0 when a Hello
               message is received with RcvSeqNum equal to the local
        0x04: LMP-WDM Support
               When set, indicates that this node is willing and
               capable of receiving all the messages and objects
               described in [LMP-DWDM].
        0x08: Authentication
               When set, this bit indicates that an authentication
               block is attached at the end of the LMP message.  See
               Sections 7 and 9.3 for more details.
   Msg Type: 8 bits.  The following values are defined.  All other
             values are reserved.
        1  = Config
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        2  = ConfigAck
        3  = ConfigNack
        4  = Hello
        5  = BeginVerify
        6  = BeginVerifyAck
        7  = BeginVerifyNack
        8  = EndVerify
        9  = EndVerifyAck
        10 = Test
        11 = TestStatusSuccess
        12 = TestStatusFailure
        13 = TestStatusAck
        14 = LinkSummary
        15 = LinkSummaryAck
        16 = LinkSummaryNack
        17 = ChannelStatus
        18 = ChannelStatusAck
        19 = ChannelStatusRequest
        20 = ChannelStatusResponse
        All of the messages are sent over the control channel EXCEPT
        the Test message, which is sent over the data link that is
        being tested.
   LMP Length: 16 bits
        The total length of this LMP message in bytes, including the
        common header and any variable-length objects that follow.
   Checksum: 16 bits
        The standard IP checksum of the entire contents of the LMP
        message, starting with the LMP message header. This checksum is
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        calculated as the 16-bit one's complement of the one's
        complement sum of all the 16-bit words in the packet. If the
        packet's length is not an integral number of 16-bit words, the
        packet is padded with a byte of zero before calculating the

BM> One thing that will be of great help for implementation is a "message
BM> specific" field (perhaps a couple of them). An example use of such a field
BM> could be to store the number of data link objects in a link summary
BM> and link summary ack message.

     LMP Object Format
   LMP messages are built using objects.  Each object is identified by
   its Object Class and Class-type.  Each object has a name, which is
   always capitalized in this document. LMP objects can be either
   negotiable or non-negotiable (identified by the N bit in the TLV
   header).  Negotiable objects can be used to let the devices agree on
   certain values.  Non-negotiable Objects are used for announcement of
   specific values that do not need or do not allow negotiation.
   The format of the LMP object is as follows:
    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |N|   C-Type    |     Class     |            Length             |
   |                                                               |
   //                         (TLV Object)                        //
   |                                                               |
   N: 1 bit
        The N flag indicates if the object is negotiable (N=1) or non-
        negotiable (N=0).
   C-Type: 7 bits
        Class-type within an Object Class.  Values are defined in
        Section 14.
   Class: 8 bits
        The Class indicates the Object type.  Each Object has a name,
        which is always capitalized in this document.
   Length: 16 bits
        The Length field indicates the length of the Object in bytes.
   When authentication is used for LMP, the authentication itself is
   appended to the LMP packet.  It is not considered to be a part of

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   the LMP packet, but is transmitted in the same IP packet as shown
    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |                                                               |
   //                     LMP Common Header                       //
   |                                                               |
   |                                                               |
   //                        LMP Payload                          //
   |                                                               |
   |                                                               |
   //                    Authentication Block                     //
   |                                                               |
   The authentication block consists of an 8 byte header followed by the
   data portion shown as follows:
    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |      0        |   Auth Type   |    Key ID     | Auth Data Len |
   |                 Cryptographic Sequence Number                 |
   |                                                               |
   |                       MD5 Signature (16)                      |
   |                                                               |
   |                                                               |
   Auth Type: 8 bits
              This defines the type of authentication used for LMP
              messages.  The following authentication types are
              defined, all other are reserved for future use:
              0  No authentication
              1  Cryptographic authentication
   Key ID: 8 bits
              This field is defined only for cryptographic
   Auth Data Length: 8 bits
              This field contains the length of the data portion of the
              authentication block.
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   LMP authentication is performed on a per control channel basis.  The
   packet authentication procedure is very similar to the one used in
   OSPF, including multiple key support, key management, etc. The
   details specific to LMP are defined below.
   Sending authenticated packets
   When a packet needs to be sent over a control channel and an
   authentication method is configured for it, the Authentication flag
   in the LMP header is set to 1, the LMP Length field is set to the
   length of the LMP packet only, not including the authentication
   1) The Checksum field in the LMP packet is set to zero (this will
      make the receiving side drop the packet if authentication is not
   2) The LMP authentication header is filled out properly. The message
      digest is calculated over the LMP packet together with the LMP
      authentication header. The input to the message digest
      calculation consists of the LMP packet, the LMP authentication
      header, and the secret key. When using MD5 as the authentication
      algorithm, the message digest calculation proceeds as follows:
      (a) The authentication header is appended to the LMP packet.
      (b) The 16 byte MD5 key is appended after the LMP authentication
      (c) Trailing pad and length fields are added, as specified in
      (d) The MD5 authentication algorithm is run over the
          concatenation of the LMP packet, authentication header,
          secret key, pad and length fields, producing a 16 byte
          message digest (see [MD5]).
      (e) The MD5 digest is written over the secret key (i.e., appended
          to the original authentication header).
   The authentication block is added to the IP packet right after the
   LMP packet, so IP packet length includes the length of both LMP
   packet and LMP authentication blocks.
   Receiving authenticated packets
   When an LMP packet with the Authentication flag set has been received
   on a control channel that is configured for authentication, it must
   be authenticated.  The value of the Authentication field MUST match
   the authentication type configured for the control channel (if any).
   If an LMP protocol packet is accepted as authentic, processing of the
   packet continues.  Packets that fail authentication are discarded. 
   Note that the checksum field in the LMP packet header is not checked
   when the packet is authenticated.
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   (1) Locate the receiving control channel's configured key having Key
       ID equal to that specified in the received LMP authentication
       block.  If the key is not found, or if the key is not valid for
       reception (i.e., current time does not fall into the key's
       active time frame), the LMP packet is discarded.
   (2) If the cryptographic sequence number found in the LMP
       authentication header is less than the cryptographic sequence
       number recorded in the control channel data structure, the LMP
       packet is discarded.
   (3) Verify the message digest in the data portion of the
       authentication block in the following steps:
       (a) The received digest is set aside.
       (b) A new digest is calculated, as specified in the previous
       (c) The calculated and received digests are compared.  If they
           do not match, the LMP packet is discarded.  If they do
           match, the LMP protocol packet is accepted as authentic, and
           the "cryptographic sequence number" in the control channel's
           data structure is set to the sequence number found in the
           packet's LMP header.
     Parameter Negotiation Messages

BM> Suggest changing to "Hello parameter negotiation messages".

13.4.1. Config Message (MsgType = 1)
   The Config message is used in the control channel negotiation phase
   of LMP.  The contents of the Config message are built using LMP
   objects.  The format of the Config message is as follows:
   <Config Message> ::= <Common Header> <LOCAL_CCID> <MESSAGE_ID>
                        <LOCAL_NODE_ID> <CONFIG>
   The above transmission order SHOULD be followed.

BM> If order is to be followed for ALL messages, include it in one
BM> place at beginning of section 13
   The MESSAGE_ID is within the scope of the CCID.
   The Config message MUST be periodically transmitted until (1) it
   receives a ConfigAck or ConfigNack message, (2) a timeout expires
   and no ConfigAck or ConfigNack message has been received, or (3) it
   receives a Config message from the remote node and has lost the
   contention (e.g., the Node Id of the remote node is higher than the
   Node Id of the local node).  Both the retransmission interval and
   the timeout period are local configuration parameters.
13.4.2. ConfigAck Message (MsgType = 2)
   The ConfigAck message is used to acknowledge receipt of the Config
   message and indicate agreement on all parameters.

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   <ConfigAck Message> ::= <Common Header> <LOCAL_CCID> <LOCAL_NODE_ID>
                           <REMOTE_CCID> <MESSAGE_ID_ACK>
   The above transmission order SHOULD be followed.
   The contents of the REMOTE_CCID, MESSAGE_ID_ACK, and REMOTE_NODE_ID
   objects MUST be obtained from the Config message being acknowledged.
13.4.3. ConfigNack Message (MsgType = 3)
   The ConfigNack message is used to acknowledge receipt of the Config
   message and indicate disagreement on non-negotiable parameters or
   propose other values for negotiable parameters.  Parameters where
   agreement was reached MUST NOT be included in the ConfigNack
   Message.  The format of the ConfigNack message is as follows:
   <ConfigNack Message> ::= <Common Header> <LOCAL_CCID>
                            <LOCAL_NODE_ID>  <REMOTE_CCID>
                            <MESSAGE_ID_ACK> <REMOTE_NODE_ID>
                            <ERROR_CODE> [<CONFIG>]
   The above transmission order SHOULD be followed.
   The contents of the REMOTE_CCID, MESSAGE_ID_ACK, and REMOTE_NODE_ID
   objects MUST be obtained from the Config message being negatively
   The ConfigNack uses CONFIG_ERROR_ C-Type 1.
   It is possible that multiple parameters may be invalid in the Config
   message.  As such, multiple bits may be set in the ERROR_CODE.
   If a negotiable CONFIG object is included in the ConfigNack message,
   it MUST include acceptable values for the parameters.  The
   ERROR_CODE MUST indicate “Renegotiate CONFIG parameter.”
   If the ConfigNack message includes CONFIG objects for non-negotiable
   parameters, they MUST be copied from the CONFIG objects received in
   the Config message.  The ERROR_CODE MUST indicate “Unacceptable non-
   negotiable CONFIG parameter.”
   If the ConfigNack message is received and only includes CONFIG
   objects that are negotiable, then a new Config message SHOULD be
   sent.  The values in the CONFIG object of the new Config message
   SHOULD take into account the acceptable values included in the
   ConfigNack message.
     Hello Message (MsgType = 4)
   The format of the Hello message is as follows:
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   <Hello Message> ::= <Common Header> <LOCAL_CCID> <Hello>

BM>                                                 ^^^^^^ Should be in upper case
   The above transmission order SHOULD be followed.
   The Hello message MUST be periodically transmitted at least once
   every HelloInterval msec.  If no Hello message is received within
   the HelloDeadInterval, the control channel is assumed to have
     Link Verification
13.6.1. BeginVerify Message (MsgType = 5)
   The BeginVerify message is sent over the control channel and is used
   to initiate the link verification process.  The format is as
   <BeginVerify Message> ::= <Common Header> <LOCAL_LINK_ID>
                             <MESSAGE_ID> [<REMOTE_LINK_ID>]
   The above transmission order SHOULD be followed.
   To limit the scope of Link Verification to a particular TE Link, the
   LOCAL_LINK_ID SHOULD be non-zero.  If this field is zero, the data
   links can span multiple TE links and/or they may comprise a TE link
   that is yet to be configured.
   The REMOTE_LINK_ID may be included if the local/remote Link Id
   mapping is known.
   The REMOTE_LINK_ID MUST be non-zero if included.
   The BeginVerify message MUST be periodically transmitted until (1)
   the node receives either a BeginVerifyAck or BeginVerifyNack message
   to accept or reject the verify process or (2) a timeout expires and
   no BeginVerifyAck or BeginVerifyNack message has been received. 
   Both the retransmission interval and the timeout period are local
   configuration parameters.
13.6.2. BeginVerifyAck Message (MsgType = 6)
   When a BeginVerify message is received and Test messages are ready
   to be processed, a BeginVerifyAck message MUST be transmitted.
   <BeginVerifyAck Message> ::= <Common Header> [<LOCAL_LINK_ID>]
                                <MESSAGE_ID_ACK> <BEGIN_VERIFY_ACK>
   The above transmission order SHOULD be followed.
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   The LOCAL_LINK_ID may be included if the local/remote Link Id
   mapping is known or learned through the BeginVerify message.
   The LOCAL_LINK_ID MUST be non-zero if included.
   The contents of the MESSAGE_ID_ACK object MUST be obtained from the
   BeginVerify message being acknowledged.
   The VERIFY_ID object contains a node-unique value that is assigned
   by the generator of the BeginVerifyAck message.  This value is used
   to uniquely identify the Verification process from multiple LMP
   neighbors and/or parallel Test procedures between the same LMP
13.6.3. BeginVerifyNack Message (MsgType = 7)
   If a BeginVerify message is received and a node is unwilling or
   unable to begin the Verification procedure, a BeginVerifyNack
   message MUST be transmitted.
   <BeginVerifyNack Message> ::= <Common Header> <LOCAL_LINK_ID>
                                 <MESSAGE_ID_ACK> <ERROR_CODE>
   The above transmission order SHOULD be followed.
   The contents of the MESSAGE_ID_ACK object MUST be obtained from the
   BeginVerify message being negatively acknowledged.
   If the Verification process is not supported, the ERROR_CODE MUST
   indicate “Link Verification Procedure not supported”.
   If Verification is supported, but the node unable to begin the
   procedure, the ERROR_CODE MUST indicate “Unwilling to verify”.  If a
   BeginVerifyNack message is received with such an ERROR_CODE, the
   node that originated the BeginVerify SHOULD schedule a BeginVerify
   retransmission after Rf seconds, where Rf is a locally defined
   If the Verification Transport mechanism is not supported, the
   ERROR_CODE MUST indicate “Unsupported verification transport
   If remote configuration of the TE Link Id is not supported and the
   REMOTE_LINK_ID object (included in the BeginVerify message) does not
   match any configured values, the ERROR_CODE MUST indicate “TE Link
   Id configuration error”.
   The BeginVerifyNack uses BEGIN_VERIFY_ERROR_ C-Type 2.
13.6.4. EndVerify Message (MsgType = 8)
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   The EndVerify message is sent over the control channel and is used
   to terminate the link verification process.  The EndVerify message
   may be sent at any time the initiating node desires to end the
   Verify procedure.  The format is as follows:
   <EndVerify Message> ::= <Common Header> <MESSAGE_ID> <VERIFY_ID>
   The above transmission order SHOULD be followed.
   The EndVerify message will be periodically transmitted until (1) an
   EndVerifyAck message has been received or (2) a timeout expires and
   no EndVerifyAck message has been received.  Both the retransmission
   interval and the timeout period are local configuration parameters.
13.6.5. EndVerifyAck Message (MsgType =9)
   The EndVerifyAck message is sent over the control channel and is
   used to acknowledge the termination of the link verification
   process.  The format is as follows:
   <EndVerifyAck Message> ::= <Common Header> <VERIFY_ID>
   The above transmission order SHOULD be followed.
   The contents of the MESSAGE_ID_ACK object MUST be obtained from the
   EndVerify message being acknowledged.
13.6.6. Test Message (MsgType = 10)
   The Test message is transmitted over the data link and is used to
   verify its physical connectivity. Unless explicitly stated in the
   Verify Transport Mechanism description for the BEGIN_VERIFY class,
   this is transmitted as an IP packet with payload format as follows:
   <Test Message> ::= <Common Header> <VERIFY_ID> <LOCAL_INTERFACE_ID>
   The above transmission order SHOULD be followed.
   Note that this message is sent over a data link and NOT over the
   control channel.  The transport mechanism for the Test message is
   negotiated using Verify Transport Mechanism field of the BeginVerify
   Object and the Verify Transport Response field of the BeginVerifyAck
   Object (see Sections 14.9 and 14.10).
   The local (transmitting) node sends a given Test message
   periodically (at least once every VerifyInterval ms) on the
   corresponding data link until (1) it receives a correlating
   TestStatusSuccess or TestStatusFailure message on the control
   channel from the remote (receiving) node or (2) all active control
   channels between the two nodes have failed. The remote node will
   send a given TestStatus message periodically over the control
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   channel until it receives either a correlating TestStatusAck message
   or an EndVerify message is received over the control channel.
13.6.7. TestStatusSuccess Message (MsgType = 11)
   The TestStatusSuccess message is transmitted over the control
   channel and is used to transmit the mapping between the local
   Interface Id and the Interface Id that was received in the Test
   <TestStatusSuccess Message> ::= <Common Header> <LOCAL_LINK_ID>
                                   <MESSAGE_ID> <LOCAL_INTERFACE_ID>
                                   <REMOTE_INTERFACE_ID> <VERIFY_ID>
   The above transmission order SHOULD be followed.
   The contents of the REMOTE_INTERFACE_ID object MUST be obtained from
   the corresponding Test message being positively acknowledged.
13.6.8. TestStatusFailure Message (MsgType = 12)
   The TestStatusFailure message is transmitted over the control
   channel and is used to indicate that the Test message was not
   <TestStatusFailure Message> ::= <Common Header> <MESSAGE_ID>
   The above transmission order SHOULD be followed.
13.6.9. TestStatusAck Message (MsgType = 13)
   The TestStatusAck message is used to acknowledge receipt of the
   TestStatusSuccess or TestStatusFailure messages.
   <TestStatusAck Message> ::= <Common Header> <MESSAGE_ID_ACK>
   The above transmission order SHOULD be followed.
   The contents of the MESSAGE_ID_ACK object MUST be obtained from the
   TestStatusSuccess or TestStatusFailure message being acknowledged.
     Link Summary Messages
13.7.1. LinkSummary Message (MsgType = 14)
   The LinkSummary message is used to synchronize the Interface Ids and
   correlate the properties of the TE link.  The format of the
   LinkSummary message is as follows:

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   <LinkSummary Message> ::= <Common Header> <MESSAGE_ID> <TE_LINK>
                             <DATA_LINK> [<DATA_LINK>...]
   The above transmission order SHOULD be followed.
   The LinkSummary message can be exchanged at any time a link is not
   in the Verification process.  The LinkSummary message MUST be
   periodically transmitted until (1) the node receives a
   LinkSummaryAck or LinkSummaryNack message or (2) a timeout expires
   and no LinkSummaryAck or LinkSummaryNack message has been received. 
   Both the retransmission interval and the timeout period are local
   configuration parameters.
13.7.2. LinkSummaryAck Message (MsgType = 15)
   The LinkSummaryAck message is used to indicate agreement on the
   Interface Id synchronization and acceptance/agreement on all the
   link parameters. It is on the reception of this message that the
   local node makes the TE Link Id associations.
   <LinkSummaryAck Message> ::=  <Common Header> <MESSAGE_ID_ACK>
   The above transmission order SHOULD be followed.
13.7.3. LinkSummaryNack Message (MsgType = 16)
   The LinkSummaryNack message is used to indicate disagreement on non-
   negotiated parameters or propose other values for negotiable
   parameters.  Parameters where agreement was reached MUST NOT be
   included in the LinkSummaryNack Object.
   <LinkSummaryNack Message> ::= <Common Header> <MESSAGE_ID_ACK>
                                 <ERROR_CODE> [<DATA_LINK>...]
   The above transmission order SHOULD be followed.
   The LinkSummary TLVs MUST include acceptable values for all
   negotiable parameters.  If the LinkSummaryNack includes LinkSummary
   TLVs for non-negotiable parameters, they MUST be copied from the
   LinkSummary TLVs received in the LinkSummary message.
   If the LinkSummaryNack message is received and only includes
   negotiable parameters, then a new LinkSummary message SHOULD be
   sent.  The values received in the new LinkSummary message SHOULD
   take into account the acceptable parameters included in the
   LinkSummaryNack message.

BM> It looks like sending a linksummarynack that includes both non-negotiable
BM> parameters as well as negotiable parameters is kind of useless..
BM> because the initiator will not resend a link summary in that case. Yes?

   The LinkSummaryNack message uses LINK_SUMMARY_ERROR_ C-Type 3.
     Fault Management Messages
13.8.1. ChannelStatus Message (MsgType = 17)
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   The ChannelStatus message is sent over the control channel and is
   used to notify an LMP neighbor of the status of a data link.  A node
   that receives a ChannelStatus message MUST respond with a
   ChannelStatusAck message.  The format is as follows:
   <ChannelStatus Message> ::= <Common Header> <LOCAL_LINK_ID>
                               <MESSAGE_ID> <CHANNEL_STATUS>
   The above transmission order SHOULD be followed.
   If the CHANNEL_STATUS object does not include any Interface Ids,
   then this indicates the entire TE Link has failed.
13.8.2. ChannelStatusAck Message (MsgType = 18)
   The ChannelStatusAck message is used to acknowledge receipt of the
   ChannelStatus Message.  The format is as follows:
   <ChannelStatusAck Message> ::= <Common Header> <MESSAGE_ID_ACK>
   The above transmission order SHOULD be followed.
   The contents of the MESSAGE_ID_ACK object MUST be obtained from the
   ChannelStatus message being acknowledged.
13.8.3. ChannelStatusRequest Message (MsgType = 19)
   The ChannelStatusRequest message is sent over the control channel
   and is used to request the status of one or more data link(s).  A
   node that receives a ChannelStatusRequest message MUST respond with
   a ChannelStatusResponse message.  The format is as follows:
   <ChannelStatusRequest Message> ::= <Common Header> <LOCAL_LINK_ID>
   The above transmission order SHOULD be followed.
   If the CHANNEL_STATUS_REQUEST object is not included, then the
   ChannelStatusRequest is being used to request the status of ALL of
   the data link(s) of the TE Link.
13.8.4. ChannelStatusResponse Message (MsgType = 20)
   The ChannelStatusResponse message is used to acknowledge receipt of
   the ChannelStatusRequest Message and notify the LMP neighbor of the
   status of the data channel(s).  The format is as follows:
   <ChannelStatusResponse Message> ::= <Common Header> <MESSAGE_ID_ACK> 
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   The above transmission order SHOULD be followed.
   The contents of the MESSAGE_ID_ACK objects MUST be obtained from the
   ChannelStatusRequest message being acknowledged.
   LMP Object Definitions
     CCID (Control Channel ID) Classes
14.1.1. LOCAL_CCID Class
   Class = 1. 
   o    C-Type = 1
    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |                            CC_Id                              |
   CC_Id:  32 bits
        This MUST be node-wide unique and non-zero.  The CC_Id
        identifies the control channel of the sender associated with
        the message.
   This Object is non-negotiable.

BM> Suggestion: Why not reserve C-Type = 2 for OIF- OIF OUNI 125.7 allows
BM> CCID to be either numbered (IPv4) or unnumbered.
14.1.2. REMOTE_CCID Class
   Class = 2.
   o    C-Type = 1
    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |                             CC_Id                             |
   CC_Id:  32 bits
        This identifies the remote node’s CC_Id and MUST be non-zero.  
   This Object is non-negotiable.
     NODE_ID Classes
14.2.1.  LOCAL_NODE_ID Class
   Class = 3.
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   o    C-Type = 1
    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |                        Node_Id (4 bytes)                      |
        This identities the node that originated the LMP packet.
   This Object is non-negotiable.
14.2.2. REMOTE _NODE_ID Class
   Class = 4.
   o    C-Type = 1
    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |                        Node_Id (4 bytes)                      |
        This identities the remote node.
   This Object is non-negotiable.
     LINK _ID Classes
14.3.1. LOCAL_LINK_ID Class
   Class = 5
   o    IPv4, C-Type = 1
    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |                        Link_Id (4 bytes)                      |
   o    IPv6, C-Type = 2
    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
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   |                                                               |
   +                                                               +
   |                                                               |
   +                        Link_Id (16 bytes)                     +
   |                                                               |
   +                                                               +
   |                                                               |
   o    Unnumbered, C-Type = 3
    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |                        Link_Id (4 bytes)                      |
   o    Reserved for OIF, C-Type = 4
        This identifies the sender’s Link associated with the message.
   This Object is non-negotiable.
14.3.2. REMOTE _LINK_ID Class
   Class = 6 
   o    IPv4, C-Type = 1
    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |                         Link_Id (4 bytes)                     |
   o    IPv6, C-Type = 2
    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |                                                               |
   +                                                               +
   |                                                               |
   +                         Link_Id (16 bytes)                    +
   |                                                               |
   +                                                               +
   |                                                               |
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   o    Unnumbered, C-Type = 3
    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |                         Link_Id (4 bytes)                     |
   o    Reserved for OIF, C-Type = 4
        This identifies the remote node’s Link Id and MUST be non-zero.
   This Object is non-negotiable.
     INTERFACE_ID Classes
   Class = 7
   o    IPv4, C-Type = 1
    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |                       Interface_Id (4 bytes)                  |
   o    IPv6, C-Type = 2
    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |                                                               |
   +                                                               +
   |                                                               |
   +                       Interface_Id (16 bytes)                 +
   |                                                               |
   +                                                               +
   |                                                               |
   o    Unnumbered, C-Type = 3
    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |                      Interface_Id (4 bytes)                   |
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        This identifies the data link (either port or component link). 
        The Interface_Id MUST be node-wide unique and non-zero.
   This Object is non-negotiable.
   Class = 8. 
   o    IPv4, C-Type = 1
    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |                       Interface_Id (4 bytes)                  |
   o    IPv6, C-Type = 2
    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |                                                               |
   +                                                               +
   |                                                               |
   +                       Interface_Id (16 bytes)                 +
   |                                                               |
   +                                                               +
   |                                                               |
   o    Unnumbered, C-Type = 3
    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |                      Interface_Id (4 bytes)                   |
        This identifies the remote node’s data link (either port or
        component link).  The Interface Id MUST be non-zero.
   This Object is non-negotiable.
     MESSAGE_ID Class
   Class = 9. 
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   o    MessageId, C-Type = 1
    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |                          Message_Id                           |
        The Message_Id field is used to identify a message.  This value
        is incremented and only decreases when the value wraps.  This
        is used for message acknowledgment.
   This Object is non-negotiable.
   Class = 10.
   o    MessageIdAck, C-Type = 1
    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |                          Message_Id                           |
        The Message_Id field is used to identify the message being
        acknowledged.  This value is copied from the MESSAGE_ID object
        of the message being acknowledged.
   This Object is non-negotiable.
     CONFIG Class
   Class = 11.
   o    HelloConfig, C-Type = 1
    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |         HelloInterval         |      HelloDeadInterval        |
   HelloInterval:  16 bits.
        Indicates how frequently the Hello packets will be sent and is
        measured in milliseconds (ms).
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   HelloDeadInterval:  16 bits.
        If no Hello packets are received within the HelloDeadInterval,
        the control channel is assumed to have failed.  The
        HelloDeadInterval is measured in milliseconds (ms).  The
        HelloDeadInterval MUST be greater than the HelloInterval, and
        SHOULD be at least 3 times the value of HelloInterval.
   If the fast keep-alive mechanism of LMP is not used, the
   HelloInterval and HelloDeadInterval MUST be set to zero.

BM> Given that the only parameters negotiated by Hello COnfig are
BM> these two parameters, if fast keep-alive mechanism is not used,
BM> why bother with Hello Config protocol? Why then say Hello Config
BM> is mandatory?
     HELLO Class
   Class = 12
   o    Type 1 Hello, C-Type = 1
    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |                           TxSeqNum                            |
   |                           RcvSeqNum                           |
   TxSeqNum:  32 bits
        This is the current sequence number for this Hello message. 
        This sequence number will be incremented when the sequence
        number is reflected in the RcvSeqNum of a Hello packet that is
        received over the control channel.
        TxSeqNum=0 is not allowed.
        TxSeqNum=1 is reserved to indicate that the control channel has
        booted or restarted.
   RcvSeqNum:  32 bits
        This is the sequence number of the last Hello message received
        over the control channel.  RcvSeqNum=0 is reserved to indicate
        that a Hello message has not yet been received.
   This Object is non-negotiable.
   Class = 13.
   o    C-Type = 1
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    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |    Flags                      |         VerifyInterval        |
   |                       Number of Data Links                    |
   |    EncType    |  (Reserved)   |  Verify Transport Mechanism   |
   |                            BitRate                            |
   |                          Wavelength                           |
   Flags:  16 bits
        The following flags are defined:
        0x01 Verify all Links
                If this bit is set, the verification process checks all
                unallocated links; else it only verifies new ports or
                component links that are to be added to this TE link.
        0x02 Data Link Type
                If set, the data links to be verified are ports,
                otherwise they are component links
   VerifyInterval:  16 bits
        This is the interval between successive Test messages and is
        measured in milliseconds (ms).
   Number of Data Links:  32 bits
        This is the number of data links that will be verified.
   EncType:  8 bits
        This is the encoding type of the data link.  The defined
        EncType values are consistent with the Link Encoding Type
        values of [GMPLSSIG]
   Verify Transport Mechanism:  16 bits
        This defines the transport mechanism for the Test Messages. The
        scope of this bit mask is restricted to each link encoding
        type. The local node will set the bits corresponding to the
        various mechanisms it can support for transmitting LMP test
        messages. The receiver chooses the appropriate mechanism in the
        BeginVerifyAck message.
        For SONET/SDH Encoding Type, the following flags are defined:
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        0x01 J0-16: Capable of transmitting Test messages using J0
                overhead bytes with string length of 16 bytes (with
                CRC-7).  Note that Due to the byte limitation, a
                special Test message is defined as follows:
                The Test message is a 15-byte message, where the last 7
                bits of each byte are usable.  Due to the byte
                limitation, the LMP Header is not included.
                The first usable 32 bits MUST be the VerifyId that was
                received in the VERIFY_ID Object of the BeginVerifyAck
                message.  The second usable 32 bits MUST be the
                Interface_Id.  The next usable 8 bits are used to
                determine the address type of the Interface_Id.  For
                IPv4, this value is 1.  For unnumbered, this value is
                3. The remaining bits are Reserved.
                Note that this Test Message format is only valid when
                the Interface_Id is either IPv4 or unnumbered.
        0x02 DCCS: Capable of transmitting Test messages using the DCC
                Section Overhead bytes with an HDLC framing format.
        0x04 DCCL: Capable of transmitting Test messges using the DCC
                Line Overhead bytes with an HDLC framing format.
        0x08 Payload: Capable of transmitting Test messages in the
                payload using Packet over SONET framing using the
                encoding type specified in the EncType field.
        For GigE Encoding Type, the following flags are defined: TBD
        For 10GigE Encoding Type, the following flags are defined: TBD
   BitRate:  32 bits
        This is the bit rate of the data link over which the Test
        messages will be transmitted and is expressed in bytes per
   Wavelength:  32 bits
   When a data link is assigned to a port or component link that is
   capable of transmitting multiple wavelengths (e.g., a fiber or
   waveband-capable port), it is essential to know which wavelength the
   test messages will be transmitted over.  This value corresponds to
   the wavelength at which the Test messages will be transmitted over
   and has local significance.  If there is no ambiguity as to the
   wavelength over which the message will be sent, then this value
   SHOULD be set to 0.
14.10.  BEGIN_VERIFY_ACK Class
   Class = 14.
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   o    C-Type = 1
    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |      VerifyDeadInterval       |   Verify_Transport_Response   |
   VerifyDeadInterval:  16 bits
        If a Test message is not detected within the
        VerifyDeadInterval, then a node will send the TestStatusFailure
        message for that data link.
   Verify_Transport_Response:  16 bits
        The recipient of the BeginVerify message (and the future
        recipient of the TEST messages) chooses the transport mechanism
        from the various types that are offered by the transmitter of
        the Test messages.  One and only one bit MUST be set in the
        verification transport response.
   This Object is non-negotiable.
14.11.  VERIFY_ID Class
   Class = 15.
   o    C-Type = 1
    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |                           VerifyId                            |
   VerifyId:  32 bits
        This is used to differentiate Test messages from different TE
        links and/or LMP peers.  This is a node-unique value that is
        assigned by the recipient of the BeginVerify message.
   This Object is non-negotiable.
14.12.  TE_LINK Class
   Class = 16.
   o    IPv4, C-Type = 1
    0                   1                   2                   3
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    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |     Flags     |                   (Reserved)                  |
   |                      Local_Link_Id (4 bytes)                  |
   |                      Remote_Link_Id (4 bytes)                 |
   o    IPv6, C-Type = 2
    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |     Flags     |                   (Reserved)                  |
   |                                                               |
   +                                                               +
   |                                                               |
   +                      Local_Link_Id (16 bytes)                 +
   |                                                               |
   +                                                               +
   |                                                               |
   |                                                               |
   +                                                               +
   |                                                               |
   +                      Remote_Link_Id (16 bytes)                +
   |                                                               |
   +                                                               +
   |                                                               |
   o    Unnumbered, C-Type = 3
    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |     Flags     |                   (Reserved)                  |
   |                      Local_Link_Id (4 bytes)                  |
   |                      Remote_Link_Id (4 bytes)                 |
   Flags: 8 bits
        The following flags are defined.  All other values are
        0x01 Fault Management Supported.
        0x02 Link Verification Supported.
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        This identifies the node’s local Link Id and MUST be non-zero.
        This identifies the remote node’s Link Id and MUST be non-zero.
14.13.  DATA_LINK Class
   Class = 17. 
   o    IPv4, C-Type = 1
    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |     Flags     |                   (Reserved)                  |
   |                   Local_Interface_Id (4 bytes)                |
   |                   Remote_Interface_Id (4 bytes)               |
   |                                                               |
   //                        (Subobjects)                         //
   |                                                               |
   o    IPv6, C-Type = 2
    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |     Flags     |                   (Reserved)                  |
   |                                                               |
   +                                                               +
   |                                                               |
   +                   Local_Interface_Id (16 bytes)               +
   |                                                               |
   +                                                               +
   |                                                               |
   |                                                               |
   +                                                               +
   |                                                               |
   +                   Remote_Interface_Id (16 bytes)              +
   |                                                               |
   +                                                               +
   |                                                               |
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   |                                                               |
   //                        (Subobjects)                         //
   |                                                               |
   o    Unnumbered, C-Type = 3
    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |     Flags     |                   (Reserved)                  |
   |                   Local_Interface_Id (4 bytes)                |
   |                   Remote_Interface_Id (4 bytes)               |
   |                                                               |
   //                        (Subobjects)                         //
   |                                                               |
   Flags: 8 bits
        The following flags are defined.  All other values are
        0x01 Interface Type: If set, the data link is a port,
                              otherwise it is a component link.
        0x02 Allocated Link: If set, the data link is currently
                              allocated for user traffic.  If a single
                              Interface_Id is used for both the
                              transmit and receive data links, then
                              this bit only applies to the transmit
        This is the local identifier of the data link.  This MUST be
        node-wide unique and non-zero.
        This is the remote identifier of the data link.  This MUST be
        The contents of the DATA_LINK object consist of a series of
        variable-length  data  items called subobjects.  The subobjects
        are defined in section 14.13.1 below.
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   A DATA_LINK object may contain more than one subobject.  If more
   than one subobject of the same Type appears, only the first
   subobject of that Type is meaningful.  Subsequent subobjects of the
   same Type MAY be ignored.
14.13.1.        Data Link Subobjects
   The contents of the DATA_LINK object include a series of variable-
   length data items called subobjects.  Each subobject has the form:
   0                   1
   0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
   |    Type     |    Length     |      (Subobject contents)       |
   Type: 8 bits
        The Type indicates the type of contents of the subobject. 
        Currently defined values are:
                1   Interface Switching Capability
   Length: 8 bits
        The Length contains the total length of the subobject in bytes,
        including the Type and Length fields.  The Length MUST be at
        least 4, and MUST be a multiple of 4.      Subobject 1:  Interface Switching Capability
   |    Type     |    Length     | Switching Cap |     EncType     |
   |                  Minimum Reservable Bandwidth                 |
   |                  Maximum Reservable Bandwidth                 |
   Switching Capability: 8 bits
        This is used to identify the local Interface Switching
        Capability of the TE link.  See [LSP-HIER].
   EncType:  8 bits
        This is the encoding type of the data link.  The defined
        EncType values are consistent with the Link Encoding Type
        values of [GMPLSSIG].
   Minimum Reservable Bandwidth: 32 bits
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        This is measured in bytes per second and represented in IEEE
        floating point format.
   Maximum Reservable Bandwidth: 32 bits
        This is measured in bytes per second and represented in IEEE
        floating point format.
   If the interface only supports a fixed rate, the minimum and maximum
   bandwidth fields are set to the same value.
14.14.  CHANNEL_STATUS Class
   Class = 18
   o    IPv4, C-Type = 1
    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |                       Interface Id (4 bytes)                  |
   |A|                       Channel Status                        |
   |                              :                                |
   //                             :                               //
   |                              :                                |
   |                       Interface Id (4 bytes)                  |
   |A|                       Channel Status                        |
   o    IPv6, C-Type = 2
    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |                                                               |
   +                                                               +
   |                                                               |
   +                       Interface Id (16 bytes)                 +
   |                                                               |
   +                                                               +
   |                                                               |
   |A|                       Channel Status                        |
   |                              :                                |
   //                             :                               //
   |                              :                                |
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   |                                                               |
   +                                                               +
   |                                                               |
   +                       Interface Id (16 bytes)                 +
   |                                                               |
   +                                                               +
   |                                                               |
   |A|                       Channel Status                        |
   o    Unnumbered, C-Type = 3
    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |                      Interface Id (4 bytes)                   |
   |A|                       Channel Status                        |
   |                              :                                |
   //                             :                               //
   |                              :                                |
   |                      Interface Id (4 bytes)                   |
   |A|                       Channel Status                        |
   Active bit: 1 bit
   This indicates that the Channel is allocated to user traffic and the
   data link should be actively monitored.
   Channel_Status: 32 bits
        This indicates the status condition of a data channel.  The
        following values are defined.  All other values are reserved.
        1   Signal Okay (OK): Channel is operational
        2   Signal Degrade (SD): A soft failure caused by a BER
                    exceeding a preselected threshold.  The specific
                    BER used to define the threshold is configured.
        3   Signal Fail (SF): A hard signal failure including (but not
                    limited to) loss of signal (LOS), loss of frame
                    (LOF), or Line AIS.
   This Object contains one or more Interface Ids followed by a
   Channel_Status field.

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   To indicate the status of the entire TE Link, there MUST only be one
   Interface Id and it MUST be zero.
   This Object is non-negotiable.
   Class = 19
   o    IPv4, C-Type = 1
    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |                       Interface Id (4 bytes)                  |
   |                              :                                |
   //                             :                               //
   |                              :                                |
   |                       Interface Id (4 bytes)                  |
   This Object contains one or more Interface Ids.
   The Length of this object is 4 + 4N in bytes, where N is the number
   of Interface Ids.
   o    IPv6, C-Type = 2
    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |                                                               |
   +                                                               +
   |                                                               |
   +                       Interface Id (16 bytes)                 +
   |                                                               |
   +                                                               +
   |                                                               |
   |                              :                                |
   //                             :                               //
   |                              :                                |
   |                                                               |
   +                                                               +
   |                                                               |
   +                       Interface Id (16 bytes)                 +
   |                                                               |
   +                                                               +
   |                                                               |
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   This Object contains one or more Interface Ids.
   The Length of this object is 4 + 16N in bytes, where N is the number
   of Interface Ids.
   o    Unnumbered, C-Type = 3
    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |                      Interface Id (4 bytes)                   |
   |                              :                                |
   //                             :                               //
   |                              :                                |
   |                      Interface Id (4 bytes)                   |
   This Object contains one or more Interface Ids.
   The Length of this object is 4 + 4N in bytes, where N is the number
   of Interface Ids.
   This Object is non-negotiable.
14.16.  ERROR_CODE Class
   Class = 20.
   o    CONFIG_ERROR, C-Type = 1
    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |                          ERROR CODE                           |
        The following bit-values are defined:
        0x01 = Unacceptable non-negotiable CONFIG parameter
        0x02 = Renegotiate CONFIG parameter
        0x04 = Bad Received CCID
        All other values are Reserved.
        Multiple bits may be set to indicate multiple errors.
        This Object is non-negotiable.

BM> How about adding a bit for "Ill-formed message" to cover
BM> such cases as object-order-violations?
BM> THese could be under a special C-Type, say, PROTOCOL_ERROR
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   o    BEGIN_VERIFY_ERROR, C-Type = 2
    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |                          ERROR CODE                           |
        The following bit-values are defined:
        0x01 = Link Verification Procedure not supported for this TE
        0x02 = Unwilling to verify at this time
        0x04 = Unsupported verification transport mechanism 
        0x08 = TE Link Id configuration error
        All other values are Reserved.
        Multiple bits may be set to indicate multiple errors.
        This Object is non-negotiable.
   If a BeginVerifyNack message is received with Error Code 2, the node
   that originated the BeginVerify SHOULD schedule a BeginVerify
   retransmission after Rf seconds, where Rf is a locally defined
   o    LINK_SUMMARY_ERROR, C-Type = 3
    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |                          ERROR CODE                           |
        The following bit-values are defined:
        0x01 = Unacceptable non-negotiable LINK_SUMMARY parameters
        0x02 = Renegotiate LINK_SUMMARY parameters
        0x04 = Bad Received Remote_Link_Id
        All other values are Reserved.
        Multiple bits may be set to indicate multiple errors.
        This Object is non-negotiable.
   Security Considerations
   LMP exchanges may be authenticated using the Cryptographic
   authentication option.  MD5 is currently the only message digest
   algorithm specified.
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   [RFC2026]   Bradner, S., "The Internet Standards Process -- Revision
               3," BCP 9, RFC 2026, October 1996.
   [LAMBDA]    Awduche, D. O., Rekhter, Y., Drake, J., Coltun, R.,
               "Multi-Protocol Lambda Switching: Combining MPLS Traffic
               Engineering Control with Optical Crossconnects,"
               Internet Draft, draft-awduche-mpls-te-optical-03.txt,
               (work in progress), April 2001.
   [BUNDLE]    Kompella, K., Rekhter, Y., Berger, L., “Link Bundling in
               MPLS Traffic Engineering,” Internet Draft, draft-
               kompella-mpls-bundle-05.txt, (work in progress), February
   [RSVP-TE]   Awduche, D. O., Berger, L., Gan, D.-H., Li, T.,
               Srinivasan, V., Swallow, G., "Extensions to RSVP for LSP
               Tunnels," Internet Draft, draft-ietf-mpls-rsvp-lsp-
               tunnel-08.txt, (work in progress), February 2001.
   [CR-LDP]    Jamoussi, B., et al, "Constraint-Based LSP Setup using
               LDP," Internet Draft, draft-ietf-mpls-cr-ldp-05.txt,
               (work in progress), September 1999.
   [OSPF-TE]   Katz, D., Yeung, D., Kompella, K., "Traffic Engineering
               Extensions to OSPF," Internet Draft, draft-katz-yeung-
               ospf-traffic-04.txt, (work in progress), February 2001.
   [ISIS-TE]   Li, T., Smit, H., "IS-IS extensions for Traffic
               Engineering," Internet Draft,draft-ietf-isis-traffic-
               02.txt, (work in progress), September 2000.
   [OSPF]      Moy, J., "OSPF Version 2," RFC 2328, April 1998.
   [LMP-DWDM]  Fredette, A., Snyder, E., Shantigram, J., et al, “Link
               Management Protocol (LMP) for WDM Transmission Systems,”
               Internet Draft, draft-fredette-lmp-wdm-01.txt, (work in
               progress), March 2001.
   [MD5]       Rivest, R., "The MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm," RFC
               1321, April 1992.
   [GMPLSSIG]  Ashwood-Smith, P., Banerjee, A., et al, “Generalized
               MPLS - Signaling Functional Description,” Internet Draft,
               draft-ietf-mpls-generalized-signaling-06.txt, (work in
               progress), October 2001.
   [LSP-HIER]  Kompella, K. and Rekhter, Y., “LSP Hierarchy with MPLS
               TE,” Internet Draft, draft-ietf-mpls-lsp-hierarchy-
               02.txt, (work in progress), February 2001.

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   The authors would like to thank Ayan Banerjee, George Swallow, Andre
   Fredette, Adrian Farrel, and Vinay Ravuri for their insightful
   comments and suggestions.  We would also like to thank John Yu,
   Suresh Katukam, and Greg Bernstein for their helpful suggestions for
   the in-band control channel applicability.
   Author's Addresses
   Jonathan P. Lang                        Krishna Mitra
   Calient Networks                        Calient Networks
   25 Castilian Drive                      5853 Rue Ferrari
   Goleta, CA 93117                        San Jose, CA 95138
   Email: jplang@calient.net               email: krishna@calient.net
   John Drake                              Kireeti Kompella
   Calient Networks                        Juniper Networks, Inc.
   5853 Rue Ferrari                        385 Ravendale Drive
   San Jose, CA 95138                      Mountain View, CA 94043
   email: jdrake@calient.net               email: kireeti@juniper.net
   Yakov Rekhter                           Lou Berger
   Juniper Networks, Inc.                  Movaz Networks 
   385 Ravendale Drive                     email: lberger@movaz.com
   Mountain View, CA 94043
   email: yakov@juniper.net                  
   Debanjan Saha                           Debashis Basak
   Tellium Optical Systems                 Accelight Networks
   2 Crescent Place                        70 Abele Road, Suite 1201
   Oceanport, NJ 07757-0901                Bridgeville, PA 15017-3470
   email:dsaha@tellium.com                 email: dbasak@accelight.com
   Hal Sandick                             Alex Zinin
   Nortel Networks                         Nexsi Systems
   email: hsandick@nortelnetworks.com      1959 Concourse Drive
                                           San Jose, CA 95131
                                           email:  azinin@nexsi.com 
   Bala Rajagopalan
   Tellium Optical Systems
   2 Crescent Place
   Oceanport, NJ 07757-0901
   email: braja@tellium.com

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