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LMP message length too small?

Since the LMP message length field is only two bytes, this limits the length of a message to 2^16 bytes. Consider the link summary message.
The length of this message is:
      8          +           8          +          16          +           N*28
Header Sz          Msg ID Sz          TE Link Sz          N * Data Link Sz
At best then, there can be 2338 data links in a TE link. This is assuming 4-byte addresses. If we allow for IPv6 addresses, it becomes:
      8          +           8          +          40          +           N*60
Header Sz          Msg ID Sz          TE Link Sz          N * Data Link Sz
so there can be 1091data links in a TE link.
I am wondering if this is too restrictive. I think it is very possible that this would force some large scale TE links to be broken down into multiple TE links to run LMP on them. What do others think?
Michael Mandelberg