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RE: Intra-area Crankback

Hi Don,

don> The feedback draft is intended for this type of operation. 
don> Feedback is best within the area crank back is best outside 
don> the area. We discussed all of this with the original authors 
don> many many times. 
don> Crankback is a primitive from of feedback. 

I recall perhaps one or two 'hallway discussions' along this line.  Personally I think that feedback and crankback do different things, one is not a replacement for the other.  Feedback feeds information to the TED, crankback is a reroute-notify to the head-end or border LSR.  One can emulate a 'crankback' with a failure-notify, just as well as interpreting a feedback TLV as a 'crankback'.  It is not the same as crankback nor a replacement for it.

Both can provide needed functionality.
