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GMPLS Issue - Bandwidth Encoding

The following issue raised 10/29/01 has not been addressed:

> >4) In the "Bandwidth Encoding" section it states "For non-packet LSPs, it
> >    is useful to define discrete values to identify the bandwidth of the
> >    LSP."  For SONET/SDH this is unnecessary given the Signal Type is
> >    provided.  For the other non-packet LSP types (Lambda and Fiber)
> >    it is not clear that all the values cited in the example are relevant
> >    (for example, a DS0 lambda would seem wasteful...).
> >    This is confusing, and should be clarified.  In fact, a description of
> >    exactly why this field is required is needed.
> We've gone over this text multiple times.  Do you have any suggested wording.

I would gladly suggest wording if I understood the use for this.  It has no use
for Packet, PDH, SDH/SONET, or "Digital Wrapper," so I assume it is for Lambda
or Fiber.  However, several of the examples are not appropriate for this.
Perhaps this should be moved to a technology specific document since it is
not really general anyway.