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Re: Revised draft minutes

Hello Adrian,

Please let me put my comments in the two blank portions of the revised agenda.
See in line.


This draft incorporates feedback from Dimitri and Vishal
and from an anonymous reviewer. Thanks.

Further comments ASAP.


Common Control and Measurement Plane WG (ccamp)

THURSDAY, March 4 at 0900-1130

CHAIRS: Kireeti Kompella <kireeti@juniper.net>
       Adrian Farrel <adrian@olddog.co.uk>


Group Admin
 Admin - Nothing much to say (in English anyway)
       - In Korean, however, the following was said:
         "Jigeumbuteo CCAMP meetingeul sijakhagesumnida".

 Agenda bash (5 mins) - No changes
 Status of WG drafts and milestones
   Adrian's slides showed that we do have some draft
   congestion in the WG.
   - RFC editor queue
   - status of IANA for SONET/SDH
     Kireeti talked about an issue with SONET/SDH IANA
   - need a means to get early assignments.
     There is WIP to accomplish this, and it is moving
   - future allocation of "experimental" values

Marco Carugi talked about work in SG-13 (SG13 liaison).
 He covered topics, new study areas, timescales, objectives
 and status. They are also looking for people interested in
 doing work in these areas.

 An L1 VPN questionnaire and framework draft were attached
 to the liaison.

 Tomonori Takeda talked about the technical issues and
 details of the work.

 Monique Morrow had a couple of clarification for Marco -
 When will the consent portion of the work be done in the

   Marco said that the different pieces of work were
   progressing at different speeds. Some material is
   already embodied in recommendations. The next SG13
   meetings are in June and September.

Dimitri Papadimitriou asked if the draft (l1vpn framework) provided in the liaison could include a summarization (as conclusion) on the expected GMPLS work
for the CCAMP WG, this would clarify the intent of the
liaison in term of expected effort for the CCAMP WG

   Kireeti answered. If CCAMP's rechartering this month
   results in the addition of L1VPNs to the charter, then
   a Liaison response from the IETF will include this
   information, plus a request for a cooperative effort,
   preferably along the lines of the ASON routing work,
   wherein the ITU-T defines the requirements and the IETF
   does the protocol extensions.

 Alex Zinin said that we will have to make a decision at
 some point as to whether or not we want to do this work

 Someone from NTT raised a point that was not captured in
 the minutes.

Kohei Shiomoto said that the protocol for the L1VPN should be developed at the IETF as long as it uses IP protocol. There are already internet-drafts on GVPN and CCAMP is the best place to discuss it.

Deborah Brungard said that there is work and some synergy and that we should continue to work on this.

Monique Morrow agrees that we should work on that.

   Marco added some comments that were not captured in the

Malcolm Betts said he also feels that we should do this.

 Adrian took a quick poll and it seems as if nobody is
 against doing this work.

 Kireeti reminded people to continue this discussion on
 the list.

Lyndon Ong talked about work in SG-15 (3 liaisons).

 Liaisons were on ASON routing requirements, response to
 comments on Q14 for G.7713.2 and comments on the CCAMP
 ASON signaling requirements draft.

 Lyndon spent much of the time on the details of response
 to comments on Q14. It seems that some of the differences
 in architectural models revolve around "end-to-end" and
 "call segment" operating models.

Kireeti asked for the reply by date.

Lyndon did not have that.

   Steve Trowbridge said that the meeting starts on April

 Dimitri had a question on the deadline. There is a
 deadline on G.7713 (April 2004), isn't there a similar
 deadline on G.7713.2 (since this is the document to which
 convergence is expected) ?

   Lyndon said that he had not gone into that. He gave a
   reason, but this was not captured in the minutes.

 Deborah said that the liaison for 7713.2 does not say any
 thing about convergence.

   Lyndon said that they are still looking for a "meeting
   of the minds".

 Deborah said that there is an issue with G.7713.2 because
 of compatibility.

   Lyndon said that yes there has been a lot of discussion
   of compatibility questions and requirements.

Kireeti said that we should not discuss this here.

 Steve Trowbridge added some comments that were not
 captured in the minutes.

 Kireeti asked the WG to take this discussion to the list
 and try to keep that discussion on a productive basis.

 Adrian said that he wanted to recognize the efforts of
 the ITU folks in this work.

ASON Requirements and Solutions
Dimitri Papadimitriou presented status of ASON Signaling
Requirements (draft-ietf-ccamp-gmpls-ason-reqts-05.txt.

 The requirements were driven by last year's liaison from
 the ITU.

The discussion slides proposed to defer to the GROW WG (cf. RIFT WG item) concerning the (external) non-IP
reachability issue since much broader than just CCAMP
GMPLS/ASON context

 After this meeting, Dimitri would like to re-spin the
 draft and have a two week last call.

 Lyndon said he want to capture the requirement on "non-IP
 reachability" - whether or not we will work on it here

 Kireeti said that we first need to understand importance
 of this and then we can look to the ADs for guidance on
 handling this.  He also said that we should take some time
 to work out what we want to say to the ITU when we include
 the current draft.

Dimitri Papadimitriou gave status ASON Signaling Solutions
(draft-ietf-ccamp-gmpls-rsvp-te-ason-01.txt) status.

 He would like feedback on whether or not the current draft
 deals correctly with the session attribute object that
 encodes the long call_id (alternatives were also proposed)

 His objective at this point is to try to have a document
 ready for last call for the next IETF 60 meeting in San

 Lyndon suggested that we might remove the comparison with
 G.7713 from the draft.

   Adrian asked if this meant that the interworking draft
   for RFC3473/4 interworking was now obsolete.

     Lyndon said maybe, if interworking is removed as a

Lou Berger talked about Egress Control -
draft-berger-gmpls-egress-control-01.txt -

 Original egress label control became explicit label
 control. This draft attempts to capture the original

 He wants to know if the WG feels that this is ready to
 be a BCP and what the chairs think the next steps should

 Lou re-iterated that the purpose and scope of the draft
 is for clarification. He does not see any value in adding
 to this intent or combining it with other work.

 Adrian then took a poll and nobody objected to take this
 on as a WG item (more than a third were in favor).

Lyndon Ong went over status on ASON Routing Requirements -

He includes in his presentation the Design Team's conclusions as to what there is agreement about what's
missing from GMPLS (delta), and what are the areas on which there is no agreement about what's missing from GMPLS.

Vishal Sharma asked if the three issues (slide 6) were already opened up for discussion on the list, or would they be formally opened up with the DT members initiating
a discussion on these on the list?

   Lyndon Ong replied that a discussion had not been
   formally opened up yet (although people were free to

     Kireeti asked Lyndon to more formally open this
     discussion on the mailing list.

Vishal Sharma said that he supports this.

 Kireeti said he would like - after checking with the AD -
 that we should take this work to the IS-IS and OSPF WGs.

Alex Zinin said this is a good idea.

Tunnel Trace
Ron Bonica presented status on draft-bonica-tunproto-05.txt

 The solution is very similar to Trace-Route but does not
 require that each node in a tunnel supports TTL decrement.

 He gave a few examples as to how the idea in the draft
 will work in a few scenarios.

 There are a couple of outstanding issues:
 - trace requires a route to tunnel head end
 - integration with LSP ping.

He would like to get the draft accepted as a WG draft.

Yakov asked what SPs use today for tunnel tracing.

Ron said that in some case people can use ICMP for MPLS.

 Yakov then asked if we could get a BCP on what people are

   Ron asked if he should resubmit his earlier draft on

Kireeti said that we do not want to decide that now.

Protection and Restoration
Dimitri Papadimitriou presented status on the work of the
Protection and Restoration Team - specifically:
1) draft-ietf-ccamp-gmpls-recovery-analysis-02.txt
2) draft-ietf-ccamp-gmpls-recovery-functional-01.txt
3) draft-ietf-ccamp-gmpls-recovery-terminology-03.txt
4) draft-lang-ccamp-gmpls-recovery-e2e-signaling-02.txt

 He gave estimates on the timing for each of the above
 drafts (estimated completion dates).

 He outlined the changes to the e2e signaling ID (draft 4,

 He encouraged the WG to really read the documents and

Kireeti polled for consensus on the following:

   a) Analysis - last call? Some support, no objection
   b) Functional - last call? Some support, no objection
   c) Terminology - last call? Some support, no objection
   d) e2e Signaling - WG document? Some support, no object

 People at the microphone were asked to take their
 questions to the list.

Kohei said that the e2e Signaling draft does not address the misconnection issues raised in the mailing list.
Dimitri answered that it is addressed in 8.3 of the draft.

Kohei said that the misconnection issue does not happen only in the P&R context but also in more general context and therefore should be addressed in more general context as well.
Kireeti said that the questions should be contiuned to the mailing list.

--- Lou Berger presented an overview of work on Segment Recovery - draft-berger-ccamp-gmpls-segment-recovery-00.txt

 He also talked about what still needs to be done (next
 steps), including more usage scenarios, more explanatory
 text and see if the WG will adopt this work.

 Arthi Ayyangar asked if the association object is required
 even if we are only doing segment recovery (as opposed to
 e2e).  She had follow up questions that Kireeti asked her
 to take to the list.

 Adrian polled for support of accepting this as a WG draft.
 There was moderate support and no objection.

Arthi Ayyangar talked about the status of the merged draft
on Inter-area/AS signaling -

The draft currently represents a full merge - work is still required to strip out redundant and unneeded text.

 She said that the authors encourage people to come forward
 with their comments.  She would also like to see if there
 is interest in this work becoming a WG document.

Vishal Sharma said that the work should apply to general path computation domains and GMPLS LSPs.
In response to Arthi's question on Slide "Outstanding
Issues" (about whether detailed description of various path computation algorithms should be part of this document or separate document(s)), he supported the document being split into a framework document, discussing
signaling, and another document(s), discussing the path computation mechanisms, since the latter do not need to be
In response to Slide "Outstanding Issues: Size of the document" and for clarity, he supported the splitting of the applicability statement into an independent document.

Dimitri agreed on the subject of separating the document.
In addition, he questioned about the relevance of using the LSP_Attributes to signal the signaling method for the
intra-area/-AS provisioning of the LSP.
In particular, he proposed to not include protocol procedures within examples/scenarios that makes the
document difficult to read.

   Arthi asked that Dimitri take his specific comments to
   the list.

 Kireeti said that he agrees that the document needs to be
 split - one as a signaling and another (informational) to
 provide examples for path computation. He also said that
 we need a separate applicability document.

Vishal Sharma then said that he would be happy to help with these tasks.

Vishal Sharma talked about work on Inter-area path

 He provided a brief overview of how it works, and showed
 how it relates to other work in progress. He also listed
 the next steps.

He emphasized that this is really a generic mechanism for
diverse path computation, and protection is one application of it, so the authors would respin with a new
name and emphasis to reflect this."

 Zafar Ali asked how this would work if there is a failure
 at the time during which the backup path is being setup.

Vishal replied that the solutions to this were, so far,
not discussed in the draft, but that there are several options.

He then outlined some of the options. E.g. either default in such a case to a sequential computation, and
use XRO to exclude the link/node where backup path setup
failed, and retry the backup (and optimize both primary and secondary later using the techniques in the draft).
Or, set up the primary and the backup again, using the techniques described in the draft.

Vishal said they would be happy to add some discussion in the document, and welcomed feedback on the list.

Zafar asked how this work relates to PCS/PCE work.
Vishal replied that it could actually be made use of by
the PCS/PCE approach, and could be viewed as complementary.

Kireeti asked that further discussion be taken to the list.

Vishal said he welcomed further feedback on the document.

Dimitri asked why, knowing that the proposed approach works as expected in the intra-domain case when the number of ABRs (where computation can be executed at each
stage) does not increase, this approach is so focused on optimization (since it can't be achieved if this
condition is not met).

Vishal clarified that the focus of the work is to propose a generic mechanism to facilitate diverse path
setup by communicating alternate path info, with optimization a desired goal (for reasons explained in
the document).

Vishal added that given the network model (where border
nodes are not assumed to have visibility in areas other
than their own), the scheme was not trying to be globally optimal.

   Vishal explained that in such cases some selection needs
   to be performed at each stage.

 Kireeti asked that further discussion on this should be
 taken to the list.

 Also, he said that Dimitri had a good point - we need to
 define criteria on which any optimization is based.

Kireeti concluded by saying that path protection and inter-area are both in the charter, but that this document
could only be considered for a WG document after there was discussion about the document on the list.

Control Pane Resilience, Hello Protocol and Graceful Restart
Young Hwa Kim gave a presentation on Requirements for the
Resilience of Control Plane in GMPLS -

 He described the reasons why control plane resilience is

 Zafar asked how control plane resilience is different from
 anything else in IP.

 Steve Trowbridge said that their is also some work in this
 area in the ITU and he would try to get this in as a
 liaison as soon as possible.

 Kireeti said that this is an important discussion and
 there are a lot of things to do. Specific topics should be
 raised on the list when appropriate.

Lou Berger went over Extensions to GMPLS RSVP Graceful

 He emphasized that egress restart is already covered in
 RFC3473 and this work has no effect on that functionality.
 He gave a brief overview and listed open issues.

 Next steps include merging with other restart drafts and
 seeing if this work can become a WG draft.

 Arthi said that she feels that the document focuses too
 much on the ERO. She feels that the draft should address
 other issues and concerns with the mechanism.

Lou asked if she would like to contribute text.

 The chairs then asked for other discussion to go to the

Zafar Ali talked about Extensions to GMPLS RSVP Graceful

 Kireeti said that he appreciated the honesty of the
 authors in acknowledging other work.

 Nurit Sprecher asked about the relationship to FRR and
 similar issues.

   Adrian agreed that these were important issues and had
   been raised on the list in recent days. He asked the
   authors to make sure that they cover the points in the

Zafar then covered modifications to Hello procedures
1) draft-ali-ccamp-rsvp-node-id-based-hello-00.txt
2) draft-ali-ccamp-rsvp-hello-gr-admin-00.txt

He wants to go forward with draft 1 above.

 Adrian polled and there was some interest and no strong

 Kireeti said that this work cannot be informational if
 it has - or proposes - changes to a standard.

Zafar also wants draft 2 to be a WG document.

 Kireeti said that we need to take this to the list, but
 Zafar also needs to socialize the work he is doing so that
 people may decide whether or not this is work we want to

Everything Else
Emmanuel Dotaro gave status of Multi-region protection -

He briefly covered changes since previous versions.

He proposes that we may need to make changes to the
charter to include all of this work. In particular to
include in the charter the complete set of GMPLS mechanisms for integrated control planes, and not only
multi-layer recovery (as it stands today).

 Adrian suggested that the authors need to get more people
 involved in this important work and revisit this later.

Jean-Louis Le Roux - Advertizing TE Capabilities in IGPs

He would like to have this accepted as a WG document.

 Adrian asked to hold off on this until after the OSPF talk

Seisho Yasukawa

He would like to have this accepted as a WG document.

 Regarding both drafts, Kireeti is not sure that this work
 belongs in this WG. The decision is driven by the
 generality of its applicability. If we do take it on, their
 needs to be a functional specification (independent of IGP)
 as well.

He asked that further discussion be taken to the list.

The Following presentations were postponed as we ran out
of time. Adrian made a couple of brief comments as follows:
 Zafar Ali - Explicit Resource Control and Tracking

   This work concerns identification of component links in
   EROs and RROs.

   A small group is currently examining other issues
   concerning identification of component links in all
   aspects of GMPLS. A draft is expected soon. Please mail
   Adrian or the list, if you want to be involved in this

 Lou Berger - Alarm Reporting

   This draft is stable and complete in the view of the

   A quick poll showed some support for this being a WG
   document, and no opposition. This will be taken to the

-- Kohei Shiomoto NTT Network Innovation Laboratories 3-9-11 Midori, Musashino, Tokyo 180-8585, Japan Phone +81 422 59 4402 Fax +81 422 59 6387