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Re: Failure definition w.r.t. SONET/SDH and Protection/Restoration

Hi Amit,

>    Do you mean to say that Data plane & Control plane protection should
be independant of each other??

No, I mean that they MAY be independent.
In particular, if you are using the control plane *and* the data plane to
manage protection on the same set of resources you are bound to get in a
horrible mess.

Seems more reasonable that you would apply data plane protection first and
then apply control plane protection at a higher level.

>    If so, in case of MSP protection in SDH,
>     Control plane should not have any control over the resource pool
>      used for MSP switch.
>    This may lead to lot of unused resource in the network.

It is certain that each layer of protection that you install MAY result in
unused resources. Building multiple layers of protection will, therefore,
potentially build up more and more unused resources. It is the job of
CCAMP to produce the tools that allow operators to build the protection
schemes that they want. It's not really our business to tell them which
schemes to build and when.
