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LSP stitching questions for discussion


Here are some of the questions related to LSP stitching to start a
discussion on the usage of LSP stitching.

1) Are the control plane signaling procedures for LSP stitching as
   described in this ID, (explicit request for LSP stitching on
   LSP segment, different label allocation rules; etc) REQUIRED to stitch
   packet LSPs in data plane ?

2) Are the control plane signaling procedures for LSP stitching as
   described in this ID, (explicit request for LSP stitching on
   LSP segment, different label allocation rules; etc) REQUIRED to stitch
   non-packet LSPs in data plane ?

3) If an e2e LSP crosses a region boundary (based on different TE
   link switching capabilities), then can I use LSP stitching -
   a) control plane procedures for packet LSPs
   b) data plane procedures for packet LSPs
   c) control plane procedures for non-packet LSPs
   d) data plane procedures for non-packet LSPs

4) If the switching type of an e2e LSP is different from that of an LSP
   segment, can I use LSP stitching -
   a) control plane procedures for packet LSPs
   b) data plane procedures for packet LSPs
   c) control plane procedures for non-packet LSPs
   d) data plane procedures for non-packet LSPs

Note that although 3) and 4) appear to be the same, the reason I have
them as different questions is that in one case the TE link switching
capability is examined and in the other case the Generalized Label Request
is examined.
