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RE: Ethernet Control Plane [Was: Re: Frameformat in a l2cs gmpls rnvironment.]

Hi Neil

I concur with Adrian's definition of "IP Control Plane" or "IP-based
Control Plane". 

I think your point is more to the question of where the intelligence to
select the network paths lives. I believe that 
in GMPLS, Path selection and path control is not solely the
responsibility  of "IP-based control plane"  but is enabled by IP
mechanisms to be where it makes sense.   


>-----Original Message----- From: owner-ccamp@ops.ietf.org 
>[mailto:owner-ccamp@ops.ietf.org] On Behalf Of Adrian Farrel
>Sent: Friday, July 22, 2005 7:08 PM
>Hi Neil,
>I think John beat me off the blocks here, but...
>> > GMPLS assumes an IP control plane.
>> An IP control-plane?  There is actually no such animal.
>> Just what the heck does that REALLY mean in GMPLS say?
>Let me explain.  Perhaps I should have said "IP-based
>control plane".  I mean a control plane which:
>- uses IP as its network protocol
>- uses IP addresses to identify control plane resources
>- uses IP addresses to identify data plane resources within
>  the control plane
>- uses protocols developed for use in the Internet.
>> I am not questioning IP as a cl-ps networking protocol
>> *carrying* a signalling protocol (RSVP-TE, or dare I
>> mention PNNI, or any signalling protocol yet to be
>> invented) or a routing protocol (OSPF or ISO or whatever)
>I am glad to hear it.