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Re: Ethernet Control Plane [Was: Re: Frameformat in a l2cs gmpls rnvironment.]

Hi all,
        this is a very long and very interesting thread but IMHO we're
losing the focus.

W.r.t. the draft-papadimitriou-ccamp-gmpls-ethernet-framework-00 I think
that the ID is useful and I hope that this work progress in the CCAMP.
Moreover I'd like to have some words in the ID on the fact that a GMPLS
enabled Eth TNE can work and interwork also with Eth TNEs that are without
GMPLS control plane.  In the LMP section (section 6.4) there is no mention
about control channel, I'd like to have some words on this.

In general I agree that CP is just a way to automatise and speed-up
operation that can be done via NMS and thus seems to me that the VLAN usage
as GMPLS label is good.  Of course we need to go in deep on this matter but
the idea seems good.

Best regards
