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Re: Distribution CPG Protocol

Alex French writes:
 > At 05:16 PM 10/01/2001, Oliver Spatscheck wrote:
 > >Also as stated before. The reason for my support of B.) is not that
 > >I want to ensure QoS. The reason is that as of today many CDNs make
 > >reservations for their customers. If my demand changes I have to change
 > >this reservation. This can be either done by a phone call or
 > >by a protocol. In our current case the contract specifies exactly
 > >how this capacity changes are performed.
 > Oliver,
 > Sure, but how can bandwidth be quantified a an integer? What exactly would 
 > a bandwidth metric of, say, "10", mean?
 > Alex.

That would be negotiated off line in the SLA between the two CDNs.
