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RE: CDNP testbed

We (Apogee Networks) are in. Let me know about the conference call.
- Abhi

-----Original Message-----
From: Oliver Spatscheck [mailto:spatsch@research.att.com]
Sent: Monday, January 29, 2001 7:31 AM
To: cdn@ops.ietf.org
Subject: CDNP testbed

As some of you know we were in the process of building a testbed for
CDN peering last fall. Since I know of at least 3 groups which
indicated interest in continuing with this effort I would like to
set up a conference call to discuss the details. The goal of the testbed is
track the standards effort closely as to provide fast feedback on protocol
designs in a realistic setting. The testbed in its first stage would use DNS
redirection and a pull model. 

At this point I would like to solicit participation in the testbed.
Participation is open to everyone, who is willing to contribute at least one
DNS based redirector and one reverse proxy as part of the testbed connected
the Internet. In our earlier effort we felt that this restriction is useful
to keep the complexity of the testbed reasonable (people tend to suggest
less complex solutions if they have to implement them ...).

So if you are interested please send me an email and I will provide
the dial in information.
