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RE: CDNP testbed

Title: RE: CDNP testbed

Just to reconfirm that you have counted us (Nortel) in


 -----Original Message-----
From:   Oliver Spatscheck [mailto:spatsch@research.att.com]
Sent:   Tuesday, January 30, 2001 1:28 PM
To:     Oliver Spatscheck
Cc:     cdn@ops.ietf.org
Subject:        CDNP testbed

If you haven't replied yet and you want to participate please do so by
tomorrow. As promised I will send out the dial in info to the people who have
replied by COB EST tomorrow.


Oliver Spatscheck writes:
 > As some of you know we were in the process of building a testbed for
 > CDN peering last fall. Since I know of at least 3 groups which
 > indicated interest in continuing with this effort I would like to
 > set up a conference call to discuss the details. The goal of the testbed is to
 > track the standards effort closely as to provide fast feedback on protocol
 > designs in a realistic setting. The testbed in its first stage would use DNS based
 > redirection and a pull model.
 > At this point I would like to solicit participation in the testbed.
 > Participation is open to everyone, who is willing to contribute at least one
 > DNS based redirector and one reverse proxy as part of the testbed connected to
 > the Internet. In our earlier effort we felt that this restriction is useful as
 > to keep the complexity of the testbed reasonable (people tend to suggest
 > less complex solutions if they have to implement them ...).
 > So if you are interested please send me an email and I will provide
 > the dial in information.
 > Oliver