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RE: patent language for all drafts

Title: RE: patent language for all drafts
I am in the process of adding mark's IP part to the draft "known ......".
If any one else need to add any IP related statements please let me know before 3:00 PM today.
-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Day [mailto:markday@cisco.com]
Sent: Thursday, March 01, 2001 1:16 PM
To: Barbir, Abbie [CAR:CC70:EXCH]; cdn
Subject: RE: patent language for all drafts

does this mean that we should resubmit the drafts?  

Yes, that's what I would recommend.  It will not be a catastrophe if some draft is not updated before tomorrow's deadline, but if it can reasonably be done it would be a good thing.  I hope that the change is relatively painless to make.

And of course any draft that isn't updated by tomorrow should still be updated at the next opportunity to do so.
