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known request routing last call

Title: known request routing last call

hi all,

I have fixed the known request routing draft to reflect the latest changes after the 51 IETF,

I do think the terminology is aligned with the Model draft.
Furtheremore, I have added a small section that talks about security.

I would appreciate your feedback on the draft. Please note that this is the last call.
I will post the draft to the IETF list by Thursday.

Note for authors, please make sure that your names and address are correct/complete.



Network Working Group                                      A. Barbir
Internet-Draft                                                Nortel Networks
Expires: May 1, 2002                                      B. Cain
                                                              Cereva Networks
                                                           F. Douglis
                                                              AT&T Labs
                                                           M. Green
                                                           M. Hofmann
                                                           R. Nair
                                                           D. Potter
                                                           O. Spatscheck
                                                              AT&T Labs
                                                        November 1, 2001

                   Known CDN Request-Routing Mechanisms 

Status of this Memo

    This document is an Internet-Draft and is in full conformance with
    all provisions of Section 10 of RFC2026.

    Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
    Task Force (IETF), its areas, and its working groups. Note that
    other groups may also distribute working documents as

    Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six
    months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents
    at any time. It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
    material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

    The list of current Internet-Drafts can be accessed at

    The list of Internet-Draft Shadow Directories can be accessed at

    This Internet-Draft will expire on May 1, 2001.

Copyright Notice

    Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2000). All Rights Reserved.

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Internet-Draft     Known CDN Request-Routing Mechanisms       May 2002


   The work presents a summary of Request-Routing techniques that are used 
   to direct client requests to surrogates based on various policies and 
   possible set of metrics. In this memo the term Request-Routing represents 
   techniques that are commonly called content routing or content redirection. 
   In principle, Request-Routing techniques can be classified under: DNS 
   Request-Routing, Transport-layer Request-Routing, and Application-layer 

1.	Introduction

   The document provides a summary of current known techniques that could
   be used to direct client requests to surrogates based on various policies 
   and possible set of metrics. The task of directing clients' requests to 
   surrogates is also called Request-Routing, Content Routing or Content 

   Request-Routing techniques are commonly used in Content Networks (also 
   known as Content Delivery Networks)[5]. Content Networks include network 
   infrastructure that exists in layers 4 through 7. Content Networks deal
   with the routing and forwarding of requests and responses for content. 
   Content Networks rely on layer 7 protocols such as HTTP [4] OR RTP [8] 
   for transport.

   Request-Routing techniques are generally used to direct client requests 
   for objects to a surrogate or a set of surrogates that could best serve that 
   content. Request-Routing mechanisms could be used to direct client requests
   to surrogates that are within a Content Delivery Network (CDN) [5]. An 
   example of a Request-Routing system occurs when a Content Provider relies 
   on a Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) using DNS Request-Routing to 
   distribute some or all of its content. 

   Request-Routing techniques are used as a vehicle to extend the reach and 
   scale of Content Delivery Networks. There exist multiple Request-Routing 
   mechanisms. At a high-level, these may be classified under: DNS 
   Request-Routing, transport-layer Request-Routing, and application-layer

   A request routing system uses a set of metrics in an attempt to direct 
   users to surrogate that can best serve the request. For example, the 
   choice of the surrogate could be based on network proximity, bandwidth 
   availability, surrogate load and availability of content. Appendix A 
   provides a summary of metrics and measurement techniques that could be used
   in the selection of the best surrogate.

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   The memo is organized as follows: Section 2 provides a summary of known 
   DNS based Request-Routing techniques. Section 3 discusses transport-layer
   Request-Routing methods. In section 4 application-layer Request-Routing 
   mechanisms are explored. Section 5 provides insight on combining the 
   various methods that were discussed in the earlier sections in order to 
   optimize the performance of the Request-Routing System. Appendix A provides 
   a summary of possible metrics and measurements techniques that could be 
   used by the Request-Routing system to choose a given surrogate.

2. DNS based Request-Routing Mechanisms

   DNS based Request-Routing techniques are common due to the ubiquity 
   of DNS as a directory service. In DNS based Request-Routing techniques, 
   a specialized DNS server is inserted in the DNS resolution process.  
   The server is capable of returning a different set of A, NS or CNAME 
   records based on user defined policies, or metrics or combination of both.  

2.1 Single Reply 

   In this approach, the DNS server is authoritative for the entire DNS
   domain or a sub domain.  The DNS server returns the IP address of 
   the best surrogate in an A record to the requesting DNS server. The IP
   address of the surrogate could also be a virtual IP(VIP) address of 
   the best set of surrogates for requesting DNS server.

2.2 Multiple Replies

   In this approach, the Request-Routing DNS server returns multiple replies 
   such as several A records for various surrogates. Common implementations 
   of client site DNS server's cycles through the multiple replies in a 
   Round-Robin fashion. The order in which the records are returned can be 
   used to direct multiple clients using a single client site DNS server.

2.3 Multi-Level Resolution

   In this approach multiple Request-Routing DNS servers can be involved in 
   a single DNS resolution. The rational of utilizing multiple Request-
   Routing DNS servers in a single DNS resolution is to allow one to 
   distribute more complex decisions from a single server to multiple, 
   more specialized, Request-Routing DNS servers. The most common mechanisms 
   used to insert multiple Request-Routing DNS servers in a single DNS 
   resolution is the use of NS and CNAME records. An example would be the 
   case where a higher level DNS server operates within a territory, 
   directing the DNS lookup to a more specific DNS server within that 
   territory to provide a more accurate resolution.

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2.3.1 NS Redirection

   A DNS server can use NS records to redirect the authority of the 
   next level domain to another Request-Routing DNS server. The, 
   technique allows multiple DNS server to be involved in the name 
   resolution process. For example, a client site DNS server resolving
   a.b.c.com would eventually request a resolution of a.b.c.com from the 
   name server authoritative for c.com. The name server authoritative for 
   this domain might be a Request-Routing DNS server. In this case the 
   Request-Routing DNS server can either return a set of A records 
   or can redirect the resolution of the request a.b.c.com to the DNS 
   server that is authoritative for b.c.com using NS records.

   One drawback of using NS records is that the number of Request-Routing 
   DNS servers are limited by the number of parts in the DNS name.  This 
   problem results from DNS policy that causes a client site DNS server 
   to abandon a request if no additional parts of the DNS name are resolved 
   in an exchange with an authoritative DNS server. 

   A second drawback is that the last DNS server can determine the TTL
   of the entire resolution process. Basically, the last DNS server can 
   return in the authoritative section of its response its own NS record. 
   Basically, the last DNS server solely determines the TTL for this record. 
   The client will use this cached NS record for further request resolutions 
   until it expires.

   Another drawback is that some implementations of bind voluntarily
   cause timeouts to simplify their implementation in cases in which a 
   NS level redirect points to a name server for which no valid A 
   record is returned or cached. This is especially a problem if the 
   domain of the name server does not match the domain currently resolved, 
   since in this case the A records, which might be passed in the DNS 
   response, are discarded for security reasons. Another drawback is the 
   added delay in resolving the request due to the use of multiple DNS 

2.3.2 CNAME Redirection

   In this scenario, the Request-Routing DNS server returns a CNAME record to 
   direct resolution to an entirely new domain. In principle, the new domain 
   might employ a new set of Request-Routing DNS servers. 

   One disadvantage of this approach is the additional overhead of resolving 
   the new domain name. The main advantage of this approach is that the number 
   of Request-Routing DNS servers is independent of the format the domain name. 

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2.6 Anycast

   Anycast [6] is an inter-network service that is applicable to networking 
   situations where a host, application, or user wishes to locate a host 
   which supports a particular service but, if several servers support the 
   service, does not particularly care which server is used.  In an anycast 
   service, a  host transmits a datagram to an anycast address and the 
   inter-network is responsible for providing best effort delivery of the 
   datagram to at least one, and preferably only one, of the servers that 
   accept datagrams for the anycast address.

   The motivation for anycast is that it considerably simplifies the task 
   of finding an appropriate server. For example, users, instead of consulting 
   a list of servers and choosing the closest one, could simply type the 
   name of the server  and be connected to the nearest one. By using anycast,
   DNS resolvers would no longer have to be configured with the IP addresses 
   of their servers, but rather could send a query to a well-known DNS anycast

   Furthermore, to combine measurement and redirection, the Request-Routing 
   DNS server can advertise an anycast address as its IP address. The same
   address, is used by multiple physical DNS servers. In this scenario, the 
   Request-Routing DNS server that is the closest to the client site DNS server
   in terms of OSPF and BGP routing will receive the packet containing the DNS 
   resolution request. The server can use this information to make a 
   Request-Routing decision. Drawbacks of this approach are listed below:

       *  The DNS server may not be the closest server in terms of routing 
          to the client.

       *  Typically, routing protocols are not load sensitive. Hence, 
          the closest server may not be the one with the least network

       *  The server load is not considered during the Request-Routing 

2.7 Object Encoding

   Since only DNS names are visible during the DNS Request-Routing, some 
   solutions encode the object type, object hash or similar information into 
   the DNS name. This might vary from a simple division of objects based on 
   object type (such as images.a.b.c.com and streaming.a.b.c.com) to a 
   sophisticate schema in which the domain name contains a unique identifier 
   (such as a hash) of the object. The obvious advantage is that object 
   information is available at resolution time. The disadvantage is that the 
   client site DNS server has to perform multiple resolutions to retrieve a 
   single Web page, which might increase rather than decrease the overall 

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2.8 DNS Request-Routing Limitations 

   Some limitations of DNS based Request-Routing techniques are described below:

       1.  DNS only allows resolution at the domain level. However, an 
           ideal request resolution system should service requests 
           per object level.  

       2.  In DNS based Request-Routing systems servers may be required to 
           return DNS entries with a short time-to-live (TTL)values. This may 
           be needed in order to be able to react quickly in the face of 
           hanging conditions. This in return may increase the volume of 
           requests to DNS servers.

       3.  Some DNS implementations do not always adhere to DNS standards. For 
           example, many DNS implementations do not honor the DNS TTL field.

       4.  DNS Request-Routing is based only on knowledge of the local
           DNS server, as client addresses are not relayed within DNS
           requests. This limits the ability of the Request-Routing system 
           to determine client's proximity to the surrogate.

       5.  DNS servers can request and allow recursive resolution of DNS
           names. For recursive resolution of requests, the Request-Routing 
           DNS server will not be exposed to the IP address of the client's 
           site DNS server. In this case, the Request-Routing DNS server will be 
           exposed to the address of the DNS server that is recursively 
           requesting the information on behalf of the client's site DNS server. 
           For example, imgs.company.com might be resolved by a CDN, but the 
           request for the resolution might come from dns1.company.com as a 
           result of the recursion.

       6.  Users that share a single client site DNS server will be 
           redirected to the same set of IP addresses during the TTL 
           interval. This might lead to overloading of the surrogate 
           during a flash crowd.

       7.  Some implementations of bind can cause DNS timeouts to occur
           while handling exceptional situations.  For example, timeouts 
           can occur for NS redirections to unknown domains.

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3. Transport-Layer Request-Routing

   At the transport-layer finer levels of granularity can be achieved 
   by the close inspection of client's requests. In this approach, the
   Request-Routing system inspects the information available in the first 
   packet of the client's request to make surrogate selection decisions. The 
   inspection of the client's requests provides data about the client's IP 
   address, port information, and layer 4 protocol. The acquired data could 
   be used in combination of user-defined policies and other metrics to 
   determine the selection of a surrogate that is better suited to serve the
   request. The techniques that are used to hand off the session to a more 
   appropriate surrogate are beyond the scope of this document. 

   In general, the forward-flow traffic (client to newly selected surrogate) 
   will flow through the surrogate originally chosen by DNS. The reverse-flow 
   (surrogate to client) traffic, which normally transfers much more data 
   than the forward flow, would typically takes the direct path.

   The overhead associated with transport-layer Request-Routing makes it 
   better suited  for long-lived sessions such as FTP [1]and RTSP [3]. However, 
   it also could be used to direct clients away from overloaded surrogates.

   In general, transport-layer Request-Routing can be combined with DNS 
   based techniques. As stated earlier, DNS based methods resolve clients 
   requests based on domains or sub domains with exposure to the client's DNS 
   server IP address. Hence, the DNS based methods could be used as a first 
   step in deciding on an appropriate surrogate with more accurate refinement 
   made by the transport-layer Request-Routing system.

4. Application-Layer Request-Routing

   Application-layer Request-Routing systems perform deeper examination 
   of client's packets beyond the transport layer header. Deeper examination 
   of client's packets provides fine-grained Request-Routing control down 
   to the level of individual objects. The process could be performed in 
   real time at the time of the object request. The exposure to the client's 
   IP address combined with the fine-grained knowledge of the requested 
   objects enable application-layer Request-Routing systems to provide better 
   control over the selection of the best surrogate.

4.1 Header Inspection

   Applications such as HTTP [4], RTSP [3], and SSL [2] provide hints
   in the initial portion of the session about how the client request
   must be directed. These hints may come from the URL of the content
   or other parts of the MIME request header such as Cookies.

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4.1.1 URL-Based Request-Routing

   A Uniform Resource Locator (URL) [7] consists of a naming scheme followed 
   by a string whose format is a function of the naming scheme. The string 
   must start with a constant prefix "URL:". Within the URL of a object, 
   the first element is the name of the scheme, separated from the rest
   of the object by a colon. The rest of the URL follows the colon in a 
   format depending on the scheme. For example, an FTP URL may optionally 
   specify the FTP data transfer type by which an object is to be retrieved. 
   Most of the methods correspond to the FTP Data Types such as ASCII and 
   IMAGE for the retrieval of a document, as specified in FTP by the "TYPE" 
   Command. The data type is specified by a suffix to the URL.

   In a similar fashion, HTTP and RTSP content requests describe the requested 
   content by its URL. In many cases, this information is sufficient to 
   disambiguate the content and suitably direct the request. In most cases, 
   it may be sufficient to make Request-Routing decision just by examining 
   the prefix or suffix of the URL. 302 Redirection

   In this approach, the client's request is first resolved to a virtual 
   surrogate. Consequently, the surrogate returns an application-specific
   code such as the 302 (in the case of HTTP or RTSP) to redirect the 
   client to the actual delivery node.

   This technique is relatively simple to implement. However, the 
   main drawback of this method is the additional latency involved in 
   sending the redirect message back to the client. In-Path Element

   In this technique, an In-Path element is present in the network in the 
   forwarding path of the client's request. The In-Path element provides 
   transparent interception of the transport connection. The In-Path element 
   examines the client's content requests and performs Request-Routing 

   The In-Path element then splices the client connection to a connection 
   with the appropriate delivery node and passes along the content request. 
   In general, the return path would go through the In-Path element. However, 
   it is possible to arrange for a direct return by passing the address 
   translation information to the surrogate or delivery node through some 
   proprietary means.

   The primary disadvantage with this method is the performance implications of 
   URL-parsing in the path of the network traffic. However, it is generally the 
   case that the return traffic is much larger than the forward traffic.

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   The technique allows for the possibility of portioning the traffic among a 
   set of delivery nodes by content objects identified by URLs. This allows 
   object-specific control of server loading. For example, requests for 
   non-cacheable objects may be directed away from a cache.

4.1.2 Mime Header-Based Request-Routing

   This technique involves the task of using MIME-headers such as Cookie, 
   Language, and User-Agent, in order to select a surrogate.
   Cookies can be used to identify a customer or session by a web site. Cookie
   based Request-Routing provides content service differentiation based on the 
   client. This approach works provided that the cookies belong to the client. 
   In addition, it is possible to direct a connection from a multi-session 
   transaction to be directed to the same server to achieve session-level 

   The language header can be used to direct traffic to a language-specific 
   delivery node. The user-agent header helps identify the type of client 
   device. For example, a voice-browser, PDA, or cell phone can indicate 
   the type of delivery node that has content specialized to handle the 
   content request.

4.1.3 Site-Specific Identifiers

   Site-specific identifiers help authenticate and identify a session from a 
   specific user. This information may be used to direct a content request.

   An example of a site-specific identifier is the SSL Session Identifier. 
   This identifier is generated by a web server and used by the web client in 
   succeeding sessions to identify itself and avoid an entire security 
   authentication exchange. In order to inspect the session identifier, an 
   In-Path element would observe the responses of the web server and determine 
   the session identifier which is then used to associate the session to a 
   specific server. The remaining sessions are directed based on the stored 
   session identifier. 

4.2 Content Modification

   This technique enables a content provider to take direct control over 
   Request-Routing decisions without the need for specific switching devices
   or directory services in the path between the client and the origin server. 
   Basically, a content provider can directly communicate to the client the best 
   surrogate that can serve the request. Decisions about the best surrogate can 
   be made on a per-object basis or it can depend on a set of metrics. The 
   overall goal is to improve scalability and the performance for delivering the 
   modified content, including all embedded objects.

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   In general, the method takes advantage of content objects that consist
   of basic structure that includes references to additional, embedded objects. 
   For example, most web pages, consist of an HTML document that contains plain 
   text together with some embedded objects, such as GIF or JPEG images. The 
   embedded objects are referenced using embedded HTML directives. In general, 
   embedded HTML directives direct the client to retrieve the embedded objects 
   from the origin server. A content provider can now modify references to 
   embedded objects such that they could be fetched from the best surrogate.
   This technique is also known as URL rewriting. The basic types of URL 
   rewriting are discussed in the following subsections.

4.2.1 A-priori URL Rewriting

   In this scheme, a content provider rewrites the embedded URLs before the 
   content is positioned on the origin server. In this case, URL rewriting can 
   be done either manually or by using a software tools that parse the content 
   and replace embedded URLs. 

   A-priori URL rewriting alone does not allow consideration of client specifics 
   for Request-Routing. However, it can be used in combination with DNS Request-
   Routing to direct related DNS queries into the domain name space of the 
   service provider. Dynamic Request-Routing based on client specifics are then 
   done using the DNS approach.

4.2.2 On-Demand URL Rewriting

   On-Demand or dynamic URL rewriting, modifies the content when the client 
   request reaches the origin server. At this time, the identity of the  
   client is known and can be considered when rewriting the embedded URLs. In 
   particular, an automated process can determine, on-demand, which surrogate 
   would serve the requesting client best. The embedded URLs can then be 
   rewritten to direct the client to retrieve the objects from the best 
   surrogate rather than from the origin server.

4.2.3 Content Modification Limitations

   Content modification as a Request-Routing mechanism suffers from the 
   following limitations:

       1.  The first request from a client to a specific site must be served 
           from the origin server.

       2.  Content that has been modified to include references to nearby 
           surrogates rather than to the origin server should be marked as non-
           cacheable. Alternatively, such pages can be marked to be cacheable 
           only for a relatively short period of time. Rewritten URLs on cached 
           pages can cause problems, because they can get outdated and point to 
           surrogates that are no longer available or no longer good choices.

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5. Combination of Multiple Mechanisms

   There are environments in which a combination of different mechanisms can be
   beneficial and advantageous over using one of the proposed mechanisms alone. 
   The following example illustrates how the mechanisms can be used in 

   A basic problem of DNS Request-Routing is the resolution granularity that 
   allows resolution on a per-domain level only. A per-object redirection cannot 
   easily be achieved. However, content modification can be used together with 
   DNS Request-Routing to overcome this problem. With content modification, 
   references to different objects on the same origin server can be rewritten to 
   point into different domain name spaces. Using DNS Request-Routing, requests 
   for those objects can now dynamically be directed to different surrogates.

6. Security Considerations

The main objective of this document is to provide a summary of current Request-Routing techniques. Such techniques are currently implemented in the Internet. The document acknowledges that security must be addressed by any entity that implements any technique that redirects client's requests. However, the details of such techniques are beyond the scope of this document.

7. Acknowledgements

   The authors acknowledge the contributions and comments of Ian Cooper
   (Equinex), Nalin Mistry, Wayne Ding (Nortel) and Eric Dean (CrystalBall).

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                                    Appendix A


   Request-Routing systems can use a variety of metrics in order 
   to determine the best surrogate that can serve a client's request.
   In general, these metrics are based on network measurements and 
   feedback from surrogates. It is possible to combine multiple metrics 
   using both proximity and surrogate feedback for best surrogate 
   selection. The following sections describe several well known metrics 
   as well as the major techniques for obtaining them.

A.1 Proximity Measurements

   Proximity measurements can be used by the Request-Routing system to 
   direct users to the "closest" surrogate.  In a DNS Request-Routing 
   system, the measurements are made to the client's local DNS server. 
   However, when the IP address of the client is accessible more accurate 
   proximity measurements can be obtained.

   Furthermore, proximity measurements can be exchanged between surrogates and 
   the requesting entity. In many cases, proximity measurements are "one-way" 
   in that they measure either the forward or reverse path of packets from the 
   surrogate to the requesting entity. This is important as many paths in the 
   Internet are asymmetric.

   In order to obtain a set of proximity measurements, a network may employ 
   active probing techniques and/or passive measurement techniques. The 
   following sections describe these two techniques.

A.1.1 Active Probing

   Active probing is when past or possible requesting entities are probed 
   using one or more techniques to determine one or more metrics from each 
   surrogate or set of surrogates. An example of a probing technique is an 
   ICMP ECHO Request that is periodically sent from each surrogate or set of 
   surrogates to a potential requesting entity. 

   In any active probing approach, a list of potential requesting entities need 
   to be obtained.  This list can be generated dynamically. Here, as requests 
   arrive, the requesting entity addresses can be cached for later probing.  
   Another potential solution is to use an algorithm to divide address space 
   into blocks and to probe those blocks. Limitations of active probing 
   techniques include:

       1.  Measurements can only be taken periodically.
       2.  Firewalls and NATs disallow probes.
       3.  Probes often cause security alarms to be triggered on     
           intrusion detection systems.

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A.1.2 Passive Measurement

   Passive measurements could be obtained when a client performs data 
   transfers to or from a surrogate.  Here, a bootstrap mechanism is 
   used to direct the client to a bootstrap surrogate. Once the client 
   connects, the actual performance of the transfer is measured. This 
   data is then fed back into the Request-Routing system.

   An example of passive measurement is to watch the packet loss from a
   client to a surrogate by observing TCP behavior.  Latency measurements can 
   also be learned by observing TCP behavior. The limitations of passive 
   measurement approach are directly related to the bootstrapping mechanism. 
   Basically, a good mechanism is needed to ensure that not every surrogate is 
   tested per client in order to obtain the data.

A.1.3 Metric Types

   The following sections list some of the metrics, which can be used
   for proximity calculations.  

       *  Latency: Network latency measurements metrics are used to
          determine the surrogate (or set of surrogates) that has the
          least delay to the requesting entity.  These measurements can
          be obtained using either an active probing approach or a
          passive network measurement system.

       *  Packet Loss: Packet loss measurements can be used as a
          selection metric. A passive measurement approach can easily
          obtain packet loss information from TCP header information.
          Active probing can periodically measure packet loss from

       *  Hop Counts: Router hops from the surrogate to the requesting
          entity can be used as a proximity measurement.

       *  BGP Information: BGP AS PATH and MED attributes can be used to
          determine the "BGP distance" to a given prefix/length pair.
          In order to use BGP information for proximity measurements, it
          must be obtained at each surrogate site/location.

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A.2 Surrogate Feedback

   The Request-Routing system can use feedback from surrogates in order 
   to select a "least-loaded" delivery node.  Feedback can be delivered 
   from each surrogate or can be aggregated by site or by location. 

A.2.1 Probing

   Feedback information may be obtained by periodically probing a surrogate 
   by issuing an HTTP request and observing the behavior. The problems with 
   probing for surrogate information are:

       1.  It is difficult to obtain "real-time" information.
       2.  Non-real-time information may be inaccurate.

   Consequently, feedback information can be obtained by agents that reside on
   surrogates that can communicate a variety of metrics about   their nodes.

A.2.2 Well Known Metrics

   The following provides a brief summary of several of the popular metrics
   that is used for surrogate feedback:

       *  Surrogate CPU Load.
       *  Interface Load / Dropped packets.
       *  Number of connections being served.
       *  Storage I/O Load.

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7. References

    [1] Postel, J., "File Transfer Protocol", RFC 765, June 1980,

    [2] Dierks, T. and C. Allen, "The TLS Protocol Version 1", RFC
         2246, January 1999.

    [3] Schulzrinne, H., Rao, A. and R. Lanphier, "Real Time Streaming
        Protocol", RFC 2326, April 1998.

    [4] Fielding, R., Gettys, J., Mogul, J., Frystyk, H., Masinter, L.,
        Leach, P. and T. Berners-Lee, "Hypertext Transfer Protocol --
        HTTP/1.1", RFC 2616, June 1999.

    [5] Day, M., Cain, B. and G. Tomlinson, "A Model for CDN Peering",
        (Group Last Call). 

    [6] Partridge, C., Mendez, T., Milliken W., "Host Anycasting Service", 
        RFC 1546, November, 1993.

    [7] Berners-Lee, T., Masinter, L., McCahill, M., "Uniform Resource Locator
        (URL), RFC 1738,May 1994.

    [8] H. Schulzrinne, H., Fokus, G.,  Casner, S., Frederick, R., 
        Jacobson, V., "RTP: A Transport Protocol for Real-Time 
        Applications", RFC 1889, January 1996. 

8. Authors' Addresses

    Abbie Barbir
    Nortel Networks
    3500 Carling Avenue, Nepean Ontario K2H 8E9 Canada
    EMail: abbieb@nortelnetworks.com

    Brad Cain
    Cereva Networks
    EMail: bcain@cereva.com

    Fred Douglis
    AT&T Labs
    Room B137
    180 Park Ave, Bldg 103
    Florham Park, NJ  07932, US
    EMail: douglis@research.att.com

Cain, et. al.            Expires May 1, 2002                  [Page 15]

Internet-Draft     Known CDN Request-Routing Mechanisms       May 2002

    Mark Green
    650 Almanor Avenue
    Sunnyvale, CA  94086, US
    EMail: markg@cacheflow.com

    Markus Hofmann
    Lucent Technologies
    Room 4F-513
    101 Crawfords Corner Rd.
    Holmdel, NJ  07733, US
    EMail: hofmann@bell-labs.com

    Raj Nair
    Cisco Systems
    50 Nagog Park
    Acton, MA  01720, US
    EMail: rnair@cisco.com

    Doug Potter
    Cisco Systems
    50 Nagog Park
    Acton, MA  01720, US
    EMail: dougpott@cisco.com

    Oliver Spatscheck
    AT&T Labs
    Room B131
    180 Park Ave, Bldg 103
    Florham Park, NJ  07932, US
    EMail: spatsch@research.att.com

Cain, et. al.            Expires May 1, 2002                  [Page 16]

Internet-Draft     Known CDN Request-Routing Mechanisms       May 2002

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