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RE: [idn] Re: An idn protocol for consideration in making the req uirements

At 14:41 09.02.00 +0100, Karlsson Kent - keka wrote:

>And still no-one has even made it plausible that some DNS
>servers will 'fall over and die' if presented with 8-bit
>data.  And if some DNS servers do, then they are so
>vulnarable to attack that they should be upgraded or
>decommissioned ASAP anyway.

I'm just a little worried about the web servers.
The DNS itself has been binary transparent (in theory) since Day 1.

I'm quite a bit more worried about the 100001 applications that log DNS 
names, that save DNS names, that cut and paste DNS names, that 
reverse-lookup DNS names....... that's where I see the real possibility of 
enough trouble that people will refuse to accept the IDN result.


Harald Tveit Alvestrand, EDB Maxware, Norway