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Re: [idn] draft-ietf-idn-requirements-03.txt [12.5] & [13]

Nice work, Zita!

At 8:21 PM +0000 6/29/00, Zita Wenzel wrote:
>[12.5] "IDN MUST NOT return illegal code points in responses, SHOULD
>reject queries with illegal codepoints." (1 request to add; 1 request
>to remove)

I didn't see this thread on the mailing list. I like the statement, 
and I would hope to see it in any protocol, but I'm not sure it is a 
*requirement* for IDN.

>[13] One request to remove.

That was me. :-) So far, all the drafts except one are either 
ACE-only or a combination of binary-and-ACE. The one exception has 
barely been discussed in many months. Thus, I really think [13] must 
fall out (and should have never been there in the first place). What 
is the justification for this requirement? It sounds like a design 
goal for one of the protocols.

--Paul Hoffman, Director
--Internet Mail Consortium