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RE: [idn] Interactions between short-term and long-term

| Then we switch to UTF-8. There's a transition period where some clients
| send ACE franXais.com and some clients send UTF-8 franXais.com. Both of
| these will have to work! The registrar and domain owner have to copy all
| their ACE data to UTF-8 data, and make subsequent changes in both forms.

  Seems like the nameserver could take care of this automagically if such
a protocol extension were to be defined in the future.

  Meaning, in dumb pseudocode:

  foreach label (zone) {
    if ((label is ACE) and (auto_generate_utf8_flag is TRUE) ){
      utf8_label = acetoutf8(label);
    } elseif ((label is UTF8) and (auto_generate_ace_flag is TRUE)) {
      ace_label = utf8toace(label);
    } else {

  This assumes that all labels have been nameprepped, although that checking
could also be done if necessary before the data is loaded.
