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RE: [idn] WALID, Inc. IP Statement

Dave Crooker wrote Saturday, April 28, 2001 1:43 AM

> 3.  The working group, therefore, either simply caves in, if it
> there are no alternatives, or it finds an alternative engineering path

> around the patent.

Instead of waiting for Walid, should we be looking at what other
alternatives exists.  Do people have any thoughts on what the possible
two-three major alternatives may be.  

I would like to hear what the members of this WG thoughts are?

Respectfully, Russ Rolfe

-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Crocker [mailto:dhc@dcrocker.net]
Sent: Saturday, April 28, 2001 1:43 AM
To: idn@ops.ietf.org
Subject: Re: [idn] WALID, Inc. IP Statement

At 12:01 AM 4/28/2001, J. Douglas Hawkins wrote:
>WALID, Inc. is genuinely committed to finding a solution that will
>the WG to fulfill its standards-setting objective of selecting the best
>available technology for the RFC, yet at the same time we have a duty
to act
>responsibly with respect to our employees and shareholders. We are
>seeking a solution that will fairly balance the rights and interests of
>parties, while also taking into account the broader interests of the 
>Internet community.

1.  Walid is taking rather a long time to resolve this matter, in spite
the periodic public statements about its intentions.  Walid should have
a clear and constructive proposal at the last IETF meeting, but did 
not.  We are now some time down the path and are hearing more promises
intent, but not seeing anything concrete.

2.  The above paragraph from Walid makes clear that Walid seeks to
from license fees.  Whether they are equitably applied, or not, is 
irrelevant. "...responsibility to ... shareholders" is not language used

for a defensive patent.  It is used for the bottom line.

3.  The working group, therefore, either simply caves in, if it believes

there are no alternatives, or it finds an alternative engineering path 
around the patent.


Dave Crocker   <mailto:dcrocker@brandenburg.com>
Brandenburg InternetWorking   <http://www.brandenburg.com>
tel: +1.408.246.8253;   fax: +1.408.273.6464