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[idn] time to move

	In december, the wg came to a rough concensus on the idna-nameprep-ace 
proposals to be forwarded as the recommendation of the wg to the IESG. In 
the recent months, a patent claim was discussed.  Some members of the wg 
told the wg that they do not think that the proposals are covered by a 
patent claim.  Other members of the wg are uncertain about patent's 
relevance to the wg.  No formal legal opinions have been offered to the group.
	The current working group documents are:

These documents may have further revisions. Final revision would be sent 
for wg last call. The ACE design team is waiting for the confirmation of 
the wg orientation to propose to the wg the ACE choice.
	The chairs would like to make an electronic straw poll to reverify the 
concensus obtained in december. You have to understand that this will help 
the chairs to identify concensus.  If we think we have reached concensus, 
then the authors of the documents as well as the ACE design team will be 
requested to finish their work so that all documents would be forwarded to 

	The results of the straw poll will be public.

	Please follow the instructions below. Send a email to 
   with in the subject: AgreeOnIdna-nameprep-ace   if you agree with 
retaining the IDNA technical approach
  or with in the subject: DisagreeOnIdna-nameprep-ace   if you disagree 
with pursuing IDNA and, instead, feel that an alternative approach should 
be pursued.

If you agree, you need not put anything in the body!
If you disagree, then the body of the email should contain a reference to a 
internet draft suggested as your alternative.

For your convenience:
Agree: mailto:idn-concensus@viagenie.qc.ca?Subject:AgreeOnIdna-nameprep-ace

The straw poll will conclude on wednesday May 23rd 2001, 23h59 
GMT.  Counting will be done by a few members of the working group (Dave 
Crocker, Rick Wesson, James Seng, Marc Blanchet) and results will be posted 
as soon as possible.

Thanks for participating

Marc & James.