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[idn] Working direction of IDN


Answer to James Seng's comment:

>Correct me if I am wrong...from your email, you are suggesting that IDN
>to be encoded in a strings based on its symbols which makes up the
>script. While this is an intriguing thought, unfortunately, I do not
>think we have sufficient work done in that direction.

>Our current works basically resolves using ISO10646 as a basis for
>encoding names. Whatever limitation ISO10646 has, it is improving.

I am suggesting that IDN to be encoded in a strings based on its symbols 
which makes up the script. 

	Although IDN has no need to concern with trademarks at this time, it is
the idn limitation to support only [ISO10646] bothers me.  [ISO10646]
does not support all Chinese characters, since Chinese character set has
more than 100,000 characters already.  There are cases that we can not
find a live person's name on our current computers, don't  mention the
dead ones.  At the speed of computer and network development, when the
applications catch up with us, millions of more data going to be on the
net for accessing.  Are we going to revamp our idn again?  I can suggest
an ACE using a recursive rule to handle any symbols that are not possible
to be simply folded onto ASCII character set.  Such an ACE creats a
virtue character set, which is possible
 to include any characters or icons requested by a user, as long as that
icon has been encoded by an ACE somewhere on the net.  When the IDN can
take more than 63 octets or v6 or v8, the ACE can follow without
troubling the users.  Let alone the idea to send Unicode down to the
wire.  It is not user friendly, it is make no sense for the tradename

Liana Ye