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Re: [idn] time to move

> Keith,
> > If you want to "get to" utf-8 you're trying to solve a different
> > problem.
> Do you really think that Martin is proposing a different problem?

yes.  though he might not realize it.

> > If you insist that that problem be piggybacked on the
> > IDN problem then you're trying to make the IDN problem more difficult
> > than it needs to be.
> Do you really think that John's proposal fits this test poorer than the
> proposal either you've ascribed to Martin, or Martin has actually made?

I have trouble parsing this, so I might have misunderstood it.

But I think that both the problem that John appears to be trying to solve 
and the problem that Martin appears to be trying to solve are more 
difficult than the problem that the IDN WG is trying to solve.  

I think solving the IDN WG's problem is very worthwhile.  

I think solving Martin's problem is also very worthwhile, but I don't want 
to couple that solution to the IDN solution; I think doing so would 
delay the IDN solution too long, and as a result we would end up with a large 
variety of poor and non-interoperable solutions being deployed.

I'm not convinced that John's problem is solvable, but I think it's worth 
investigating.  But I don't want to couple this problem with the IDN problem either.

> > this discussion can serve no further purpose.
> So how about those NATs?

they're the handiwork of the devil, of course.   what else is new?
